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The Forgotten Forge


As a small fireball blossomed among the approaching hoard, Sareth breathed a sigh of relief as the swarm suddenly lost all interest in him and scattered in all directions. Walking towards the others, Sareth winced as the large human screamed at the bugs as he stripped out of his armor.

~Well there is no doubt that everyone in a mile radius knows that we are here...~

When he insisted that Sareth hold a torch, the gnome looked up at the man with a strange expression. It was one of pure confusion as Sareth wondered did the man understand that the torch would give away his position to everything in a fifty foot radius?

~House Cannith is paying you to follow their orders, not freelance on your own...~

However, the final straw came when the man had the nerve to tell him his efforts to assist him were foolish and futile.

~So be it...~

"So be it sir. I am not sure where they came from as they blended in with the dark as well as any shadow could."

Stepping back so the others could discuss their next move, Sareth waited for them to decide on a course of action.

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"So be it sir. I am not sure where they came from as they blended in with the dark as well as any shadow could."

Pohl nods at the gnome, mistakenly thinking that he and Pohl are on the same wavelength.

'Exactly. We need as much light as possible to not only give us more ample warning, but also to kill these things if any more come skittling out at us. This place is probably crawling with those things and we need every hand full of fire if we hope to make it through this cavern alive. Weapons aren't going to disperse those things... only the heat of the flames will.'

Pohl reaches down and starts to scratch at his own leg for a few seconds, as the beetle bites begin to itch something fierce.

'Stupid beetles. Arrrrggghhh!!! This is going to be a real pain.'

He stands up and looks at the three others in the group.

'Anyone need to do or prepare anything before we move on? If not... we better continue. And let's keep our eyes and ears open for any more of the bugs... they could be anywhere... and I don't want to see any of us buried alive by them. Keep your torches ready... and everyone move to the swarm if more arrive. A single torch won't do jack against them, as I well proved.'

Pohl looks to the left and the right and sees pathways in both directions.

'Which way, folks? Left or right?'


Seeing the indecision in the eyes of the others, save the overzealous drive in the large human, Sareth pointed his torch to the left.

"I suppose one direction is as good as the other, but standing here waiting for our torches to burn out will accomplish nothing more than leaving us in the dark once more."

~Not that being in the dark would slow me down much...~


First Post
The group starts to walk behind Sareth along the left wall. On his left he sees another tunnel placed about 6 feets from the ground that looks similar to the one the group used to get here. He presses forwards along the wall in ruins on his right. He carefully looks around the corner and doesn't see anything more than more ruins. The wall in front of him seems to be in better shape than the one on his left. He turns right and move cautiously forward in front of him he can see what seems to be a large opening, From this position Sareth recognises a structure on his left it really looks like an old temple. On the ground he notices a few crashed collumn near what seems to be the entrance. In front of him another ruined wall.

OOC assuming Sareth is facing the east and at the location marked by an X


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Fighting back the urge to drop the torch with each step he took, Sareth focused on forming a mental map of the area that he had seen so far. While it was possible that they would need to drop lower down, for now Sareth felt the best course was to explore their surroundings fully before leaving.

~The stone you do not overturn may be the one in which the snake rests under...~

As his eyes settle on what looks to be a forgotten temple Sareth turned to face the others and pointed to the building.

"Any of you know who might have used that? Do you think anything of use might still be there?"

Sareth kept his voice low, as he spoke, but realized quickly that it was not his voice he had to worry about marking his location, but the flaming brand he carried in his hand.


First Post
Tai will step forward and do her best to identify the temple. (OOC Knowledge-Religion +2).

"I doubt we'd find anything worth our time in there, Master Sareth, but I could be wrong. The schema we're looking for might have been placed in there."


'Well we can either go in there straight away, or we can finish walking around the cavern itself to see what also is here. Although there's a chance the schema is in this building, there might be an even better location in here to begin our search. I for one would like to minimize the amount of places we enter that might be infested with beetles.'

Pohl raises the torch and tries to look out eastward into the main part of the cavern as far as he can. With the busted columns and the entrance to the temple on his left, he barely makes out another set of walls across the large open space.

'Looks like there's other buildings across the way. Or we could walk to our left here and go past the temple to see what is deeper to the back. I for one would rather stay to the edges of the cavern that walk across the open space, since there's more places to climb up out of the way of those stupid beetles if they return... but that's just me. So I vote we walk to the left past the temple and go further north. What say you all?'

He takes a step in that direction and hopes that the group agrees with him. The last thing he wants is to walk into the center of the cavern and then get surrounded on all sides by beetles rushing at him.


Sareth looks once more at the ruined temple before turning to face the others.

"Both sound like valid thoughts to me. If we look around and find nothing, we can come back here later. I doubt the building will be going anywhere."

As the large human began walking away, Sareth followed suit staying a few steps behind him and to his left.


First Post
Tai carefully observes the temple (roll 9+2) but she is unable to recognises the forge, hammer and magical wand incraved in the rocks as any known religious symbol

None of the other is able to identify them either.

Following Pohl along the temple walls, the group pass in front of the door. Pohl quickly look inside for anything of value. There isn't much light but he can't see anything of value inside. The whole temple seems completly in ruin.

The interior of this temple was once beautiful. The place seems quiet and serene. Even without knowing the religion associated with this place he easily sees himself sitting and meditating long hours. The place really seems to be made for that kind of spiritual activity.

In front of them the group sees a large column of stone. On their right they notices what seems to be another large building with a closed metalic double door facing the west. From here with the lack of a good light source it's difficult to identify what type of metal the door is made. The stone walls seems very solid compared with the other the group has seen so far in the room.


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Voidrunner's Codex

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