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The Kolloseaum: Team Gil's Conscience (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)


First Post
So glad you're both here, but this is too many people on one pillar, we're totally going down next... Gil chirps as he skips away from the nearby enemy.

Then to the crowds amazement the former assassin all-but-disappears into his comrades shadows, leaving only his voice as a reminder to the enemies where he was. Now you see me, now you don't! ha ha! The wizard doesn't stop his dark theme there, calling out in a loud voice, THIS BATTLE IS AS SUNSET TO THE DAY! before casting a spell, that was the very essence of dark illusion, over his spider-like enemies.

The webcrafter feels the darkness physically overcome it, as the twilight washes outward from his place on the pillar.


Move shift to N15

Minor appease with stealth 25
Gil gains +4 to next d20 roll

Standard Twilight Falls area burst 1 centered on P19
19 vs will wc2 (includes appease) HIT Dazed TE Gil's NT.
16 vs will s2 HIT
12 psychic damage, if the target is in the origin square it is also dazed TE of Gil's NT.

Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts TE of Gil's NT. When an enemy attacks a creature within the zone, that creature has partial concealment against that enemy.

Roll Lookup

[sblock=NEW ZONE]

Twilight Falls Zone

The burst creates a zone that lasts TE of Gil's NT. When an enemy attacks a creature within the zone, that creature has partial concealment against that enemy.


[sblock=Readied Immediate Actions]

Phantasmal Henchman (Immediate Interrupt)
Trigger: An ally within 10 misses an enemy with an attack.
Effect: Gil conjures a Phantasmal Henchman in a square adjacent to the target of the triggering allies attack. The Phantasmal Henchman stays TE of Gil's NT. Gil's allies can flank with the Phantasmal Henchman. As a move action, Gil can move the conjuration up to 6 squares. Once, before the end of Gil's NT, Gil can use the Phantasmal Henchman Attack power.


Moonstride (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: When an enemy moves adjacent to Gil.
Effect: Gil becomes insubstantial TENT, and shifts 2 squares away from the triggering enemy



Gil Human Hybrid Wizard|Artificer multiclass Assassin theme Scholar
AC 17 Fort 16 Reflex 19 Will 17 (additional +1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 5/36 bloodied 18, Surges 2/7 Surge value 9
Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 19, Normal vision
Second Wind: Used,
Saving Throws: +5 vs Fear Effects (Battle Hardened)
AP total 0, Speed 6, Initiative +6, Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Freezing Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Twilight Falls, Phantasmal Henchman, Phantasmal Henchman Attack Power, Use Vulnerability, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart
Action point; Demonskin Tattoo Gil resists 5 cold TE of the encounter

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: I'll try to update tomorrow. This weekend is going to be pretty busy so I'm not sure if I'll be able to update much.


First Post
Lerrick stands and then runs as fast as she can to the other side of the pillar, then jumps with what strength she has left...

and makes it! Yes!

movement: stand
movement: run and jump
ooc: run and jump: athletics check: 1d20+1= 10

minor: appease the crowd: 1d20 = 3: fail: crowd not impressed by the jump


Looking up she stands, not shaking her head in disbelief at the crowd now booing her for successfully making the jump. Tough crowd guys Lerrick, now looks to help her comrades anyway she can.
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First Post
Oi, you two get to a safe distance, and do what you can from there. I'll slow'em do for you.

*With that Kauldron bolted forward, and with a a single mighty leap lands upon the platform with all the baddies upon it. He circles around to the rear of the pair of startled Half-Spiders, and slashes out at the both of them with lightning quick strikes. Though the damage was minor, it was more then enough to send off a shriek of pain from one of them to alert the others, that Kauldron was indeed a threat to those nearby.*

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Call to Challenge.
-Target: Close Burst 3 (Half-Spider Marauder 2 (P14)/Half-Spider Scout 2 (O19)/Half-Spider Web Crafter 2 (P19))
-Effect: Each target is subject to Kauldron's divine sanction until the end of his next turn.
-Divine Sanction: Creatures are Marked taking a -2 penalty to attack rolls if they target another character other then Kauldron. As well as take 7 RADIANT damage if they target another character other then Kauldron.

