The easiest & quickest RPGs?


Liquid Awesome
Pbartender said:
I've played it... Lot's of fun. You can learn to play it in less than 5 minutes, character generation included.

Yep. I've run Risus one-shots at the NC Game Day and GenCon and people who had never even heard of the system before they walked in the room were playing just fine within minutes. Character creation takes as little as 2 minutes. NPC creation might take you ten seconds.

It can be used for any genre. I've run superheroes and am currently using it for a solo modern mystery/horror game. I've played in a wild west setting with a hint of the supernatural.

It is easy and fun and, given that it's free, I'd recommend that anybody give it a try.

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Liquid Awesome
3catcircus said:
I hear that either Rolemaster or Mythus/Dangerous Journeys are two pretty good picks... Sadly, Mythus is out of print.

Also, if Modern is more your cup of tea, give Phoenix Command a try...

As a public service announcement, I caution you to never listen to 3catcircus! ;)

As someone who used to write Rolemaster books, I can assure you that nothing about the game is simple or quick.


First Post
Terwox said:
Kobolds Ate My Baby is pretty easy to learn!

Out of the games I have taught to people, with an emphasis on teaching rpgs to non-gamers, I would say either KAMB or Over the Edge.

All others have paled in comparison. ;)


Rel said:
As a public service announcement, I caution you to never listen to 3catcircus! ;)

As someone who used to write Rolemaster books, I can assure you that nothing about the game is simple or quick.

So... what judge required you to do PSAs as part of your plea agreement?!?! (as a result of writing Rolemaster books...)


Liquid Awesome
3catcircus said:
So... what judge required you to do PSAs as part of your plea agreement?!?! (as a result of writing Rolemaster books...)

Let's just say an employee of mine filed a grievance.


First Post
I'll throw into the pot recommending RISUS. I've used it for a 1940s WWII espionage, expecting the game to be just a one-shot. It ended up being a 6 month campaign :)

FUDGE is great, but /not/ simple for the GM. It takes a lot of complexity in the background to make is a simple game at the table. Five Point Fudge ( is sheer genius though, and goes a long way in the right direction.

And anyone who says that Rolemaster is a simple system needs their medication increasing. Wonderful system, yes. Simple? Nope!!!!!

I've heard about this new fangled game called Dragons & Dungeons (or something) that's quite easy to play..........

Jack of Shadows

First Post

Some of these may have been mentioned already but from my experience:

On The Edge
Feng Shui
1st Ed. (WEG) Star Wars if you just use the core rulebook
Big Eyes, Small Mouth

Probably lots of others but I can't think of them right now. I can pretty much guarantee anything written by Robin Laws will fit the bill.



Risus? I don't know. It took me coming back to it a few times before I felt I really understood it.

Fudge is pure simplicity for the GM, once you understand it. After the first reading, I may have understood it at the "a toolbox I have to customize" level. It was many more readings before I understood it the "no customization needed" way, but I still don't know that I'd actually do that.

Fate I still don't feel I've understood. (I think I've only made three attempts so far.)

Now, Wushu I think I've understood it pretty much right off.

Star Cadets & Dragon Squad were the first games that came to mind. If you're already a RPGer then you can understand & play them almost instantly. Otherwise...

...although: I've often thought that an example of play (along with the rules) is all the non-RPGer really needs to read to get the idea. (To the extent that the concept can be communicated through print alone.)

[Edited to remove verb of questionable value]
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Liquid Awesome
RFisher said:
Risus? I don't know. It took me coming back to it a few times before I grokked it.

Fudge is pure simplicity for the GM, once you grok it. After the first reading, I may have grokked it at the "a toolbox I have to customize" level. It was many more readings before I grokked the "no customization needed" way, but I still don't know that I'd actually do that.

Fate I still haven't grokked. (I think I've only made three attempts so far.)

Now, Wushu I think I've grokked pretty much right off.

Star Cadets & Dragon Squad were the first games that came to mind. If you're already a RPGer then you can understand & play them almost instantly. Otherwise...

...although: I've often thought that an example of play (along with the rules) is all the non-RPGer really needs to read to get the idea. (To the extent that the concept can be communicated through print alone.)

MUST we "grok"? Can we not seek to merely understand?


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