• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The last colony


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Huynia's feelings are mixed as he treks onwards through the jungle. The urgency and horror of the visions he has seen seem to press at his back constantly, driving him onwards and allowing him no peace. Ahead of him lies the trading post to which he is bound, and he is far from looking forward to his arrival there. He knows that this place, where the men live in opposition to the green, is where he must go to seek the solution to his troubling visions, but that does not mean he relishes the prospect of spending time there. Yet still, despite these dual stresses that bear down upon him, he finds himself serene and contended for the time being. Out here, in the wild country where everything is so simple and natural, he is at peace, and outside influences have a hard time shattering that.

He stops swiftly when he notices the strange movement from ahead. As one who has long lived in communion with the savage jungles of his home, he understands that even one who is allied with nature, who is indeed an extension of it, must be wary of it or suffer the consequences. The natural process by which some cratures are made predator and some made prey is not something he opposes, but neither does he wish to be caught on the wrong side of it. Reaching his senses outward he feels the presence of Atapa, circling high above the trees, and silently he bids the great eagle to descend and be ready to come to his aid. Meanwhile he goes slowly forward. He does not attempt to hide himself, for he has long since learned that he does not have the talent for doing so. Instead he simply moves cautiously forward, intensely wary of his surroundings and paying particular attention to any tracks on the forest floor that might give him a clue as to what lies ahead.

[sblock]Sorry I missed this at first!

Spot is +6 if you need it.

He's attempting to find tracks ahead, so Survival is +11 and he has the track feat.[/sblock]

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First Post
Huyna notices two humans who seems to be building some kind of trap for a large animal. They do not seem to be very proficient in doing so. Too absorb by their activity they didn't notice the approaching druid yet.

Suddenly a smaller folk approaches them with a scroll in his hand. The two humans seems very upset by what the smaller humanoid just told them.

OOC Eluvan assumes that Huyna sees the following


The larger men (Hurt) looks at Vaanork "Who do you think you are to dismiss us like that." He looks at his compagnion, then turns again towards the gnome. "You will see what I will do with your little paper"

Both human seems very angry at the gnome. They both put their hands on the pomel of their sword continuosly swearing at the gnome

OOC Sherylee can hear the two loud human in the distance.

OOC More to come soon for the others.


First Post
The wizards turns and carefully observes George visibely satisfied by his answer. He then turns and head for the door. "A few more day, my friend, a few more days."

As he is about to open the door a flashy young men (Saul) enters the room. Slightly disturbed by the newcommer the wizards gives him a very mean look. Without a word he leaves George store.


Kerten is confortably seated in his grotto, reading a book. The book was written by Keyla a former classmate. She was selected to explore the old world and came back from her expedition with very controversial theory.

She claims that the primitive barbarian that drove back the powerfull elven nations out of the known world are actually less primitive than initially taugh. She claims that some even understand very complex magical equation and even develloped new spells. She also claims that a non negligable part of the population could even be considered more intellectually apt than the average elf. These revelation as astonishing as they can be are attracting a lot of curious.

So many generation have passed since we used to control this world(3000-4000 years). Perhaps they evolved, or maybe she just wants some attention. thinks Kerten.

The grey elves who used to dominate the known worlds were forced to exile themselves under the south pole. In an effort that killed a lot of them as they weren't used to work manually they dig a series of cavern that were connected with the planet magma. Using that energy they were able to survive for generations. Recently (50years ago) they found a way to use that energy to heat the continent soil. Creating a small paradise for them on the surface. Slowly they are rebuilding a major city. Building in the elven nation are made of wood, stone and metal that integrates themselves seamessly with the surrounding nature. Since building requires a lot of study and preparation most of the population doesn't have access to those residence.

