We're going to assume Zook said that quietly so Buntleby couldn't hear him, right?
Buntleby looks mildly confused that half the party is having a secret meeting while the other half isn't, but he nods at Veyk's suggestion.
"Right here, gentlemen. Madam."
He proceeds to open a leather folio: inside is a map of the district fully two by three feet in size: drawn, if the title block can be believed, by Q. Mortimer Buntleby.
Over the map is a sheet of thin tracing vellum liberally sprinkled with crosses, six rayed stars, and 8 rayed stars.
He takes a moment to line the vellum up with the map, secures it with some brass clips, and demonstrates to the party how each type of mark represents a different sort of event.
There are thirty-seven neatly numbered crosses, each representing an UNCANNY VIEWING: he holds up a notebook with numbered pages to correspond to the numbers.
Nineteen six-rayed stars indicate MISSING THINGS, each with their own page in the notebook.
Seven eight-rayed stars indicate MISSING PEOPLE, and Buntleby sadly draws on a star to add Will as the party directs him.
More numbered pages and Buntleby neatly jots notes from the party's description of the fight.
He may be a crank, but he's certainly an organized crank.