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The IR Aftermath Campaign Characters

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First Post
Adding My Finished Character Here....

Arkin (Kaldarkin in Human Form)
Race: Storm Giant
Class: Fighter
Alignment: TN
HP: 452
Level: 1 (20)
Movement: base 50 (100) ft., swim 40 ft.; 40 (80) ft., swim 30 ft. (breastplate)
AC: 47 (-2 size, +3 dex, +12 natural, +10 breastplate, +5 ring of protection, +5 from sheild, +4 Haste [Constant])
Melee: Gargantuan Greatsword: (Storm Rever: Shaped like a Lightning Bolt). Melee: +31(+43)/+27(+39)/+22(+33)/+17(+28)
(Storm Rever: 4d8+1d6+40[+1d10 on crits] ) Crit Range: 16-20 x2
Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft.
Spell-like abilities: Electricity immunity, rock catching, freedom of movement, water breathing, Divine Favor (as 18th lvl caster) +6 to atk/dmg rolls (constant), Polymorph Self (10th lvl caster) at will, Righteous Might (constant), Haste [On An Amulet] (Give me an extra partial round action, +4 AC) (Constant), (also see below)
Saves: Fort +32, Ref +21, Will +21
Ability Scores: Str 55, Dex 17, Con 35, Int 24, Wis 19, Cha 19
Skills: Climb +18, Concentration +12, Jump +12, Perform (chant, dance, drama, harp, recorder) +13, Spot +12, Apprise +10, Bluff +8, Craft (Arms and Armor) +10, Heal +6, Intimidate +14, Swim +3
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Power Attack,Weapon Foucs (greatsword), Imporved Crit, Quickdraw

+5 Breastplate of Heavy Fort.
+5 Ghost Touched Keen Thundering G. Greatsword of Shock
+3 Animated Large Steel Shield (floats in front of me)
Belt of Con +6
Gloves of Strenth +6
Cloak of Resistance +5
Ring Of Protection +5
Helm of Teleportation
Chime of Opening
Len's of Detection
Bag of Holding III (35 lb./ 1,000 lb./ 150 cu. ft.)
Winged Boots of Striding and Springing
Ring Of Sust.
3 Large Diamands (5000gp each)
Bracers of Intellect +4
Vest of Charisma +3


Storm Giant
Spell-Like Abilities: Once per day a storm giant can call lightning as a 15th-level druid and use chain lighting as a 15th-level sorcerer. Twice per day a storm giant can control weather as a 20th-level druid and levitate as a 20th-level sorcerer. Save DC is 12 + spell level.
Freedom of Movement (Su): Storm giants continuously have freedom of movement as the spell.
Water Breathing (Ex): Storm giants can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use their spell-like abilities while submerged.
Skills and Feats: Storm giants have EHD as though they were large creatures. Storm giants ignore all weight penalties for gear carried when swimming.
Storm giant clerics can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, and War.

He is a Storm Giant born who knows where, not even he knows. His mother and farther were killed when he was too young to remember, leaving Arkin to fend for himself all his life. He likes Humans most of all. They make him laugh and has alot of fun having chats with them often as possible. His main focus is to keep balance in the world. Not caring if your good or evil, just weather or not the world keeps on revolving. Arkins downfall however is his temper. It takes alot to get him mad, but when you do, look out. Arkin has trianed himself in the arts of melee weapons mostly, not worrying too much about ranged weapons because of his size. If you're far away, he says, he'll just reach out and touch you if you know what he means. Crafting Arms and Armor is a relaxing pastime for him, though not much of it is made small seeing as he has huge fat fingers. Arkin forged Storm Rever from the metal from a meteriod and the clouds themselves. He had a powerfull mage enchant it's powers for a hefty price I might add. Storm Rever is his most prized items he owns. If it were to be stolen or destroyed, he'd go into a fit of rage and probally kill all around him, or at least die trying. Storm Rever is Shaped to look like a lightning bolt with runes carved into it. Arkin can speak seven languages. They are as follows: Gaint, Draconic, Common, Undercommon, Infernal, Celestial, and Abyssal.

Janos Audron


first of all; this is an azerty keyboard, so if some words dont make sense, thats why

i have so,e spells i want to use: I hqve reseached them - standard DMG price: 1000 gp / spell lvl.


