The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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And it’s not like it would matter. People would still say you’re wrong and argue to no end. People just stake a claim to whatever random thought they have on a topic, any topic will do, and fight tooth and nail that they’re right no matter what.

"Hi. I'm the author and creator of the thing you're arguing about, and I'm here to personally tell you that you're completely wrong and are, in fact, claiming that this thing said exactly the opposite of what it said... Wait, what? You're seriously calling me a liar?"

Works better in Canadian, as "Your Worship" is the proper form of address :ROFLMAO:

Addressing lawyers as "Your Worship" explains so much...
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B/X Known World
Seriously people. Venom is injected. Poison is eaten, touched, or inhaled. The snake isn’t poisonous, it’s venomous. The frog isn’t venomous, it’s poisonous.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
No one would want me on a jury.

  • Play RPGs.
  • Work in IT.
  • Research traffic law as a hobby.
  • Own at least a dozen swords and 3 bows.
  • Make chainmail.

I'd show up in one of my several period suits, to highlight just how much they don't want me, but it might be taken as contempt.
My wife gets called, and then released. Always.

A) She has a master's in religion and social ethics.
B) She works as the assistant reporter of opinions for our state's highest court.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
More interesting threads are killed by posters disappearing up their own holes thanks to Forge jargon than anything else on the site. Even Edwards has disavowed the Forge nonsense, yet people still cling to it like it’s gospel.
The reference went over my head, so I did some googling. So thats where all the discussion and debates over simulationalism, gamism, dramatism/narrativism comes from. For anyone else who is as ignorant as I am, the following is a good write up of the history of the Forge discussions and The Big Model: Remembering the Forge


In a thread on Guns Lawyers Money Blog about people getting increasingly unmoored from reality, one commenter referred to “sunk conspiracy fallacy”. This retroactively explains a lot of threads about my hobbies that annoy and depress me.

Not just conspiracy, but when one is attached to a particular cause/identity/party, whatever, to an unhealthy and unhinged degree.

We are seeing this pretty much every day now.


Seriously people. Venom is injected. Poison is eaten, touched, or inhaled. The snake isn’t poisonous, it’s venomous. The frog isn’t venomous, it’s poisonous.
That's a technical definition within biology. Colloquially, the snake is poisonous. I am a DM, not a biology professor, so I don't worry about this. And IMHO technically correct is the worst kind of correct.

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