Move: Move to O16, Leap to Q19, Move to P20. (Athletics; 22; Success)

Standard: Strength from Valor
-Target: Close Burst 1 (Half-Spider Scout 2 (O19)/Half-Spider Web Crafter 2 (P19))
-Attack: +11/+13 vs. Fort (Half-Spider Scout 2 (O19); Hit; 20/Half-Spider Web Crafter 2 (P19); Hit; 21)
-Damage: 1d8+7 damage. (8 damage)
-On a Hit: Kauldron gains 5 temporary hit points for each target hit by the attack. (Kauldron gains 10 temp hp, replacing the 8 temp hp he had previously).[/sblock]

[sblock=Kauldron]Kauldron- Male Goblin Paladin 6
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13

AC: 29 (Bloodied 28), Fort: 19, Ref: 20, Will: 20

Initiative: +5
Speed: 5

HP: 49/59, Temp HP: 8
Bloodied: 29, Surge Value: 14, Surges left: 7/12

Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike
Goblin Tactics
Virtuous Strike

Action Point [X]
Call to Challenge [X]
Channel Divinity [X]
Javelin [ ] [ ]
Pure Devotion [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Strength from Valor [X]
Student of the Sword [X]
Valorous Smite [X]

Hallowed Circle [X]
Lay on Hands [X]
Majestic Halo [X]
Potion of Healing [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Symbol of Brawn [X]
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First Post
Artemis feels the pillar tremor under his grasp.

"Oh no, not again..."

Hoping it hurts less to fall under your own power, he leaps down to the fog before the pillar collapses. As he turns in mid air, Artemis pulls Joy down and cradles her in his arms. The fall hurts. Evidently jumping blind is not a good choice.

Wisked through the fog, Artemis heaves Joy back over his shoulder and moves toward Kauldron's taunts and sounds of combat. When he runs face first into the pillar, he decides this is the spot to try and climb.

Free: Jump down 10 feet. I don't want to waste movement climbing, but if an athletics roll can decrease damage, I would want to do that. Damage: 1d10 → [10] = (10) Roll Lookup Yeah. Ow.
Fog: 1d6 → [3] = (3) Roll Lookup
Fog location: 1d20 → [19] = (19), 1d20 → [12] = (12) Roll Lookup If you use row, then column, that puts Artie and Joy in L-12.
Movement: Move to N-12.
(Standard convert to) Movement: Climb: 1d20+9 → [3,9] = (12) Roll Lookup Fail, still in the fog.
Save: 1d20 → [2] = (2) Roll Lookup Man, the hits just keep on coming.

[sblock=mini-stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hexblade 4
Status: blind, weakened (save ends)
Initiative: +3, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
AC 21/20 For: 15 Ref: 17 Will: 19
HP: 13/37 Bloodied: 18 Surge value: 9 Surges/day: 2/8
Speed: 5 squares, Languages: Common, Primordial
AP: 0, Second Wind: unused

Powers: Resplendent Blade, Eldritch Bolt, Dire Fate
Wield the Warp, Wield the Warp, Heroic Effort, Spectral Fade
Confusion of the Cosmos, Inspiring Word, Ironscar Rod, Lesser Planar Ally

PC:Artemis Harks, Hexblade (FourMonos) - L4W Wiki



First Post
I'll get a rope to you Artemis, just hold on a little longer! Kauldron has health potions too! shouts Gil after loosing his spell.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match Three: Pillars of Doom, Round 8

The few remaining half-spiders lash out at Brenwar, Kauldron, Cyr, and Gil, dropping Gil and doing some minor damage to the others. Meanwhile, one of the web-hurlers near Kauldron slips over to the side of the pillar and fires a web line off to a nearby pillar.

It seems the crowd is unhappy at it running away as they nail its pillar with flying wooden balls...