Hack Spellpool

wiz lvl 9
1 action
V, S, F (see text)

2 versions

- 1 round / 4 lvls
max dept of 10 spell levels
must have focus
as Spellpool (Sp) ability, except only up to 8th lvl. Apply same chances.

- 1 round / 10 lvls
no max dept
no need for focus
as Spellpool (Sp) ability, except only up to 8th lvl. Apply same chances.
5% chance per spell level that a guildmage casts an unstoppable (normally it is countered by Mind Blank - Sage Ruling) Discern location.


Immunity to turning

Necronancy 4
V, S, M
1 action
1 day

Immune to turning.

(before you rule this is too pozerful, take a look at Shroud of Undeath in MoF. Does the same thing, and more, for 10 min / lvl. I could use it as a Persistent Spell on an item...)


If you want Spellpool access take the prestige class. Hacking a spellpool is most certainly 10+ magic.

The second spell is fine.

Janos Audron

Kal, got a couple oquestions left :d

1) Can I use a Miracle to prepar 1 spell with a metamagic feat I dont have (still using a higher level spellslot)

2) Can I use a Miracle to raise my caster level by 8 for 1 spell?

3) If I Shapechang into a colossal monsterous scorpion and I use the poisoned sting, is that an Eil action?

4) If a character is in Temporal Stasis and he has spells active, do they end after the normal duration, or are they suspendeduntill the character is out of Temporal Stasis?

5) Whih Divination spells can afect a creature under the effects of Mind Blank and Nondetection, considering you dont beat its spell resistance?

6) What is the maximum skill bonus I can give myself usingMiracle without paying XP?

7) Sollir said something about a spell (high level) which was Save or Die for undead creatures, what is the exactspell?

8) What is the exact description of the Hunter of the Deads ability to keep undead creatures from returning?

9) Is a dead creature still a creature (for spells etc)?

10) Is there an Improved Fly spell, like the 6th level Psionic Power?

11) The pricing for multiple spell-like abilities the same as in the DMG (100% for the most expensive, 75% for the next and 50% for the rest)?

12) What kind of Contingency variants are there (I thought Sollir had a 9th level Contingency spell, and I already know about Elminsters Evasion)?

13) Do I have to regain my body the same way as a Draco Lich, i.e. Cha checks, proto lich, unless you consume 10% of your old body and only humanoids?

14) Is there a better variant of Death Knell, with which you gain more caster levels?

15) True Invisibility would be what level?

True Invisibility
Sor/Wiz ?
V, S, M
1 Action
1 Creature

Same as Improved Invisibility, except that it also generates fake sounds / vibrations, thus becoming undetectble to Blindsight, Tremorsense, Scent etc.

16) Idea to hide my Phylactery: Kill a commoner :)rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ), Speak with Dead to learn his name and something about its life, cut the heart out, replace with Phylactery, cast Nonetection and Mind Blank, then Teleport him to the Arnrock (to name on of the 11 places I have chosen to hide the spare commoners) and Imprison him there.
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Janos Audron said:
Kal, got a couple oquestions left :d

1) Can I use a Miracle to prepar 1 spell with a metamagic feat I dont have (still using a higher level spellslot)

As long as the total level is no higher than that you could cast with Wish/Miracle -1. Yes you can. If you possess the Feat its equal to the highest level you can cast with Wish/Miracle.

(This use DOES invoke the XP cost of Miracle)

2) Can I use a Miracle to raise my caster level by 8 for 1 spell?

(only for 1 factor, eg 1 of damage, duration , spell penetration, range, area etc.) And once again this does invoke the XP cost.

3) If I Shapechang into a colossal monsterous scorpion and I use the poisoned sting, is that an Eil action?

What's an Eil action :p ? If you mean evil action, I don't know as with all poisonings it depends on the poison.

4) If a character is in Temporal Stasis and he has spells active, do they end after the normal duration, or are they suspendeduntill the character is out of Temporal Stasis?

The Latter.

5) Whih Divination spells can afect a creature under the effects of Mind Blank and Nondetection, considering you dont beat its spell resistance?

None. Well except for say True Sight or See invisible to beat Illusions or Invisibility on said creature and similar.

6) What is the maximum skill bonus I can give myself usingMiracle without paying XP?

(This is exclusive to Wish. Like stat bumps.)

