The Hunted (DM: IronSky, Judge: ???)

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Xander steps out of the room and points his hand towards the Ogre. "You large one, are not in the favor of Maros". A red glow surrounds his hand, but then a second later seems to fizzle out. Apparently neither am I Xander thinks to himself for a moment.

Move Action = Shift to P24
Standard Action = bane vs Ogre; 1d20+4 (Bane)=7

I'm still around - just really busy. Have not been at the computer much for the last couple of weeks, but I'm still checking in as often as I can.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Under the Chipped Flask, Round 2

The ogre spins on earth and swings his sledgehammer in a massive two-handed swing. Earth deflects it into the ground, sending tiles flying in all directions. Earth moves in, but the Ogre wrenches the sledgehammer out of the floor with such force that it sends Earth stumbling back. The ogre pursues and punches Earth in the face, to no effect.

"Get 'dis one on me!" the Ogre bellows, gesturing at Earth.

It's quickly clear how the thugs overwhelmed the guards outside - in a series of fast movements and faster swings of their blades, two of the thugs comply with their boss's order, assaulting Earth, a series of solid blows nearly dropping even the sturdy elemental before they leap away to menace Xander.

Another heads where he saw Mab last and spots Devinihm instead, slashing quickly at the swarming druid to moderate effect before spotting Mab, spinning around the druid, and landing a solid blow on the old lady.

The last leaps at Raijin and drops the sorcerer in a series of blindingly fast strikes.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Ogre Boss: Huge Clubba: 21 AC vs Earth, miss. AP: Ogre Smash: CRIT vs Earth, 19 damage and push 2. Move to O18, Punch and Grab 'em: NAT1 vs Earth.

Thug Swordsman 1
: Move to N10, spot Devinihm, Sweeping Attack: Blade: 15 AC vs Devinihm, hit, 10 damage reduced to 6, shift to M9, Blade: 21 AC vs Devinihm, hit, 9 damage reduced to 5, spot Mab. Leap Attack: Shift to L10, Blade: 24 AC vs Mab, hit, 11 damage.
Thug Swordsman 2: Move to P8, Sweeping Attack: Blade: 21 AC vs Raijin, hit, 12 damage, Blade: 22 AC, hit, 13 damage, Leap Attack: 18 AC vs Raijin, hit, 11 damage, shift to M9.
Thug Swordsman 3: Move to O20, Sweeping Attack: Blade: Shift to P21, Blade(+2 CA, +2 Boss Aura): 13 AC vs Earth, miss, Blade(+2 CA, +2 Boss Aura): 28 AC vs Earth, hit, 15 damage. Leap Attack(+2 CA, +2 Boss Aura): 23 AC vs Earth, hit, 15 damage, shift to P23.
Thug Swordsman 5: OA on Earth: Blade: 17 AC vs Earth, miss. Shift to Q20, Sweeping Attack: Shift to P21, Blade(+2 CA, +2 Boss Aura): 20 AC, miss, Blade(+2 CA, +2 Boss Aura): 26 AC vs Earth, hit, 19 damage. Leap Attack, Blade(+2 CA, +2 Boss Aura): 20 AC vs Earth, miss, shift to O23.

Note: I think this is some of the best rolling I've ever had in a PbP game... I just made up for all my terrible rolling in The Rerisen Tower in one round.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants]Ogre Boss: O18, 62 damage taken, marked(Earth), Shroud(Illarion)
Ogre Boss Stats: ?? Max HP, ?? AC, 18 Fort, ?? Ref, 15 Will, MBA: Ogre Smash: +7 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage and push 2. Get 'da One on Me: Aura 1 - the Ogre Boss's allies get +2 to hit and damage against targets in the aura.

Thug Swordsman 1: L10
Thug Swordsman 2: M9
Thug Swordsman 3: P23
Thug Swordsman 5: O23, 9 damage taken, marked(Earth)
Thug Swordsman Stats: 35 Max HP, 16 AC, ?? Fort, 15 Ref, 14 Will, MBA: Blade: +7 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage; the Swordsman may shift 1 before or after the attack. Thug: Thugs deal +1d6 damage when they have CA.
Thug Swordsmen killed: 1

Earth: P20, 64 damage taken, bloodied
Illarion: M21
Mab: Q6, 11 damage taken
Devinihm: M10, 11 damage taken, DR4
Raijin: P7, 36 damage taken, bloodied, dying, unconscious, prone
Xander: Q25

Status Key
: Location, damage effects, EONT/SONT effects, encounter effects

[sblock=Terrain and Light]Illarion lit all the lanterns in the main room, the ones in the room on the bottom left, and the one in the center bottom. All other rooms are complete darkness.

All the doors are open a crack so it's a free action to push them open.

The ceilings are all 2 squares tall in the side rooms and 3 squares in the main room.[/sblock]


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Illarion raises his wide and turns in a circle. Small shadow falls over ogre, but the mist blossoms over the swordsmen threatening Xander.

The one he hit earlier is violently expelled from the mists toward Earth's hammer.

Illarion follows with one of coruscating bolts toward the ogre, but only small cold-burn results from it. He then puts some distance between himself and the melee.

