The new Star Trek movie is ... mediocre.
I saw it yesterday and while I'm pleased that the franchise is getting a decent reboot and hoping that it will produce better movies soon, this one was just average for me. I was entertained, but at least half the entertainment came from the movie's references to what we know of Star Trek rather than from the movie itself. Of course, that's probably the point, but I think it's possible to have that and for the movie to stand on its own merits too, and the latter it (for me) failed to do. Plot, characterization, etc all required you to know a fair bit about Star Trek for it to work, and even so didn't work that well for me. When it comes to space s/f movies, I'd put something like Serenity miles ahead of it. Much tighter and better done, and able to work for someone completely unaware of the Firefly series as well as for someone who knows and loves everything Joss Wheedon has done.
I'd also have liked it to be at least a little cerebral rather than primarily focused on the action (none of which was particularly noteworthy). And the primary non-action element, the bromance of Kirk and Spock, came across to me as a little forced. One of the things I liked about Star Trek TOS was the way it pushed boundaries and actually had some consideration for how a society, ethics, humanity, morality, etc might be different in a future world. Unfortunately, when you reboot a story from the 1960s to the 21st century and don't change enough, it looks horribly dated. For example, the presence of Uhura and other women on the bridge in TOS (despite the stupid uniform) was a majorly progressive move. But having Zoe Saldana reprise the character without updating anything (and they brought back the damn mini-skirt) just makes it seem horribly backwards now.
But I should quit here. In short, I thought it was okay. And wish it was much better.
I saw it yesterday and while I'm pleased that the franchise is getting a decent reboot and hoping that it will produce better movies soon, this one was just average for me. I was entertained, but at least half the entertainment came from the movie's references to what we know of Star Trek rather than from the movie itself. Of course, that's probably the point, but I think it's possible to have that and for the movie to stand on its own merits too, and the latter it (for me) failed to do. Plot, characterization, etc all required you to know a fair bit about Star Trek for it to work, and even so didn't work that well for me. When it comes to space s/f movies, I'd put something like Serenity miles ahead of it. Much tighter and better done, and able to work for someone completely unaware of the Firefly series as well as for someone who knows and loves everything Joss Wheedon has done.
I'd also have liked it to be at least a little cerebral rather than primarily focused on the action (none of which was particularly noteworthy). And the primary non-action element, the bromance of Kirk and Spock, came across to me as a little forced. One of the things I liked about Star Trek TOS was the way it pushed boundaries and actually had some consideration for how a society, ethics, humanity, morality, etc might be different in a future world. Unfortunately, when you reboot a story from the 1960s to the 21st century and don't change enough, it looks horribly dated. For example, the presence of Uhura and other women on the bridge in TOS (despite the stupid uniform) was a majorly progressive move. But having Zoe Saldana reprise the character without updating anything (and they brought back the damn mini-skirt) just makes it seem horribly backwards now.
But I should quit here. In short, I thought it was okay. And wish it was much better.