7) Sollir said something about a spell (high level) which was Save or Die for undead creatures, what is the exactspell?

(Devestate Undead, Lords of Darkness)

8) What is the exact description of the Hunter of the Deads ability to keep undead creatures from returning?

Edit: Found it: True Death (Su): Undead slain by a hunter of the dead, either by melee attacks or spells, can never rise again as undead. They are forever destroyed. Gained at HotD level 5.

9) Is a dead creature still a creature (for spells etc)?


10) Is there an Improved Fly spell, like the 6th level Psionic Power?

Not officially.

11) The pricing for multiple spell-like abilities the same as in the DMG (100% for the most expensive, 75% for the next and 50% for the rest)?

Only if they can't be used simultaneously or don't stack with each other, otherwise its the same as any other multi-use item.

12) What kind of Contingency variants are there (I thought Sollir had a 9th level Contingency spell, and I already know about Elminsters Evasion)?

Tome&Blood has Greater Contingency.

13) Do I have to regain my body the same way as a Draco Lich, i.e. Cha checks, proto lich, unless you consume 10% of your old body and only humanoids?


14) Is there a better variant of Death Knell, with which you gain more caster levels?

Not that I know off.

15) True Invisibility would be what level?

True Invisibility
Sor/Wiz ?
V, S, M
1 Action
1 Creature

Same as Improved Invisibility, except that it also generates fake sounds / vibrations, thus becoming undetectble to Blindsight, Tremorsense, Scent etc.

Epic or 10th.

16) Idea to hide my Phylactery: Kill a commoner :)rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ), Speak with Dead to learn his name and something about its life, cut the heart out, replace with Phylactery, cast Nonetection and Mind Blank, then Teleport him to the Arnrock (to name on of the 11 places I have chosen to hide the spare commoners) and Imprison him there.

Apart from the fact the Commoner cannot be affected by Mind Blank due to being an object not a creature. (due to death). Oh and I want a complete list of every defense you have vs death.

EDIT- Edited a few answers, dug up True Death power of Hunter of the Dead
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Janos, Shroud of Death does not make one immune to turning, into context, it is meant to be cast on living creatures but it does not specifically define that, but you are susceptible to turning, it just dazes you (if you would normally be turned) or stuns you (if you would normally be destroyed)-which you could argue you are immune to, stunning not dazing, but it doesn't make the caster completely immune to turning. Not to mention the fact that its "other properties" include automatically dispelling if you attack another undead creature. Besides, are you trying to help Kalanyr more than you're helping the group as a whole? :p By making that spell you're giving him the right to use it as well...that's not a good thing...

As a matter of fact to your last plan, I came up with that idea along time ago (except it was a kobold that you named yourself which had a name that would take about 5 years to pronounce and was hard to pronounce correctly and a few other variants) when I was making my character with a thought of using hide life. Kalanyr has ruled previously (not sure what now) that since the item (phylactery in this case, receptacle in last) is in stasis (under Imprisonment), it won't work. :(

Edit-be a nice lich and take away your immunity to turning spell and promise not to make any more variants and i'll show you something in essence to your "True Invisibility" That Kal previously approved for me.
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Janos Audron

kal, I'll let you know about my defenses when I'm home: the 19th.

Apart from the fact the Commoner cannot be affected by Mind Blank due to being an object not a creature. (due to death). Oh and I want a complete list of every defense you have vs death.

Well, I can affect him, but the spell is no longer in effect once he is imprisoned is it?

Sollir; there are very few things that can be beat. best try to use 10th level magic or a 20% chance Disjunction...


First Post
work in progress

In the attachment there's my race, the Leonal, the most powerful of guardinals. Kal has accepted the race with an ECL of 14.

Now my char:

Medium-size Outsider (Good) Fighter 6
Hit Dice: 13d8+6d10+133 (239 hp)
Initiative: +14 (+10 Dex +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 50 (+10 Dex, +14 natural, +10 armor, +5 deflection,+1 dodge)
Attacks: 2 claws +37 melee, bite +26 melee or greatsword +37/+32/+27/+22
Damage: Claw 1d6+19, bite 1d8+6 or greatsword 2d6+23
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Roar, pounce, improved grab, rake 1d6+19, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/+3, SR 30, lay on hands, animal telepathy, uncanny dodge, dodge missiles, celestial qualities
Saves: Fort +26 (17), Ref +26 (17), Will +24 (15)
Abilities: Str 34 (27+1), Dex 30 (22+2), Con 25 (19), Int 18, Wis 26 (19+1), Cha 23
Skills: Animal Empathy +29, Balance +25[-1], Diplomacy +25, Hide +27[-1], Jump +27 [-1], Knowledge (the Planes) +21, Listen +25, Move Silently +27[-1], Sense Motive +25, Spot +31, Tumble +19[-1], Wilderness Lore +31
Feats: Dodge, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Quick Draw, Quicken Spell-like Abilities, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Focus (claws), Weapon Specialization (claws), Whirlwind Attack

