11 / 11 / 05
“To the Victor- The Spoils”

Black sands heaves the dying body of the troll into the molten goo to advance on the next one. Sharshek and Cedious drop one also. This one collapses and falls into the molten substance on its own. The two remaining Trolls advance quickly. At this point, these three warriors are not aware of the battle above.

The two gauths fire beams of energy at the two spellcasters keeping them at bay. The one aberration is very weak after receiving two Searing Light blasts from Vale. “This wand is Wondrous!” yells the Druid –Mage as he tries to do something worthwhile with it. Another blast of wind comes out. The aberration easily levitates through it.

Cedious takes another serious hit and wants to back away but finds he, Sharshek and Black sands are now all fighting back to back as the two Trolls hold them in place. “We could be back in Fairhaven having a drink at RJ’s watching the waitress with the faulty button top but nooooooo….here we are being =cough cough= cooked and ripped apart by FIRE LOVING #@&%* TROLLS!!!!!!”

A Gauth at this moment falls dead nearby. A Melf’s acid arrow still eating away its insides. “Wha….” Asks Sharshek while watching the Trolls.

“One to go! We are going to.” He stops suddenly in mid sentence. A paralyzing beam has hit him. Vale castes Sanctuary onto himself and the now defenseless halfling and hopes to avoid any fatal issues.

Another Troll gives way leaving only one. Cedious is nearly out as the fumes are threatening to overcome the seriously injured rogue. The Gauth gives up on the spell casters and goes after easier pray below as the last Troll dies.

“Ah Crap!” yells Cedious as the room tilts and becomes blurry to him. Suddenly he feels better as Vale heals him with a healing ray.

[I could heal him this way only once. Once he gets his DEX back I can’t touch him]

Black sands switches to a bow as Cedious, feeling better, gives Sharshek one of his TWO rings of Ram. The remaining Gauth is battered and brought down. “I want that thing for my trophy bag!” yells the ½ Giant as he hits the creature with another arrow. It begins to falter and finally falls and lands on a catwalk.

While he collects his morbid prize the others get healing potions and the cleric to fix them up. Now given their first time to look around, they search the room.

There is a chest in the corner, the center swinging catwalk has many bodies wrapped up in chains on it and there are free-floating chains at the one ladder.

Cedious goes to the chest to inspect it. Taskerdoo, now free of the magic effects of paralyzation, uses Detect magic to look around and sees MANY points of magic within this room and especially above him on the swinging catwalk. Sharshek and Vale look around and find several small bags or lose items of interest. Black sands collects his morbid prize and ponders what it would look like if hollowed out and used as a helmet.

Cedious finds and disarms the trap then carefully opens the chest. To Taskerdoo, the chest encases a small star. Cedious begins to giggle and clap his hands like a demented freak as he goes through the chest. “Mine…Mine… Party treasure…MINE…Mine….”

Vale finds a Dagger with slight Magic (Dagger +1) and Sharshek finds the blackened bones of what he figures was a Bugbear. It wears a Ring of Sustenance.

From what Taskerdoo can figure, there was an adventuring party of bugbears that were attacked here. Wrapped in the chains are the remains of eight bugbear skeletons with most of their gear- adventurer’s gear- magical gear! Suddenly Drogan’s Trap isn’t so bad a place to be afterall.

The rogue puts on a Ring of Wishes, Hides a few potions of Cure Serious Wounds and a sets aside a large journal, some fine looking Bracers of Armor (+6) and …an Adamantine Master Worked Rapier.

On the catwalk, Taskerdoo finds goodies for everyone. Longsword +3, Battle Axe +2- Bane vs aberrations, Dagger+5 of Shocking Three potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, a potion of Levitation, Staff of Charming, a Wand of Bear’s Endurance and a Wand of Eagle’s Splendor. He places a Headband of Intellect +2 on his own head and considers the Amulet of Health +4. There is also one set of Leather Armor+3 and a Tome of Understanding. He nearly wets himself. Then Sharshek points out a bag on the upper levels and he checks this out. A spellbook!

In the spellbook are many spells for humanoids. Low Light Vision, Major Resistance, Lion’s Charge, Hailstones, Air Breathing and Weapon of Energy.

