D&D General The D&D Cartoon is set in Faerun since when?

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If I had to guess, I'd say there's every likelihood that they could've went to Faerun before they ever made it home, IF they ever made it home.

The D&D cartoon show is essentially a deadlier version of Jumanji, I think. And as far as them disagreeing about Hank being the leader, I know that came up in at least one episode that was produced I'm pretty sure, and I'm pretty sure that was part of the unproduced episode where they reveal the truth about Venger.

Not a much of a retcon as you think. Go back to a comic book from the early 90s. The party goes into a pub, Elminster is in there. Presto asks for assistance in learning magic and Elminster takes him all over Forgotten Realms.

They've been Realmslore since then. I know Warduke showed up in 3e as well.

They dimensional teleported over. Original ending to the series (that never got made) they had portals to other worlds to continue their adventures.

Warduke existed before the cartoon. Greyhawk, I think? So did many of the other villains.

In Baldurs Gate 2 you find out they died, apparently.

Heck I think the cartoon existed before Faerun was a thing?

Them being in Faerun is fine, I just don't get why WotC went with "They've always been here!" when they could have used "They teleported here!".

But whatever. What WotC has done to other "Realms", this is a drop in the bucket.

Weren't there floating earthburgs in the sky? Not sure where those are supposed to be in the Realms, and until they can place that, the retcon is about as invalid asyou can get.

They dimensional teleported over. Original ending to the series (that never got made) they had portals to other worlds to continue their adventures.

Warduke existed before the cartoon. Greyhawk, I think? So did many of the other villains.

In Baldurs Gate 2 you find out they died, apparently.

Heck I think the cartoon existed before Faerun was a thing?

Them being in Faerun is fine, I just don't get why WotC went with "They've always been here!" when they could have used "They teleported here!".

But whatever. What WotC has done to other "Realms", this is a drop in the bucket.
WOTC in raspy voice, "We changed lore. Pray that we don't change the lore further!"

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