The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
A jury full of roleplayers seems like a terrible idea. Not only is eleven players kind of big for most modern games, the prospect of them intentionally extending their "deliberations" until the campaign is finished is a real issue. :)
Yeah, and it would get tiresome having to listen to 11 roleplayers kvetching the entire time about how the judge is railroading and how rules lawyers are ruining their fun.

Seriously people. Venom is injected. Poison is eaten, touched, or inhaled. The snake isn’t poisonous, it’s venomous. The frog isn’t venomous, it’s poisonous.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Bold of you to think that you could get 12 roleplayers to show up for anything, on schedule, when it's tough enough for just 5.
If only us game judges had power of summons, issuing orders to show cause and warrants for arrest, and issuing punishments for contempt.

While I don't take my games that seriously, I do sometimes dream of having the power to punish a player who misses a session for oversleeping with 10 days in jail, probation, and hundreds of dollars in fines.

Then again, what we can do to the PCs is far worse.


From the pit of the 9th
More interesting threads are killed by posters disappearing up their own holes thanks to Forge jargon than anything else on the site. Even Edwards has disavowed the Forge nonsense, yet people still cling to it like it’s gospel.
Omg yes. I immediately stop reading when I see this stuff.

I get on here mostly to talk about D&D…

Some folks whole goal seems to be to tear it down in favor of some “narrativist” etc etc etc

Respectfully, no thanks.


B/X Known World
That's a technical definition within biology. Colloquially, the snake is poisonous. I am a DM, not a biology professor, so I don't worry about this. And IMHO technically correct is the worst kind of correct.
Despite not being a biology professor, you know the difference. And you could just as easily use the correct term. But you choose to use the wrong term anyway. That’s weird. It’s not about being technically correct. It’s about being right or wrong. To quote Mark Twain, “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—’tis the difference between lightning and lightning bug.”


If only us game judges had power of summons, issuing orders to show cause and warrants for arrest, and issuing punishments for contempt.

While I don't take my games that seriously, I do sometimes dream of having the power to punish a player who misses a session for oversleeping with 10 days in jail, probation, and hundreds of dollars in fines.

Then again, what we can do to the PCs is far worse.
One of our players would have been required to sell his house, within 6 months, to satisfy the fines. "I'll be there!" Never was. I even rigged up a seat at the table with Skype, camera, and speaker so he could play remotely. Never did.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Served on a murder trial about five months. Tough case, we ended up knocking the charge down to manslaughter due to the circumstances (self-defense, suspect aimed to debilitate but victim bled out, suspect fled crime scene instead of calling anyone due to previous convictions on gun charges).

Most people with whom I share political opinions of the justice system would refuse to serve on a jury out of principle, but the way I see it, if I were on trial for anything, wouldn't I want someone like me on the jury?

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