Using the levitation abilities they possess, they discover an Immovable Rod supports the hanging chains. They deactivate it and take this also.

Vale finds a nice Club +3 on a lone catwalk.

Sadly, Taskerdoo also discovers the Gauth nest. Inside are the remains of humanoid babies and children. “This is so wrong!”

Dirty, coughing, sweaty and most bleeding, the party exists the Molten Room with their prizes.

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How did they manage to keep the trolls down? I thought they regenerated from everything but acid damage with the Fire Elemental template? What happened? I wanted to see a semi-TPK! :(

On the other hand... the party discovers once again why it's good to be an adventurer. :]

Quick question, what level is the party at now?
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They regeneate until they reach -10. Beat them down enough and eventually they do not recover.

course that can change if I ever feel very evil.....

Solarious said:
So... when is the next fatality? :]

Are my premonitions correct and it's right around the corner? :D

All survived but something I didn't include was how I (Vale) was forced to do some healing so that people wouldn't pass out from the accummilated non-lethal damage from breathing in the toxic fumes. Cedious was 1 point from passing out and Vale within 10 which is a lot since he has up high away from the greater heat and concentrated fumes.

I thought I was going to lose either Cedious, Vale or Taskerdoo when became paralyzed. No such luck er.... didn't happen.

Time will tell.

11 / 11 / 05
“Ring of Wishes”

“I would be careful with that.” Warns Vale

“I have it under control.”

“He is right, a means for wishes is powerful but also can be equally dangerous.” Adds Taskerdoo as he pulls out the Tome to begin studying.

“I….Have…It….Under….Control.” growls the rogue.

Vale makes a prayer then walks as far away from the dangerous rogue as possible.

“Could you wish me a magical weapon?” asks Black sands. Ignored, he walks away to inspect his bag of goodies again.

[ DM NOTES- I insist players to write out their wishes]

Eyeing Taskerdoo’s new book he says (writes)-


Nothing. He scratches his head then looks into his magical haversack and finds a book within. Reading a few pages he realizes his has requested the wrong thing. By reading this- his skills involving DEX will improve. NOT his DEX in general.


Both weapons glow and everyone holds their breath. Having worked with an artificer, he should have known-

His weapon becomes a +2 Rapier of Flaming.

[ DM NOTES- Took the section of “Power Embued” treated it as quantitative energies. +2 and +1 keen = +3 total. Had him roll to see what would come up that equaled a +3 market value. ]

Slightly disappointed, he looks at his weapon as it flares up as he swings it, Cedious hopes to one day have a +5 vorpal adamantine Rapier. Some day…..

So Cedious squanders his wish. I was sort of expecting that.

And the second note is that Regeneration works so that all damage except what they are vulnerable against deals nonleathal damage against them, and regenerates that by the regeneration score. You can't kill anything with nonlethal damage, by RAW. Of course, I guess that you could go a little easier on them since they don't really have a reliable source of acidic damage. I wonder if the great Cedious would have been forced to flee if that hadn't happened. :]

Solarious said:
So Cedious squanders his wish. I was sort of expecting that.

And the second note is that Regeneration works so that all damage except what they are vulnerable against deals nonleathal damage against them, and regenerates that by the regeneration score. You can't kill anything with nonlethal damage, by RAW. Of course, I guess that you could go a little easier on them since they don't really have a reliable source of acidic damage. I wonder if the great Cedious would have been forced to flee if that hadn't happened. :]

you are so mean to me *cries* :(

Cedious said:
you are so mean to me *cries* :(
It has nothing to do with meanness. It's all just business, see? I'm equally cruel to all characters, therefore I can be called an impartial tormentor. My inner sadism is satisfied, lynch mobs become uneccessary, and nobody gets evicerated. Everybody wins! :D

Well, except for everyone else. :] But who's keeping score? :p

I did take some liberalities with their regeneneration. This kept it fun while still being very dangerous.

If I was only about killing the PCs the trolls would have bullrushed and just thrown PCs into the molten goo causing them to take 20d6 damage each round as they swam in it.

Evil but not THAT evil....

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