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The prophesy of the Child [Recruiting till 26-01-07]


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Paper_Bard said:
I know you're pretty busy, but about my character sheet. Any first impressions? Am I even being considered?

looks good, I still have to numbre crunch it. but every character posted before the 26th will be considered

Nephtys said:
Hey Rino, any comments about my character, or those feats I posted?

I took a look at your character a long time ago, but cant find the feats. your character is incubus right?

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So you're fine with the warlock feats from WOTC article I found? You like his bio? I know it was rushed at the end... but a guy has to sleep sometime :p


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These feats

Nephtys said:
I've found some feats from Dragon #305 I'd like to use on this site but I wanted to check with you first. Here they are:

[sblock=for your convenience]
God Touched
Type: General
Source: Dragon #305

Your deity has recognized your devotion and gifted you with a small spark of divine power.

Prerequisite: Patron deity
Benefit: Once per day, while performing an act related to one of your deity's portfolios, you can call upon your deity as a free action and gain a +1 luck bonus on any one die roll. For example, a character devoted to Moradin (whose portfolios are dwarves, creation, smithing, engineering, and war) could gain a +1 luck bonus on any attack or damage roll, a Craft check, a Profession (engineer) check, or a Knowledge check relating to dwarves or dwarf history.
Special: You can take this feat only once. The God Touched feat is incompatible with the Disciple of Darkness and Thrall to Demon feats from the Book of Vile Darkness. If you have either of those feats, you cannot take this one, and if you have the God Touched feat, you cannot subsequently take either of those feats.
The benefit of this feat cannot be used at the same time as the benefits from the Divine Fervor, Divine Fury, or Divine Fortification feats.

Divine Fervor
Type: General
Sources: Dragon #305
Dungeon Compendium Vol. 1

You can use divine energy to gain a temporary boost to an ability score.

Prerequisite: patron deity
Benefit: Once per day, you can call upon your deity and gain a +2 bonus to any one ability score. The bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma bonus (if any) (minimum 1 round).

Divine Fortification
Type: General
Source: Dragon #305

You can use divine energy to gain temporary defensive bonuses.

Prerequisite: Divine Fervor, God Touched, patron deity
Benefit: Once per day, you can call upon your deity and gain the following benefits:

A deflection bonus to Armor Class equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) +1.
Temporary hit points equal to your character level.
A +2 bonus to Dexterity.
These benefits last a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) +1.
Using this feat requires some divine power. You can expend either your daily use of the God Touched feat or one daily use of the turn/rebuke ability (if you have it) as a free action to provide the necessary energy. Alternatively, another character who worships the same deity as you do and has the turn/rebuke ability can expend one daily use of that ability to provide the necessary divine energy for you. To transfer the energy, the donor must touch you on his or her turn. Such a transfer requires a standard action.
If you power the feat yourself, the benefit begins immediately. If you receive the necessary energy from another character, the benefit begins on your next turn. All divine energy transferred to you in this way is completely absorbed by your body and has no other effects.
Special: The benefits from this Feat cannot be used at the same rime as the benefits from the God Touched, Divine Fervor, or Divine Fury feats.

Divine Fury
Type: General
Source: Dragon #305

You can temporarily become a fighting powerhouse using the power of divine energy.

Prerequisite: Divine Fervor, God Touched, patron deity
Benefit: Once per day, you can call upon your deity and gain the following benefits:

An increase to your base attack bonus equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) +1. If this increase raises you base attack bonus enough to grant additional attacks per round, you gain those as well for the duration of the effect.
Temporary hit points equal to you character level.
A +2 bonus to Strength.
These benefits last a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) +1.
Using this feat requires some divine power. You can expend either your daily use of the God Touched feat or one daily use of the turn/rebuke agility (if you have it) as a free action to provide the necessary energy. Alternatively, another character who worships the same deity as you do an4 has the turn/rebuke ability can expend one daily use of that ability to provide the necessary divine energy for you. To transfer the energy, the donor must touch you on his or her turn. Such a transfer requires a standard action.
If you power the feat yourself, the benefit begins immediately. If you receive the necessary energy from another character, the benefit begins on your next turn. All divine energy transferred to you in this way is completely absorbed by your body an has no other effects.
Special: The benefits from this feat cannot be used at the same time as the benefits from the God Touched, Divine Fervor, or Divine Fortification feats.