Free: second shroud on the ogre

Standard: Mists of Dissarray vs Will (Thug 3; Thug 5); psychic damage (1d20+5=7, 1d20+5=20, 1d8+8=15) - miss and hit; attack roll even, he is slid to Q20

AP: Chaos bolt vs Will (Ogre); damage with shrouds; miss damage (1d20+5=9, 1d10+8+2d6=15, 1d6=5) - bah! 5 damage to ogre

Move: K27 (doorframe)

VodaVosa: I slid toward you because I'm expecting some second wind invulnerability and one of the burst attacks. If you like I can change it to move him somewhere else (slide 3)
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First Post
Devinihm, wilden druid

The swarm of moths spins and swirls, its bulk shifting to the south of the pair of attackers. Then it seems to take on the vague approximation of a mouth. The gaping swarm maw opens wide, spitting forth a chittering, biting mass of locusts on the men.

[sblock=actions]Move: shift to N9.
Standard: Swarming Locusts
(At-Will Standard Close blast 3 ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal, Zone) Druid Attack 1
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Weapon: Staff Implement: +4 attack, 1d8+4 damage
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier (+4) damage. Level 21: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier (+4) damage.
Effect: The blast creates a zone of swarming locusts that lasts until the end of your next turn. While within the zone, enemies grant combat advantage.

If I'm figuring right, the zone is just the right size to hit both attackers without affecting Mab (and granting her CA so hopefully there's more sneak attacking).

Conditional: Devinihm has his Pursuit of the Hunter available. Depending on if / where the pair move, I may want to invoke it on their turn:

Pursuit of the Hunter (Encounter Immediate Reaction Personal ) Wilden Racial Power
Trigger: An enemy within 2 squares of Devinihm moves on its turn
Effect: Devinihm shifts 3 squares. Until TENT Devinihm deals 1d6 extra damage to triggering enemy when he hits and doesn't take -2 penalty to attack if enemy has cover or concealment.[/sblock]

((rolls to follow))

Voda Vosa

First Post
Earth takes a blow after another, and slowly they chip away his rock crust. However, seemingly empowered by the damage taken, Earth sinks his hammer in the Ogre's side. "Fight your own fights big coward." he says. "Calling your men to my side will only get them killed." and with that, Earth stomps the ground, summoning rock pikes that impale the Ogre and his minion.

I'll chose to use Endure pain after the initial Ogre attack, thus reducing 27 points of damage. Earth is now at 41/78 thus, not bloodied.
Also using Wrathful mastery when hit by the swordsmen, taking 3 more damage (38/78) and gaining +4 to attack and damage to marked enemies.

Free: Marking both the Ogre and TS5 (which are the only adjacent foes methinks.)

Standard: Earth gift vs Ogre: 27 for 21 dmg and Earth regains 10 hp (48/78)

AP: Roots of stone: 26 vs Ogre and 25 vs Swordsman 5, for 11 dmg to both. If they move away from Earth they are knocked prone and take 4 damage.



First Post
Xander takes a step back and focuses his stare at the thug standing in the doorway. His eyes begin to become bloodshot and then turn completely blood red and begin to glow slightly. He quickly blinks and his eyes are back to normal, with nothing apparent happening.

"Maros strengthen that ones arm so his hammer may bring forth glory in your Name" Xander shouts while pointing towards Earth.

Move = Shift to Q25
Standard = Gaze of Defiance vs Thug #3 (Will); 1d20+4 (Gaze of Defiance)=10 - a miss I'm guessing.
Minor - Healing Word on Earth; spend a healing surge and regain an additional 2d6+7 (Healing Word)=18 hit points. As well gain +2 to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

I would have attempted to heal Raijin, but it seems I am trapped in this room. If someone could clear the doorway it would help greatly. Thanks.


[sblock=Immediate Interrupt] I had a trigger and even mentioned it in my post:
Dragonflame Mantle on first hit, 1d6+4=6 fire damage to any creature that hits me with a melee attack, is that on every attack? Will he keep hitting Raijin?
Gives me +1 to AC vs the attack too, as soon as Raijin is bloodied he gets +2 AC until the end of the encounter. Though that may not be enough for that last attack, ministats below.

[sblock=OOC] Would this be my turn as well, it seems like there is only 1 healer in the party and he is too far away. Death Save 1d20=12
Also, is it right that they get 3 attacks at full to hit and damage?

Status: +1 AC and melee attacks take 6 fire damage, +2 AC until end of encounter
Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 17
AC 15, Fort 17, Reflex 12, Will 18
HP: -12/27, Bloodied 13, Surge Value 6, Surges 4/6
Resist Force 10, Resist Lightning 5, Resist Thunder 5
Speed 6, Initiative +1
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Blazing Starfall, Storm Walk
Encounter Powers: Dragonflame Mettle, Promise of Storm, Thundering Roar
Daily Powers: Lightning Breath, Brooch of Shielding

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dragonflame Mantle on first hit, 1d6+4=6 fire damage to any creature that hits me with a melee attack, is that on every attack? Will he keep hitting Raijin?

Also, is it right that they get 3 attacks at full to hit and damage?

GM: I figured you would trigger Dragonflame Mantle, but missed where you actually said it - it would apply to every attack, I.E. the Swordsman will take 3d6 fire damage. It wouldn't stop him from attacking you. I apologize for the miss - I do my best, but there's a lot to keep track of and I'm far from perfect.

When I was updating your turn, I checked what your AC would be w/ Sudden Scales and Dragonflame Mantle, and the third hit still would have gotten through even with them (18 vs AC 18). :erm:

The attacks weren't all at full hit and damage, I was just rolling so well that it was hard to notice the difference.

Anyway, off to go do T-day stuff. I'll check on the thread late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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Raijin drops in a whirl of blades, his robes catching with arcane fire that burns his assailant.

[sblock=OOC] Heh, at least I did some damage going down, total is 18 fire (note from judges, it is 3d6+12) [/sblock]

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