Kerten a final year wizards honour student will probably be offered one soon when he starts teaching and researching at the university. Taken by what Keyla wrote Kerten barely notices the small whispers that comes to his ear. "Kerten I need to see you to my office, I have an assignement for you"

He recognises his dean voices. So he quickly heads towards the outside. After about ten minutes he reaches the outside and walk for another 10 minutes to get to the university. Kerten can see in the far the large mountains of snow and ice that surround the little elven paradise.

He enters the dean office. The old elf salute him and invite him to seat. Kerten immediatly notices Keyla's book on his wooden desk (one of the very few he ever saw).

"Puzzling isn't it, how they have evolved so quickly. I seriously questioned her research and started to scry so old well known area. What I saw surprised me. They indeed destroyed our city but they also rebuild theirs. Their architecture is quite primitive, but advanced enough to scare me.

I also noticed that they made interesting advances in magic. I wasn't able to scry on certain area, that were protected by magic.

As you might not know, the grand council is planning in a few generation once we rebuild our strength to reconquer the planet and to enslave again those primitive races to allivates us from our day to day chores so that we can completly focus on improving our knowledge. 700 years is very short when you have to work to survive. How many good talent are we loosing hunting, farming, controlling the magma or worse preparing food, cleaning and such.

What she just said might accelerate our plans. If the primitive races evolve faster than we taught we need to act before it's too late.

Kerten what I will ask you is not easy. You are the most analytical and gifted student I know on the campus. That's why I choose you. In the light of her book, We've been asked to send explorer to the world to gather more info about these primitive beigns. We are only asking you to gather info. Be carefull it seems that some primitive species of elves now inhabit the land. Keyla mention that they are even ruling some kind of powerfull faction of human and elves in a distant land.

If you accept you will have to be carefull not too intimidate too much with your powerfull intellect, from what I heard they could get mad and try to burn you. What they don't understand scares them you know.

If you are like me and hopes to see our great nation return to it's place in the natural cycle of things you will accept this assignement.

You can be sure that I would remember this next year when you will be convocated at your final exam.

The tall elf stands up waiting for Kerten answer. Looking at him without any emotion.



DarkMaster said:
OOC Sherylee can hear the two loud human in the distance.

Ahhh... Sherylee was basically right there with Vaanork. She was talking to him and was the one to first suggest getting rid of the duo. She read over his letter and agreed to it as well.

So unless they all moved and I was not aware, then would I not be much closer?


The larger men (Hurt) looks at Vaanork "Who do you think you are to dismiss us like that." He looks at his compagnion, then turns again towards the gnome. "You will see what I will do with your little paper"

Both human seems very angry at the gnome. They both put their hands on the pomel of their sword continuosly swearing at the gnome

(( I'll go with being further away for now ))

Sherylee did not like the sounds coming from where she knew Vaanork to be. She gently patted the jaguar to rouse the beast and gave a command to follow and then started for the voices drawing up her bow as she did. She also started moving stealthily watching as she goes for trouble that may be drawn to the loud noises.

(( MS: +12/Hide +10... and for these mooks, take 10... ))
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First Post
Huynia moves forward towards the scene of the altercation, no longer affecting very much caution now that he knows the nature of the disturbance. At first he is inclined simply to wait for the conflict to play out, not much caring if these intruders to the forest choose to spill each others' blood. Planting his staff on the floor he simply watches, ready to pick up the pieces and disarm the trap if necessary.

It is not long, however, before he recognises the gnome who is being addressed with such violence, and with a shock he realises it is one of his kinsmen. He is surprised to see anybody he recognises so far from home but, he realises, actually it is true that the tribe's hunters roam out this far sometimes, and even deal with the people of the trading post.

He still does not choose to intervene directly, thinking that perhaps the gnome can deal with this himself, but he does prepare himself to step in if necessary, nocking an arrow to his bow.


Kerten bows his head slightly at the honour of the offer, "thank you, I shall go to the far off lands and visit these savages. However, how shall I report back my findings quickly?" The much smaller elf replies to the Dean, although he thinks to himself, interesting theories indeed, although surely the other races would be glad to work for us rather than be our slaves once we show them the exquisite pinnacle of knowledge our race holds in its grasp.