Divine Shield
Type: Divine
Sources: Complete Warrior
Defenders of the Faith

You can channel energy to make your shield more effective for either offense or defense.

Prerequisite: Turn or rebuke undead ability, proficiency with a shield.
Benefit: As a standard action, spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to channel energy into your shield, granting it a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier. This bonus applies to the shield's bonus to Armor Class and lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your character level.

Divine Vigor
Type: Divine
Sources: Complete Warrior
Defenders of the Faith

You can channel energy to increase your speed and durability.

Prerequisite: Turn or rebuke undead ability.
Benefit: As a standard action, spend one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts to increase your base speed by 10 feet and gain +2 temporary hit points per character level. These effects last a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier.[/sblock]


First Post
My character should (barring mistakes) be complete now.

Now all I need to do is write a background. :)

Abjurer 3 / Master Spec 10 / Initiate 7 / Epic Master Spec 7
[B]Class:[/B] Abjurer 3 / Master Spec 10 / Initiate 7 / Epic Master Spec 7
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] NG

[B]Str:[/B] 14  +2 (2p  +5 Inh)                [B]Level:[/B] 27       [B]XP:[/B] 
[B]Dex:[/B] 21  +5 (2p  +5 Inh +6 Enh)         [B]BAB:[/B] +13        [B]HP:[/B]  217 (27d4 + 135)
[B]Con:[/B] 21  +5 (2p  +5 Inh +6 Enh)         [B]Grapple:[/B] +15     
[B]Int:[/B] 35 +12 (16p +5 Inh +6 Enh +6Lvl)   [B]Speed:[/B] 30'       
[B]Wis:[/B] 23  +6 (4p  +5 Inh +6 Enh)         [B]Init:[/B] +5        
[B]Cha:[/B] 15  +2 (2p  +5 Inh)                [B]ACP:[/B] -0         

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10   +10    +0    +5    +0    +5    +5    35
[B]Touch:[/B] 20              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 30

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      9    +5    +5   +19
[B]Ref:[/B]                       9    +5    +5   +19
[B]Will:[/B]                     17    +6    +5   +28

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Dagger                    +7      1d4+0        19x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal

[B]Class Features (Wizard):[/B]
    Scribe Scroll 
    Summon Familiar

[b]Class Features (Master Specialist):[/b]
    Caster Level Increase  (+4 to Caster Level for Abj spells)
    Minor Esoterica        (+1/2 Class level on Dispel checks)
    Moderate Esoterica     (Evasion + Mettle for 1/rd/SL when casting Abj spells)
    Major Esoterica        (1/day cast Personal abj spell as Touch)
    Bonus Feat             (Skill Focus: Spellcraft)
    Bonus Feat             (Spell Focus: Abjuration)
    Bonus Epic Feat x2

[b]Class Features (Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil):[/b]
    Warding (Sp) 4/day     (Create Personal, Area & Wall wards)
    Seven Veils            (Can use all 7 layers of a Prismatic Sphere)
    Unimpeachable Abj      (+7 to DC to Dispel casters Abj spells)
    Unanswerable Strike    (+4 bonus to Dispel or Counterspell Abj spells)
    Reactive Warding (SP)  (May raise a warding as an immediate action)
    Double Warding         (Wardings may contain two layers)
    Kaleidoscopic Doom     (Targeted Greater Dispel 1/day, each dispelled spell
                            inflicts a veil working up from Red)
[B]Feats:[/B] (8)
 1  Eschew Materials
 1  Spell Penetration
 3  Maximize Spell
 B  Skill Focus(Spellcraft)
 6  Spell Focus (Abj)
 9  Widen Spell
 B  Spell Focus, Greater (Abj)
12  Quicken Spell
15  Greater Spell Penetration
18  Twin Spell

