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The Burning Plague


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After five months of suffering from a strange disease the town of Duvnik's Pass had earned a reputation to the surrounding areas. The mayor was looking for a band of adventures for quite some time but finally only a couple of mercenaries, completely strange to each other had responded.
Val looked at Felborn nervously. He had got used to the drider’s company but he wasn’t sure if everyone else felt the same. Dorund felt strangely as he was sitting next to the drider and as he had never heard about drow elves with spider bodies, he was surely surprised when he first saw Felborn. Dev, on the other hand, had learned much about the Dark Elves and their culture.
Finally, after five minutes of silence the mayor talked to the group of people that stood before him: “As you may know, I have gathered you here to give you an assignment critical to the survival of this town. I want you to go to the mines which are stationed outside the city and clear them of the creatures that have captured it… and possibly find a way to clear the water which, as you may already know, has been infected with a great disease, the “Burning Plague”. Of course you will be rewarded well for you services, everything you might find inside the mine is yours and after the completion of this mission each of you will receive 300 gold pieces.”
Jarvilles was the first to talk: “As long as you can pay for my services, I pledge myself to your cause”. “Funny”, Drake thought, ”If you asked me four months ago, I would say the same thing, but now it is different”. Mayor Cristofar said again: “Does everyone agree with my terms?”. Dev and Val shook their heads. Drake, Dorund and Felborn simply said “okay”.

A cool breeze drifted down from the towering peaks of the mountains around the Moon Pass, as the band of adventurers behold the entrance to the caverns. The frost-rimed ground was littered with tools, picks and shovels, some of which protruded from soft banks of snow. A single darkened shaft leaded into the depths of the mine ahead. The dirt path beneath its wooden support structure was covered with stone debris, a few pieces of which occasionally glint with the slightest hint of ore. No light issues forth from the tunnel. Burnt-out torches were strewn across the floor, their brackets torn from the shaft walls. Behind the adventurers, the worn road leaded back through the crags to the valley below. Aside from the quiet whistling of the wind, complete silence filled the small clearing within the mountains.

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Argent Silvermage

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Val looked at his 'comrades' with a mix of apprehension and appriciation. "Well it looks like we're here. Ilmater bless our journey and Helm bless our aim."
He stood a bit short for a half elf, closer to his elven heritage. His fine features wrapped in his traveling cloak a deep brown as were his vestments. He had been raveling for a while with Felborn an while they have become friends (both being halfbreeds as it were) It was difficult to find aid along the way, a Drider is not very welcome in above ground territories.

"I might as well do this right." he said and pulled out his wooden holy symbol and started chanting an old elvish prayer of deliverance and protection. After a moment he looked up and said "I'm ready."


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During the journey to the entrance of the mine, Felborn kept to himself and stayed away from Jarviles' mount, Musha, for fear of frightening it. Felborn didn't expect any easygoing greetings and chummy slaps on the back from his newfound companions...heck, he probably would have ran away from himself, if he looked in the mirror! So, he did his best to maintain a cheerful but solemn expression that seemed to suit the current situation best.

Upon reaching the clearing, he looks about observing the evidence of an unplanned and rapid abandonment of this functional mine. A moment after Val's prayer, Felborn speaks up in Common, "I wonder if we are indeed the first ones to dare venture in. Surely the miners were vast in number and would have wanted to reclaim it, if the threat was not overwhelming. As I may most well adapted to the dark, mayhaps I would take point and scout for the group." From Felborn's tone, it was evident that he disliked exposing his flank to near-perfect strangers. Most likely, his suggestion came as a result of the need to prove something to the others.


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Rather satisfied with the 300 gp reward, Jarvilles was a liitle bit surprised by his new companions. He expected heavily armed and armored warriors like him and almost none of them even wear an armor. "How are they going to fight ?" he asks himself. "On the other hand, we have a nice giant spider", he thinks with a glance to the drider.

When Felborn proposes doing some scouting, he agrees with him : "I think it's a good idea but be careful. Maybe, it will be safer to be with someone who can also see well into darkness" he says with a questionning look at the rest of the party. "If you are in trouble, shout out and I'll run to you", he adds, grapping the hilt of his flail.

Argent Silvermage

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"Don't worry Felborn. I and Ilmater are with you. Come my friends Lets go. the sooner we are done this the sooner we can relax." Val says. "But I would think that sir Dwarf should go first. He is heavily armored and a tunnel dweller plus can see in total darkness. Felborn should bring up the rear, and I'll be somewhere in the middle to lend my prayers to all who need them."


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Drake looks around at each party member and falls into his memory of how in the world he got himself into this. Drake was on the run for some time always looking back over his shoulder , he never knew what type of assiassin a pasha might send. But then he stumbled in this mess and now he was looking into a cave of darkness with no telling what was in there.

"Well , sounds like a plan to me. Lets get this show on the road." With that Drake enters the tunnel behind the dwarf. He will move siliently and hide in the shadows whenever possible.
( +6 on both).


Dev gulped down his cold fear when he saw the drider. "Well, he thought to himself, he doesn't look too dangerous. Heheh. " Cold sweat ran down his spine during the trek to the mines. He tried to stay as far away from the drider as possible.

When the party arrived to the mine and after hearing Val's "plan" he decided to stay near the priest. Followers of Ilmater have always been the kindest of folk. He also slowly loaded his crossbow with grunt. These human sized weapon were difficult to reload.


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Dourund eyes the drider suspiciously as he unhooks his two axes.

Rolling his eyes at the theif hiding behind him, he began the short walk to the cave's mouth. "Lets just see what we've got in here. No point dallying"

Voidrunner's Codex

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