D&D 5E The March D&D Book Will Be Announced Next Tuesday

As has become standard these days, the upcoming D&D book has appeared -- in an anonymous, secretive guise -- on various bookstores in advance of an announcement. In this case, Amazon, Penguin Random House, and Barnes & Noble, all of whom confirm that the book will be announced next Tuesday on January 12th, and released on March 16th. The book will cost $49.99. B&N has its dimensions as being...

As has become standard these days, the upcoming D&D book has appeared -- in an anonymous, secretive guise -- on various bookstores in advance of an announcement. In this case, Amazon, Penguin Random House, and Barnes & Noble, all of whom confirm that the book will be announced next Tuesday on January 12th, and released on March 16th.

The book will cost $49.99. B&N has its dimensions as being 6.5 x 9.5 inches, which is smaller than a standard D&D hardcover (but that information could just be a placeholder). B&N also indicates that the authors are Peter Lee and Rodney Thompson, but they also say that for Tasha's Cauldron and other WotC books, so that also looks like it's just their boilerplate for WotC. There's also an ISBN number: 978-0786967223.

This is almost an exact mirror of this time last year, almost down to the dates (last year it appeared on stores on Jan 6th, was announced as Explorer's Guide to Wildemount on Jan 9th, and released March 17th).

There's been plenty of speculation recently. Last year WotC said that three classic settings were getting active attention, and that the coming years would have a greater emphasis on settings, as well as more anthologies and Magic: The Gathering collaborations. And, of course, WotC has recently been involved in a Dragonlance lawsuit, which was voluntarily dismissed in December with Margaret Weis tweeting that there was exciting news in the weeks to come.


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You mean Setting Books? World Books sound like those big "only lore nothing else" books some folks want for Forgotten Realms.
Yeah, I tend to use the words interchangeably.

Judging by what we've seen so far, I doubt they're going to have any lore-only books, and crunch-only like Xannie's or Tasha's are going to be major deals.

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I think the critical difference is that only one of those books had great sales ;)
edit: Personally I'd rather see FR be tossed in the bin & lit on fire, but collapsing shrodinger's setting into something cohesive is a good start
What I'd like to see is a modicum of attention paid to anyplace that isn't the Sword Coast. Seriously. This page says the world has eight continents, most of which haven't been touched in ages, if at all.

While my preference is for the upcoming setting books to be for Planescape, Dark Sun, Spelljammer, Hollow World, or any of their other major settings, I'd take a book that dealt with Zhakara, Maztica, Kara Tur, and the rest of the planet. Even just one book where each continent only got a single chapter would be better than nothing.

...Well, a book written well and checked by sensitivity editors and the like.


What I'd like to see is a modicum of attention paid to anyplace that isn't the Sword Coast. Seriously. This page says the world has eight continents, most of which haven't been touched in ages, if at all.

While my preference is for the upcoming setting books to be for Planescape, Dark Sun, Spelljammer, Hollow World, or any of their other major settings, I'd take a book that dealt with Zhakara, Maztica, Kara Tur, and the rest of the planet. Even just one book where each continent only got a single chapter would be better than nothing.

...Well, a book written well and checked by sensitivity editors and the like.
I don't think the people driving FR have a deep enough care about or grasp on worldbuilding/culture/human nature/history/etc to recognize that there is a difference between a cohesive world that doesn't require you to memorize every npc place & historical event depicted in a novel game or adventure like some of the other settings that still work without gratuitous plot armor regardless of if you are running them hyperlocal or from 10,000 feet big picture view


Book-Friend, he/him
Yeah, but that was an adventure book. It was kind of in its own category as a Megadungeon without much plot keeping the campaign going, but it still fit into that category. This is a book with a bunch of adventures complied together, like GoS and TftYP, so it would normally be expected to follow that same format.

Both GoS and TftyP were reprinting older products, some quite lengthy in their original floppy formats. GoS also had a ton of extra material, with a regional gazetteer and random high seas adventure generation and vehicle warfare stuff.

A book focused on brief, new modules, similar to the four seen in the Wildemount book...yeah, 17 in one 5E book sounds about right. The four modules in Wildemount took up ~60 pages, so 17 of similar length would actually be short for a E book, so even longer modules seem likely.


5e Freelancer
Both GoS and TftyP were reprinting older products, some quite lengthy in their original floppy formats. GoS also had a ton of extra material, with a regional gazetteer and random high seas adventure generation and vehicle warfare stuff.

A book focused on brief, new modules, similar to the four seen in the Wildemount book...yeah, 17 in one 5E book sounds about right. The four modules in Wildemount took up ~60 pages, so 17 of similar length would actually be short for a E book, so even longer modules seem likely.
I agree. That seems likely for length and style. I hope these adventures are good and that the information on Candlekeep is better than TftYP's section on the Yawning Portal.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
I think the critical difference is that only one of those books had great sales ;)
edit: Personally I'd rather see FR be tossed in the bin & lit on fire, but collapsing shrodinger's setting into something cohesive is a good start

I've seen it thrown around a bunch that the SCAG doesn't have good sales, but even today it is having better sales than E:RftLW. They are #12 and #16, respectively.

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