Celestial Qualities:

Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, leonals can surround themselves with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and as a minor globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a sorcerer whose level equal to the celestial’s Hit Dice. The aura can be dispelled, but the celestial can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Immunities (Ex): All celestials are immune to electricity and petrification attacks.

Resistances (Ex): Guardinals and eladrins have cold and acid resistance 20.

All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Spell-Like Abilities: at will- detect evil, detect thoughts, dimension door, discern alignment, dispel magic, fireball, light, magic missile, polymorph self, see invisibility, wall of force; 3/day- cure critical wounds, neutralize poison, remove disease; 1/day- heal. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Lay on Hands (Su): This works just like the paladin’s ability, but the leonal can heal as much damage per day as its own undamaged hit point total.

Animal Telepathy (Su): A leonal can mentally communicate with animals as a free action. This works exactly like speak with animals as cast by a 13th-level druid but does not require sound.

Roar (Su): A leonal can roar up to three times a day. Each roar releases a blast in a 60-foot cone that duplicates the effects of a holy word spell and deals an additional 2d6 points of sonic damage (Fortitude DC 22 negates).

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Leonals are never caught flat-footed.

Dodge Missiles (Ex): This ability operates like the Deflect Arrows feat, except that the leonal can dodge any missile and it need not have its hands free. (The creature is dodging, not deflecting.) This ability is usable three times per round.

Pounce (Ex): If a leonal leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the leonal must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake.

Rake (Ex): A leonal can make two rake attacks (+37 melee) against a held creature with its hind legs for 1d6+19 damage each. If the leonal pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Skills: Leonals receive a +4 racial bonus to Balance, Hide and Move Silently checks.

Once per year a leonal can grant another a wish as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer, provided that it serves the greater good.

Sacred Scabbard - casts Bless Weapon on a sword 3 times per day for a duration of 4 minutes - 6,400 gp
Robe of the Strong Soul - adds +2 SR to a creature who naturally possesses spell resistance. It does not function for someone who gains spell resistance as the result of an item or spell. - 8,500 gp
Arbendael's Blessing - Luckstone: +1 luck bonus to saves, skills and ability checks - 10,000 gp
Sigil of Life - the sigil can absorb up to twelve energy-draining attacks or death effects (such as finger of death). (An attack that would bestow two negative levels counts as two attacks.) Upon absorbing twelve such attacks, the sigil is dissolved into light. - 12,000 gp
Ring of Oceanus River - grants fire resistance 30 - 24,000gp
Crusader's Vest - grants a +5 resistance bonus to saves - 25,000 gp
War Mask of the Ancestral Lion - grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution - 36,000 gp
Belt of Pelor's Might - grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Strenght - 36,000 gp
Bracers of Angelic Grace - grant a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity - 36,000 gp
Circlet of Enlightened Mercy - grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom - 36,000 gp
Ring of Heavenly Defence - grants a +5 deflection bonus to AC - 50,000 gp
Golden Claws - cast greater magic fang +5 on claws, which are also considered blessed - 51,000 gp
Celestial Armor of Nimbleness - this bright gold +5 chainmail is so fine and light that it can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence. It has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +10, an armor check penalty of -1, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armor, and it allows the wearer to fly on command (as the spell) once per day - 100,300 gp
Sheyanna, the Diffident Light - +5 intelligent holy greatsword of ghost touch and bane of evil outsiders. Wis 12, Int 12, Cha 6. Empathy. Wielder has free use of evasion and can cast True Seeing at will. Neutral Good. Ego 15 - 215,350 gp

Manual of quickness in action +2 - 55,000 gp used
Tome of understanding +1 - 27,500 gp used

31,950 gp left


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