Ranger Rick

First Post
Seeing Saul enter, George takes a breath to clear him of the emotional exchange with the wizard. "Yes Sir, what can I do for you today?"

OOC: George takes a reading to guess who this Saul is.


First Post
The dean stands smiles as Kerten accepts the assignement. "Come with me" The dean leads Kerten to a small laboratory adjacent to his office. The laboratory is filled with exotic material and research equipment. In the back of the room he sees a large richely decorated mirror. The tall elf approaches the mirror starts an incantation and focuses on the mirror. Slowly Kerten sees an image appears inside it. He sees a large continent first. The image zoom in on a jungle located south of the continent. The image continues to zoom in to a specific point in the jungle. He sees a large stone circle covered with earth and plants. On the circle it is written (in his elven language) Kalormnyr. About two hundred feets from the circle he sees a group of four savage and a strange four legged creature who seems to be arguing

The dean seems upset. "Get away, primitive creatures. If they see you they might blow your cover.

The image continue to display the area, but the dean walk towards a library filled with magical stuff. He takes two rings, an amulet and pick up a few canned rations (meal stored magically in can. Once one says the magical work it transformed itself in a very complete and filling meal.) ""Take these rations that should be enough for the effect of the ring to sustain you (ring of sustenance). Take also this other ring it has enough energy in it to reactivate a teleportation circle. Once you reactivate any of them just pronounced Nortvak and it will bring you back here. Nortvak was the biggest ring we were able to bring back here when we were exiled from the world.

The dean then leads Kerten to the University basement. After opening an extremely well concealed door. They both enter the room. The room is completly empty except for a stone ring flat on the floor. The ring is connected on all corners of the room by large energy conductor.

"Once in the ring simply say Kalormnyr and that will automatically teleport you to where used to be the Kalormnyr university teleporter. I wish you good luck my friend. And be assured that our nation will remember what you did for us. One last thing take that amulet it will allow you to understand and speak most of their primitive languages. You simply need to refocus on it when you hear a new language to switch the amulet magic to that language. Just pretend to be one of those primitive elf and I think that everything should be fine."

Pencil and paper

First Post
Vaanork Gnome/Ranger

DarkMaster said:
The larger men (Hurt) looks at Vaanork "Who do you think you are to dismiss us like that." He looks at his compagnion, then turns again towards the gnome. "You will see what I will do with your little paper"

Both human seems very angry at the gnome. They both put their hands on the pomel of their sword continuously swearing at the gnome

Vaanork turn against the two men's when he hears the intimidating word use. “please... this is not a matter to be mad of” “remember you are going to get paid when you get back to George anyway” “and hurting me, wont exactly grant you a bonus...” “i would more believe that you will get a price on your heads” ... “put your weapons down sires” “I believe you to be people of honour as the profession you have chosen to follow, the way of the soldier” He looks at them both, smiles, and rest his hands on the pomel of his hammer. “I hope you have a good journey, and get to the trading post with no news” “Tell George to give you 5% each of my pay for the inconvenience”
Vaanork tries to talk his way out of the situation and simultaneous spot after a near tree or bush to hide.

Ooc: how close is he to the two men's? Remember Vaanork had turned his back to them and walked towards Sherylee.

Bluff +2
Spot +6


First Post
Ranger Rick said:
Seeing Saul enter, George takes a breath to clear him of the emotional exchange with the wizard. "Yes Sir, what can I do for you today?"

OOC: George takes a reading to guess who this Saul is.

Saul turns with a smile to the proprietor, and in a surprising show of honesty admits, "You know, I'm not quite sure. I'm a bit at loose ends, actually, new to the area and all. At some point I suppose I'll need to find work, but for now I find shopping tends to help me get to know a place. So ... what is it that you sell here, exactly?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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