"This fog isn't slick enough! How slippery can we make it?"

GM: Map.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Half-spider Scout 1: Move to P1. Furious Volley: Hand Crossbow(Range 10/20): 25 vs Brenwar's 26 AC, miss. Hand Crossbow(Range 10/20): 30 vs Brenwar's 26 AC, hit, 5 reduced to 4 damage.
Half-spider Scout 2: Move to T16 <OA from Kauldron: 1d20+12=18 vs Scout's AC 17, hit, 1d8+8=10 damage>. Furious Volley: Hand Crossbow(Range 10/20): 24 vs Kauldron's 29 AC, miss, Hand Crossbow(Range 10/20): 23 vs Kauldron's 29 AC, miss.
Half-spider Scout: MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d4+3 damage.

Half-spider Marauder 2: Stand. Quick Jabs: Short Sword(-2 mark): <Take 10 radiant damage from Kauldron's Divine Challenge> 14 vs Cyr's 22 AC, miss, shift 2, Short Sword(-2 mark): 18 vs Gil's 18 AC, hit, 10 damage.
Half-spider Marauder: MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage(+1d6 if has CA).

Half-spider Web Crafter 2: Shift to O18. Web Line: Fly 5.
Half-spider Web Crafter: MBA: +11 vs AC, 2d8+5 damage and slowed TenT.

Green Dragons killed: 1
Drake Mounts killed: 2
Dragonborn killed: 2
Half-Spider Grunts killed: 2
Half-spider Warriors killed: 2
Half-spider Marauders killed: 1
Half-spider Web Crafters killed: 1[/sblock]

[sblock=Current Fog Type]Grease Fog: Prone, slide 1d6 squares in a random direction (1d8, 1 is N, 2 is NE, etc). If hit wall or pillar take 1d6 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Pillars: The pillars are 20' (4 squares) up. They are DC 15 Athletics to climb (usually climbing rules: roll per move action, 1/2 speed, grant CA, fail by 5 or more is fall). Falling off deals 2d10 damage.

Light colored pillars will fall at the end of the next round.

Magic Fog: The fog below does damage to anything that enters and/or starts their turns in it.[/sblock]

[sblock=Appease the Crowd]*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.

I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.

*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.

*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Current Skill DCs:
Acrobatics: 21
Arcana: 21
Athletics: 19
Bluff: 19
Heal: 19
History: 21
Insight: 21
Perception: 19
Religion: 19
Stealth: 19
Streetwise: 19
Thievery: 21
Others: 17[/sblock]


Ootah slips on the new fog efect and painfully hits the wall. He sears to to something very nasty to whoever invented this arena, when he spots one of the scouts precariously perched on the pillar. A well aimed arrow sends it sprawling and hissing to its fall into the mist, and finally stops when hitting the pillar where Brenwar is standing.

Start of turn: Fall prone, slide 4 squares SE and hit wall for another 6.
Move: Stand up
Minor: Quarry m2, apparently the closest visible enemy.
Standard: Clever shot on S1, with damage bonus for Bow Expertise. It barely hits for 18 damage, and slides 2 squares SW. According to other posts, you don't get a save when you're climbing, so he falls and takes another 9 damage, plus the fog slides it 5 squares NW, hitting the pillar and dealing 6 more damage. Total damage taken is 33 so far.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats] Ootah Half-Orc Ranger 5
Initiative: +7, Passive perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15
Defenses: AC: 21, For: 16, Ref: 19, Will: 16
HP: 32/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge value: 11, Surges/day:0/8 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Giant
AP: 0
Twin Strike, Clever Shot
Two Fanged Strike, Disruptive Strike, Invigorating Stride, Furious Assault, Surprise Strike
Skirmish Stance, Flying Steel[/sblock]
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: You take no damage for starting in the fog, only for being slid into things. Also, the enemy take no penalties for climbing since they have a climb speed, just as creatures with a swim speed have no penalty for swimming. If you slide them far enough that they can't reach a wall they still have to make a save vs falling.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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