I recently went through a move of house, and in the process I eliminated 90% of my physical RPG collection. Since, I have thought a lot about that: am I going to regret the Great Purge? Will I rebuild my collection in the new house? If so, with what games?
I have coupled this process with considering which upcoming Kickstarters I want to back, and why. And somewhere in the meantime I realized that I just don't need this stuff, or most of it.
I need less stuff, as it relates to my TTRPG hobby. I need fewer books, yes,but also fewer pages in the books I do want. I need fewer rules, too, and recoil from games I think are really keen in concept but are (or promise to be) way too rulesy.
I feel like I need three games: Shadowdark for D&D style adventures, Mutants and Masterminds 3E for supers, and SWADE for literally everything else. I like new games and I sometimes want them, but I really struggle being willing to buy or back them knowing that I just need less.
I am going through that with Ashes Without Number right now. I love Crawford's games, and PA is my favorite genre, so it should be a no brainer. But I am have a hell of a time pulling the trigger to back it.
Anyway, just venting.
How about you? How do you feel about the amount of stuff you feel like you need to be happy in the hobby?