Star Trek: Section 31 ... THE MOVIE


I've just done some reading on the market share that Discovery has and I'll eat some crow on that. While not remotely my cup of tea, nor that of my Star Trek loving acquaintances, it's certainly doing well in the ratings. It lost one audience and found another, it would seem. Some also put it ever so slightly ahead of Strange New Worlds in success.
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Dire Bare

I've just done some reading on the market share that Discovery has and I'll eat some crow on that. While not remotely my cup of tea, nor that of my Star Trek loving acquaintances, it's certainly doing well in the ratings. It lost one audience and found another, it would seem. Some also put it ever so slightly ahead of Strange New Worlds in success.
Thanks for eating that crow, but . . .

Your post implies that Discovery lost the traditional Trek audience in favor of an audience new to Trek . . . and that isn't really true either.

While certainly some long time Trek fans such as yourself do not care for Discovery and some of the other new Trek shows, PLENTY of long-time Trek fans . . . like myself . . . LOVE everything new Trek.

It's (IMO) that hardcore element of any fanbase who just really dislikes change, but yet craves more content, that do not care for Discovery. And not just, "Eh, not for me" but a sometimes angry condemnation of the show.

For whatever reasons you dislike Discovery, that's cool. But there are plenty of long-time Trek fans who are loving the show and feel that, while it doesn't always hit the mark, it's great Star Trek. And really, which Star Trek show from the past didn't ALSO have plenty of problematic issues? That's right . . . NONE of them.


I like to think it was the events of Discovery season 2 that led to Section 31 being edited out of Starfleet's official history over the next 80 or so years. Then again, I like it when the Federation does things that a real political entity would so. It tethers the utopianism.
Except weren't they a secret organization in Enterprise, which predates Discovery?


Discovery has persistent... let's say issues with its dramaturgy, but seasons 3 and 4 are a pure and clear contemporary restatement of the Star Trek ethos. Especially season 4, which resolves a Federation-threatening, err, threat with an act of interspecies communication rendered as spectacle.
Discovery is obviously contentious, but I am going to have to disagree with season 3 (the last one I watched) being a restatement of the Trek ethos. It may have been building up to that (I can't say for sure since I was done at the end of the season) but Burnham's behaviors and promotion was very counter to the Trek ethos and, to my mind, that's just the beginning of its issues. Also, The Burn happening because some kid screamed was just bad, bad writing.


Thanks for eating that crow, but . . .

Your post implies that Discovery lost the traditional Trek audience in favor of an audience new to Trek . . . and that isn't really true either.

While certainly some long time Trek fans such as yourself do not care for Discovery and some of the other new Trek shows, PLENTY of long-time Trek fans . . . like myself . . . LOVE everything new Trek.

It's (IMO) that hardcore element of any fanbase who just really dislikes change, but yet craves more content, that do not care for Discovery. And not just, "Eh, not for me" but a sometimes angry condemnation of the show.

For whatever reasons you dislike Discovery, that's cool. But there are plenty of long-time Trek fans who are loving the show and feel that, while it doesn't always hit the mark, it's great Star Trek. And really, which Star Trek show from the past didn't ALSO have plenty of problematic issues? That's right . . . NONE of them.

Discovery wasn't great but I made it to season 4.

Couldn't get through Season 1 of TNG or Voyager. Skipped to S3 for TNG gave up on Voyager.

DS9 good trek;).

Voidrunner's Codex

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