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The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar


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Spirit turns his head towards Torrent and raises an eyebrow.

"So, even the fallen trees burn forever? Curiouser and curiouser ..."

His second eyebrow raises perhps even higher than the first upon hearing Torrent's next comment.

"You have seen a way through? We have seen the tower of course, but not a way through ... though we have been looking. Our eyes must be tired from the smoke."

OOC: I had understood we were still trapped between the wall of flames behind us and the fallen trees. And we had to find a way past. Was my perception roll too low to spot anything? Edit: Ah, reading my post again, it maybe wasn't clear I was examing the blazing trees and not the wall of flames. Sorry, if that was the case, but looking at the trees was my intention from the get go.

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Marda hefts her axe and turns to move with the group, "Anywhere is better than in the open right now. Not to mention I would not mind getting this load off my back for a time."

[sblock=Marda's Status]Dwarven Cleric 2/Fighter 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: +8
Conditions: Stand the heat (potion)
AC: 21 (11 touch; 20 flat-footed)
HP: 24 of 24
CMB: +5 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Ref: +1 Will: +5
In Hand: Dwarven Waraxe +6 (1d10+3, 20/x3)
Spells: (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize; (1st level) Stand the Heat, Bless, Command, Divine Favor (color notes cast)
Channel Energy 4 of 5 uses remaining; Inspiring Word: 4 of 5 uses remaining; Touch of Glory: 5 of 5 uses remaining[/sblock]

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Checking on Cyrstin, Aaron sees that she is unharmed, as well as the others. This was a dangerous road, and there may yet be more to this forest than they had thought. Something conjured those creatures, and he wasn't too keen on finding out if they had the mettle to deal with whomever that was.

"Then let's make haste to the tower. Hopefully a rest will do us all some good."


Thy wounds are healed!
As the group approaches the trees and look for a way through...

You hear whispers amid the trees, snatches of words coming from all directions, growing louder and more intense all around until finally a booming voice shouts from the flaming trees:

“Come!” it roars. “Follow the river. Set me free!”

The flames on the fallen trees blockading the road flare as a draconic face emerges, shaped of fire, its head adorned with a massive crown of jagged horns. The image then fades so only a pair of eyes remain. A voice enters your minds, deep, fiery, burning with restrained anger. “Know this: I am the flame, and I am a prisoner here. Save me, free me from the prison of this enforced flesh, and you may continue to your destination. Refuse, and never shall you leave this wood. You shall be a prisoner for as long as I. You shall burn forever, and never die.”
[sblock=Spirit]The voice is the same one you have heard whispering to you for years now. Only stronger, closer, and more determined than ever when it told you to come to these woods.[/sblock]


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Barrik's falchion is back in his hands in the space of a blink. He strides forward, Gulujak at his side, and calls out "What the hell are you? And if you think you can keep us prisoner, you've got another thing coming!"

Cue Judas Priest. ;)

Come to think of it, that would probably make an awesome animated short. :D


"I would suggest you stay your blade Barrick. At least for now." Marda cautions. "Remember what the small elemental creature said. Those who die here, do not really die."

She looks to the best within the flames, "Perhaps you might elaborate? Who are you exactly? How are you trapped here? And how might we free you from this prison you find yourself? While you appear to be a being of some power, asking for aid, instead of threats yields more kindly responses. Of course, you may be a being of some evil wanting to be free, but let us start with the questions I have asked, Hmmm?"

(( Diplomacy 1d20+11=19 Anyone to aid?))

[sblock=Marda's Status]Dwarven Cleric 2/Fighter 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: +8
Conditions: Stand the heat (potion)
AC: 21 (11 touch; 20 flat-footed)
HP: 24 of 24
CMB: +5 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Ref: +1 Will: +5
In Hand: Dwarven Waraxe +6 (1d10+3, 20/x3)
Spells: (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize; (1st level) Stand the Heat, Bless, Command, Divine Favor (color notes cast)
Channel Energy 4 of 5 uses remaining; Inspiring Word: 4 of 5 uses remaining; Touch of Glory: 5 of 5 uses remaining[/sblock]


First Post
Spirit staggers backwards upon hearing the voice. His bow falls to the ground from his limp hands. His shaking legs give out from beneath him and he collapse to a sitting position on the ground, his eyes wide with disbelief, his jaw slack. He shakes his head in denial.

"The voice is not in our head. It has its own head of flames. The voice that called us here and taught us the secrets of fire ... it lives outside our head. We ... I ... feared we ... I ... was crazy. But there it is... Marda hears it. Barrick hears it. Unless we are all crazy ... then we ... I ... aren't crazy either."

A smile spreads slowly from ear to ear as he recovers his composure and gets back to his feet. He waits curiously to see if the spirit of flames answers Marda's question, his mind overspilling with his own.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aarons mouth stays shut, as his skills take priority. When Marda speaks up, he agrees inwardly, for she is keen on getting the being to hopefully show it's true worth.

He offers a deific aid to her questioning, simply stating, "Bring out the truth, Marda..." (Inspiring Word = +2 morale bonus to attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving rolls for 1 round)

He quickly cycles through his ability to detect auras, starting with evil, then moving to chaos, law, and finally resting on good. Whatever this thing is, he would hope to have better knowledge of it's tendancies before a bargain is done. He tries to sense just what the creature has in store for them and if it is lying to them.


Thy wounds are healed!
What are you? “I am Indomitability. No wound shall ever defeat me. No fire shall ever destroy me. My power can be yours if you release me.”

Where are you? “Rest your flesh now in the ruins beyond the bridge. Then you must follow the river down to the singing lake. I lie trapped beneath its surface. Set me free!”

How do we free you? “End the song of the deep, the song of agony and eternal vigil. Silence the forty tongues who hold me here, who doom themselves with my relentless flame.”

Anything else & Sense Motive(truth). “I care for nothing but Freedom, but if you do not release me you shall suffer my wrath.”

"Chose now! No more questions."

[sblock=OOC]Making a links post for the first page so you have all info that Indomitability has to offer.

WD - you are right this is a don't bother it isn't a creature in front of you but it is manifesting a power to communicate.

Same for trying to detect auras it really isn't present for that.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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