[b]Epic Feats:[/b] (5)
21 Improved Spell Capacity (10th)
 B Ignore Material Components
24 Epic Spell Penetration
 B Spell Stowaway (Time Stop)
27 Improved Metamagic
Abj    1- 3 (Int +4) 42 (Int 18 @ L1)
MSpec  1- 4 (Int +4) 28
MSpec  5-10 (Int +5) 40 (Int 20 @ L8)
Init   1- 2 (Int +5) 16
Init   3- 7 (Int +6) 45 (Int 22 @ L16)
MSpec 11-17 (Int +9) 84 (Int 28 @ L20)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 237       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 30/15
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
  Appraise*                2   +12          +14
  Balance*                 2    +5           +7
  Climb*                   3    +2           +5
  Concentration           25    +5          +30
  Craft(Alchemy)           3   +12          +15
  Craft(Armorsmith)        3   +12          +15
  Craft(Metalwork)         3   +12          +15
  Craft(Stonework)         3   +12          +15
  Craft(Weaponsmith)       3   +12          +15
  Craft(Woodwork)          3   +12          +15
  Decipher Script         13   +12          +25
  Diplomacy*               1    +2     +2    +5
  Heal*                    9    +6          +15
  Kn(Arcana)              13   +12          +25
  Kn(Architecture)         3   +12          +15
  Kn(Dungeoneering)        3   +12          +15
  Kn(Geography)            3   +12          +15
  Kn(History)              3   +12          +15
  Kn(Nature)               5   +12          +17
  Kn(Nobility)             3   +12          +15
  Kn(Religion)             3   +12          +15
  Kn(Planes)               8   +12          +20
  Listen*                  4    +6          +10
  Search*                  3   +12          +15
  Sense Motive*           15    +3          +18
  Spellcraft              26   +12    +2    +40
  Spot*                    9    +6          +15
  Survival*                5    +3    +2    +10
  Swim*                    2    +2           +4

*Cross-Class skill

[b]Primary Spellbooks[/b]:
  Lvl 0: All PH Cantrips

  Lvl 1: Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Erase, Expeditious Retreat, 
         Feather Fall, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Pro: Evil, 
         Shield, True Strike, Unseen Servant

  Lvl 2: Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Continual Flame, Detect Thoughts, 
         Knock, Locate Object, Resist Energy, See Invisibility, Shatter

  Lvl 3: Arcane Sight, Blink, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Fireball, 
         Fly, Magic Circle: Evil, Nondetection, 
         Pro: Energy, Shrink Item, Tongues, Water Breathing

  Lvl 4: Assay Resistance, Black Tentacles, Detect Scrying, 
         Dimensional Anchor, Dim Door, Fire Shield, Invisibility(Greater), 
         Orb of Force*, Polymorph, Remove Curse, Solid Fog, Stone Shape, 
         Stoneskin, Wall of Fire

  Lvl 5: Blink(Greater)*, Baleful Polymorph, Break Enchantment, Cloudkill, 
         Contact Other Plane, Dismissal, Duelward*, Fabricate, 
         Major Creation, Private Sanctum, Reciprocal Gyre*, Refusal*, 
         Sending, Shadow Evocation, Telekinesis, Telepathic Bond, 
         Vitriolic Sphere*, Wall of Force, Wall of Stone

  Lvl 6: Acid Fog, AMF, Analyze Dwoemer, Chain Lightning, Contingency, 
         Disintegrate, Dispel(Greater), Globe of Invulnerablity, 
         Karmic Retribution*, Lucubration, Permanent Image, Prismatic Aura*, 
         Rary's Arcane Conversion*, Repulsion, Sign of Sealing(Greater)*, 
         True Seeing, Wall of Iron

  Lvl 7: Arcane Sight(Greater), Banishment, Energy Immunity*, Forcecage, 
         Instant Summons, Magnificent Mansion, Limited Wish, Phase Door, 
         Plane Shift, Project Image, Scrying(Greater), Sequester, Simulacrum, 
         Spell Turning, Teleport(Greater), 

  Lvl 8: Anticipate Teleportation(Greater)*, Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, 
         Iron Body, Maze, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, 
         Planar Binding (Greater), Polar Ray, Poly Any Object, Prismatic Wall, 
         Prot from Spells, Screen
  Lvl 9: Absorption*, Disjunction, Etherealness, Foresight, Gate, Genius Loci*, 
         Imprisonment, Prismatic Deluge, Prismatic Sphere, Reaving Dispel*, 
         Shades, Shapechange, Summon IX, Summon Elemental Monolith*, 
         Teleportation Circle, Time Stop, Wish

Free Pages by Level = 347

Total Pages = 681

*Complete Arcane / Complete Mage

[b]Spells/Day:	0    1    2     3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10[/b]
                4+1  4+4  4+4   4+4  4+4  4+3  4+3  4+3  4+3  4+2  1+2

