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The future of Juxtaposition - PreVote Discussion

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Which is exactly what I wanted to say, but the links didn't want to work for me yesterday... I assumed the pages had been moved. They work now, though... odd... the internet is like that, I guess. ;)


First Post
Having thought about this a lot, I think I'm convinced that this is for the best. As such, I would favour FR being the replacement, as I know nothing whatever about Sigil... and Jea, my main character, is based somewhere between FR and Oerth in any case.



The problem with Eberron is that its supposed to a largely closed setting, its planes are distinct from the other realms and really its not designed to allow the large number of high level people that wander through the 'roads.

Sigil would be fun as a change though but i like most of the other posters say its sad to see juxta fall away, though i can understand that change is neccessary.



to tell the truth, i don't Sigil be a good option. Sigil has alot of back story fluff and can easily confuse the clueless primes not used to the rules of three and the way of the chant.

While merging the two settings, bringing the emporium and the cross roads together, would basically be a nod back to the good old days of yonder, which i think makes it easily managable. Just change the name of the emporium to the market, and have the size of Ford keep grow larger, due to the increase number of planar visitors that decided to stay and live there.

just my 2 cents :p



My turn, hehe, fear.

My opinions of anti-humblness.

Eberron - bleh, I loath the setting. And I have to agree with Ricohard, you have all the folks that have been arouund for ages like me (Pardon the new SN, it autologged, I's Ann Aster), and have these high level characters that have become such over the course of history here. And Eberron really isn't the setting for those kind of characters.

Sigil - I ought keep me chant short, eh cutter? I like Sigil. But the drawback that is missing here is all the Dragonlance characters you see, like my Verhanna. Unlike Juxta, Krynn isn't an open portal on Sigil. Doing a setting in Sigil makes it hard for the Dragonlance characters to remain Dragonlance. I put a lot of time and effort into making Verhanna as a DL-character, and I honestly don't want to take three months of work and have to revamp it because Krynn is closed of to Sigil.

Realms - All I've heard is Faerun. There is -more- to Realms than Faerun. Kara-Tur is a Realms settign as well. And yes, many of my characters are FR. In fact, they're spread far and wide through Realms. Vapora is Cormyrian, and Sultalar'alu is from Baldur's Gate, Yuzuki is from Kara-Tur, and I'm sure I have characters from the rest of the Torilian Continents as well if I dig deep. The problem is thatt contry to comments, Faerun itself would be a bad choice if you goto Realms. While Realms is a semi-stable setting, Faerun is anything but Stable. The KIngdoms are constantly warring, and the Gods are sending their clergies to their doom in an Endless Godswar. The only stabel thing in Faerun is the line awaiting Kelemvor's Judgement.

Greyhawk - Please no. The 'Roads and the Emp were once combined, and they were seperated to give more RP option. Combining them again just seems to be rather pointless and closes out a bunch of other options (Plus we'd need a new story for FeeGee and BeeGee's reuniting, and mebbe a ball, hehe.)

Homebrew - By all accounts, while the participation woudl be interestign to build another setting that way. Look at how long it took us all to hash out TMP. I'd rather not wait three years past the original opening again.

Juxta - Hey, I can have my opinion about this to. I say leave it as is. Juxta is the only plane with a connection to Krynn. My vote for that would have to be revamp Juxta itself. It's old, but that doesn't mean it's dead. I would hate to see Juxta just go. As much as I'd like to see a Realms room, I'd hate to see Juxta vanish from us. It's stable, it's heart-held for us old hands. And it's a fun thing to see. I came to site with Juxta, I grew as an RPer with Juxta.

And just because I know people will hate me for this, and it wasn't ruled out.

Oriental Aventures - It's not just Rokugan. The OA handbook igives you plenty to build a whole plane. The cold reachs of Northern Mongolia, or the hot and humid forests of Indo-CHina. OA does have it's own potential for a successfull room, if you grab it by the right angle, IE, don't use Rokugan, it's too backstoried like Sigil. It OA were considered as an option, I'd have to say build a hash-up plane. And takign into account how OA melds with the real world (better than other settings, even if it's fundimentally flawwed by usign an HP system with blade designed to kill in one strike), it would be easier to Homebrew a Far-East setting. Silk, spices and honor. It would actually be possible to take just a map of the real Orient, and just design your plane around that. Cold northern Mongolia, and humid Indonesia. Our Orient alone is it's own planer template.



