Star Trek: Section 31 ... THE MOVIE

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If Paramount had been paying attention, they would have given us "Strange New Worlds" in the first place.

I really do wonder how good Discovery could have been if Bryan Fuller had stayed at the helm. It would certainly have been different (and from all accounts, a lot more ambitious).


Meh. Plausible but dont care for it. Just more reasons that DISCO didnt quite feel like Trek to me.
Discovery has persistent... let's say issues with its dramaturgy, but seasons 3 and 4 are a pure and clear contemporary restatement of the Star Trek ethos. Especially season 4, which resolves a Federation-threatening, err, threat with an act of interspecies communication rendered as spectacle.


I really do wonder how good Discovery could have been if Bryan Fuller had stayed at the helm. It would certainly have been different (and from all accounts, a lot more ambitious).
I wonder that, too. He gave us both Pushing Daisies and Hannibal. Could go either way. :)

(loved both)


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Discovery has persistent... let's say issues with its dramaturgy, but seasons 3 and 4 are a pure and clear contemporary restatement of the Star Trek ethos. Especially season 4, which resolves a Federation-threatening, err, threat with an act of interspecies communication rendered as spectacle.
I didnt get past season 2, but might next year during my two month run with P+.

Edit: Also Strange New Worlds.


There's a new trailer out today. Looks great. I feel like they knew what works about the show from the very start.

Unlike, for instance, DISCO.
Looks like the trailer got pulled from a whole bunch of sites, but it's still available on the Paramount Youtube channel.

Voidrunner's Codex

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