[b]Prepared Spells:[/b]
  Lvl  0: 

  Lvl  1: 

  Lvl  2: 

  Lvl  3: 

  Lvl  4: Assay Resistance, Detect Scrying, Dimensional Anchor, 
          Invis(Greater), Orb of Force, <two open>

  Lvl  5: Blink(Greater), Break Enchantment, Duelward, Reciprocal Gyre,
          Sending, Telekinesis, Vitriolic Sphere

  Lvl  6: AMF, Disintegrate, Dispel(Greater) x2, Rary's Arcane Conversion,
          True Seeing x2, 

  Lvl  7: Arcane Sight(Greater), Energy Immunity x5, Limited Wish
  Lvl  8: Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Poly Any
  Lvl  9: Absorption, Prismatic Sphere, Reaving Dispel, Shades, 
          Shapechange, Time Stop

  Lvl 10: Quickened Sequester, Quickened Spell Turning, <one open>

[B]Equipment:                       Cost  Weight[/B]  2.9M GP
  Explorers Outfit		 

  Tome +5 x6                825,000gp

  Int & Wis +6               90,000gp  (Headband)
  Dex & Con +6               90,000gp  (Amulet/Periapt)
  Bracers +10               100,000gp  (Bracers)
  Caster Glove x2            50,000gp  (Gloves) [DMGII]
  Ring of Fast Healing
   and Protection +5        375,000gp  (Ring1)
  Ring of Spell Battle[1]    67,000gp  (Ring2)
  Boots of Speed             12,000gp  (Boots)

  Rod of Excellent Magic    650,000gp  (Right Caster Glove)
  Rod of Invulnerability[2] 600,000gp  (Left Caster Glove)

  Handy Haversack             2,000gp   5lb
  Blessed Book[3]            12,500gp
  Blessed Book[4]            12,500gp

Total                     2,886,000gp

[B]Total Weight:[/B]6lb      [B]Money:[/B]  pp  gp  sp

[1]Ring of Spell Battle
  • Automatically aware of all spellcasting within 60'. 
  • May make Spellcraft checks to ID at normal DC.
  • 1/day can Dispel or Redirect spell as an immediate action.

[2]Rod of Invulnerablity grants:
  • +5 enhancement bonus to natural armor. 
  • +5 resistance bonus on saving throws. 
  • Damage reduction 15/adamantine. 
  • Immunity to critical hits. 
  • Spell resistance 32. 

[3]Blessed Book
This book is his primary spellbook and contains
a complete copy of his spells.

[4]Blessed Book
This book is his travelling spellbook and contains
a complete copy of his spells.

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                 33    66   100   200   500

Active Effects:

Item Based Effects
Fast Healing 3
DR 15/Adamantine
Immune to Critcal Hits
SR 32

Permanent Spells
Arcane Sight
Detect Magic
Read Magic
See Invisibility

Currently Active Spells
Detect Scrying
Energy Immunity(Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Sonic)
Mind Blank
Moment of Prescience


First Post
Rino said:
wont allow them

Ok. Then my character is completed.

(Except for this question I had a while ago about Deities. Since we're supposed to be closely connected to a deity we will need to know which deities are available (or unavailable as it were) for us to choose from. Unless we're using the standard DnD gods)

James Heard

I thought that it was pretty clear from the inclusion of the Forgotten Realms deities book that this was probably going to be a FR game, with FR deities, and with all the exclusions for books to use as well that's been why I haven't been particularly quick to make up a character for it. I mean, at 27th level in the realms you're basically just getting into the realm where you can tell people in power to go stuff themselves.


First Post
Perhaps, but maybe he just included that book in the list because he happens to own it.
To me it's not really a problem of how limited the list is (because my DnD library is limited to the SRD and whatever else I can find on the internet), but how inclusive it is. My character is a lot weaker than he could be if I owned all those books and that's a relative disadvantage against both the other PCs and the NPCs, though I don't really mind the challenge. My usefulness really depends on RP-substitution skills, an uncertain instrument to say the least, but at least a good way to get laid :lol: .


First Post
My impression was that the game was set in a homebrew world that used FR as a resource. I hope that is correct or I'll need to do a major character revamp :heh:


My characters history is such that he has been to the Realms but is from "elsewhere".

As long as Ilmater is an available deity it should be okay in or out of Faerun.

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