I just remember how very much I loved the olden days when it was the CRT, with a grove.. a hut.. and a Battleground. It worked, setting wise. I dont remmeber being confused over where it was. *laughs* ok If I'm going to be honest... I never KNEW where it was. hey! Dont look at me like that! I was new ok?


It did work. We could have that again, if we just didnt split this up into two settings. Nothing is more jarring to me than to see someone in the CRT say "lets walk out to the Emporium" Huh?

Or sitting around the Fountain in Juxta - "come on, I'll buy you a drink in the CRT" Oh right. Its like seeing the characters in one book get up and hop down to the next shelf and enter a different book right in the middle of page 67, paragraph 3.


I'll play whatever setting. But please please please, let it be just one setting. At least that would make some sense.

We could have a Market place... the CRT and the gardens and the Clearing for fighting. That would work nicely.

: )




Seiadra said:
Juxta - Hey, I can have my opinion about this to. I say leave it as is. Juxta is the only plane with a connection to Krynn. My vote for that would have to be revamp Juxta itself. It's old, but that doesn't mean it's dead. I would hate to see Juxta just go. As much as I'd like to see a Realms room, I'd hate to see Juxta vanish from us. It's stable, it's heart-held for us old hands. And it's a fun thing to see. I came to site with Juxta, I grew as an RPer with Juxta.

There have already been attempts to revive and revamp Juxta, the removal of it comes as a last resort. As you can see from the latest attempt to renew interest in the setting and revamp it, the interest in building the setting for it's own sake simply isn't there anymore. It's better to simply let the setting go than to try to force interest in it.


First Post
This is just us arguing points about what and why..

I think we should just get to the voting, and be done with it already.



Rajak2.0 said:
to tell the truth, i don't Sigil be a good option. Sigil has alot of back story fluff and can easily confuse the clueless primes not used to the rules of three and the way of the chant.
While this is true, I think it is a factor that can work into our favor. The Clueless don`t know the dark about Sigil, the Planars do - it would provide an excuse for otherwise ignorant characters to seek enlightenment about the setting to get their bearings and open up some roleplaying opportunities. And there are online Planar Cant guides in existence I believe to help with education in that department as well.

Seiadra said:
I like Sigil. But the drawback that is missing here is all the Dragonlance characters you see, like my Verhanna. Unlike Juxta, Krynn isn't an open portal on Sigil. Doing a setting in Sigil makes it hard for the Dragonlance characters to remain Dragonlance. I put a lot of time and effort into making Verhanna as a DL-character, and I honestly don't want to take three months of work and have to revamp it because Krynn is closed of to Sigil.
By default, it shouldn`t be closed off, as Sigil has planar links to multiple crystal spheres (Oerth and Toril, Ravenloft's demiplane, others). While Krynnspace has always used a different cosmology, there is still the Abyss beyond, which is a metaphor for the other planes. Planar links outside of Krynnish cosmology still exist, and it isn't as closed off as it would first be assumed.

Same with the horrendous Great-Tree cosmology of 3e Forgotten Realms, but that hogwash is another thing entirely and has been debated ad-nauseum on the FR boards, so I'll leave it at that. :p

As for Oriental Adventures, or more specifically Rokugan as the book is themed around the setting, would not work as written. Rokugan is the intellectual property of Alderac Entertainment Group, only briefly liscensed to WotC for the OA book, which is why all Rokugan supplements are produced by AEG and not WotC. I personally don't like the idea, as I often get sick of anime-inspired characters (which a martial-arts and spirit-realm based setting could easily become overpopulated by) as quickly as I get sick of anime itself - but that's just my opinion. One thing I want to comment on, however, is this:
And takign into account how OA melds with the real world (better than other settings, even if it's fundimentally flawwed by usign an HP system with blade designed to kill in one strike)
And European swords weren't? I'm not going to get into a debate about the effectiveness of properly made weaponry, but saying that this is true only for OA is a falacy in its purest form. That's essentially the anime-fan based belief that the Equipment and Combat boards call the "Sha-piiiiiing" katana theory, and it has been thoroughly debunked there time and time again. That someone can survive a sword blow of any kind is a factor of a game system, not a setting, and d20 uses hit points rather than health levels.

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