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The Psionicle, Part IV

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Hand of Vecna

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OOC: That's a good a place as any for Nathan to be. Oh, Initiative = 18 (roll) + 2 (Dex) = 20!

Nathan moves around to where Jirlai was, and assesses the situation, readying his crossbow again...

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Jansson vs. Jirlai, Round 2

Jarval said:
Did I get an Attack of Opportunity against Jirlai when he cast Magic Missile?

Yes, you should have. I'll go through that right now.


[Round 1]
Seeing that Jirlai is casting a spell, Jansson quickly slashes at him with his short sword again.

Jansson gets a 13, and +6 is a 19, a hit! He deals 5 points to Jirlai.

Jirlai grimaces as he is hit.

Concentration check, and gets a 17, which is successful.

However, Jirlai manages to cast his spell.
[/Round 1]


Jansson - 22
Nathan - 20
Sahgrim - 18
Jirlai and Animus - 16
Desimus - 8 (no action)
Osius - 7
Syld - 5 (no action)

Jansson swings out at the mage, hoping simply to hit him.

Jansson gets an 11, and +6 is a 17, a hit! He inflicts 3 points of damage to Jirlai.

Nathan readies his crossbow, looking over the situation.

Sahgrim holds his weapon at the ready, preparing to use it if Jirlai even begins to cheat.

Animus suddenly shrinks.

Jirlai, a look of intense concentration upon his face, begins casting again.

Jansson attempts to get a hit in on him with his sword to break the sorceror's concentration.

Jansson gets a 1, a fumble!

Rather than stick Jirlai, Jansson decides to throw his shortsword out back towards the staircase. It doesn't hit anyone, although it lands only a few feet from the stairs (roughly 20 feet from where the two are fighting).

Jirlai smiles slightly once his spell is completed, and reaches out to touch Jansson.

Jirlai gets a 19, which is a touch. Red and purple sparks fly, but Jirlai gets a 17, more than enough to beat Jansson's SR. Jansson takes 13 points of damage.

(That was a Vampiric Touch BTW, for those who would know it).

Where Jirlai touched Jansson, a slightly bluish color begins to spread. Energy is transferred visibly from the halfling to the sorcerer.

Jirlai gains 13 temp hit points from his spell.

Osius readies his morning star.


Damage taken thus far...

Jansson - 20 (HP - 15/28) (2 points of damage so far are subdual)
Jirlai - 3 (remember, he took damage from earlier fights, that has been included here)


Jirlai looks around, mildly annoyed.

"Halfling." He says, addressing Jansson. "Retrieve your weapon. I will not fight an unarmed man."

He smiles coldly. "Unless you wish to die now... which you will eventually, anyway. You may back down, if you so wish, but you must then take my followers and run, and leave me to my business, or you can return Keth and Shardorn to me, and perhaps collect the Crystal... but if you decide to retrieve your weapon and finish what you have started, you shall remain in this combat, receive no aid from your friends, and die at my hands."


Jansson nods to Jirlai. "My thanks. I will retrive my weapon, and we shall finish what we have started here."

Jansson goes over to pick up his sword, then again charges Jirlai, swinging at him with all his force.


Jansson vs. Jirlai, Round 3

Jansson - 22
Nathan - 20 (no action)
Sahgrim - 18 (no action)
Jirlai and Animus - 16
Desimus - 8 (no action)
Osius - 7 (no action)
Syld - 5 (no action)

Jansson surges forth at Jirlai, his shortsword in hand.

Jansson gets a 20, a crit! He then gets a 9, and +6 and +2 from the charge is 17, a hit! Jansson deals 12 points of damage to Jirlai.

Animus refocuses.

Jirlai grimaces in pain, takes a short step away from the halfling, and casts a spell.

Jirlai takes a 5 ft. step away.

Jansson swings out with his sword to try to stop the sorceror's casting.

Jansson gets a 7, and +6 is 13, not enough to hit.

Three glowing shards of ice dart forth from Jirlai's hand and slam into the halfling's chest. (Magic Missile). Red and purple sparks fly once more...

Jirlai gets a 26 on his roll to beat Jansson's SR, a success. Jirlai's spell deals 12 points of damage to Jansson.


Damage taken thus far...

Jansson - 32 (HP - 3/28 [2 points are subdual])
Jirlai - 15

Animus manifests Burst and takes a double move action to move in between the Jirlai and Jannsen (in the 5 ft. space)

"Where the Hell is my sister? Which one of you knows? What the hell have you done with her! Where is she!"

OOC: All the words that Animus attempts to speak are useless, under the lack of tongue. What others think he is trying to say, is up to them to decide.


Taking advantage of the distraction provided by seemingly insane man who has just interrupted the fight (Animus), Jansson manifests Vigor again.

Jansson will manifest defensively if needed.
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Animus catches Jirlai by surprise.

"What the hell!" Jirlai yells at him, then regains his calm. "Nevermind. Jansson... you have gained an unfair advantage... this creature seems to have come between us..."

He smiles coldly once more, and the action seems to be more out of habit than thought. "You have fought well, halfling. You have won my respect for your ferocity, and honor."

He looks around at the group. "You may continue on with your quest. By all means, take what you have come here for. I shall not interfere... for now."

He then looks at Animus.

"Hmm... and take this one with you... he may prove useful to you eventually... but beware of Illithids! This plot is thicker than you think... there is more than meets the eye..."

Jirlai then faces Jansson. "I have told you this, as a reward for fighting well. I do not kill the honorable, there are so few left in the world - therefore, I shall take my leave. We shall meet again, halfling, and when we do... we shall finish what we have started here."

With that, he quickly grabs his staff, and runs down to the end of the cavern opposite of where the humanoids and earth elementals are. He appears to run through a wall, as he disappears from sight completely.

Shardorn looks around for a moment, then realizes what happened. "No! Keth, quick, run after him! Don't let him get away!"

The big orc nods and begins running after the sorceror.

Shardorn turns to address the group. "I know that we haven't been together that long. I regret that, because you are doing the right thing by searching for the parts of the Psionicle. I set you on this quest, albeit unintentionally... now it seems that you are being drawn in of your own accord. I leave now to follow Jirlai, who might lead us to Ratheqar. If we manage to take out Ratheqar, then our job and yours are that much easier."

She pulls out the wand she used earlier, and hands it to Osius. "Keep this... without me, you have no healing... one day, we will meet again. Until then, use this!" She then hands him Jansson's gun. "You need this more than us, as well... and I can't use it, and Keth prefers his greataxe."

With that, she takes off after the orc, who was waiting for her by the wall. She passes him and runs through the wall, clipping her shoulder as she misjudges where the non-visible doorway is. They both make it through, and just as they do, a wall of solid ice appears in front of the wall where they were, apparently completely covering the exit the three had used.
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"Now that... was interesting."

Syld ponders on what just happened and tries to sort it all out. Then his eyes widen.
"Illithid! He mentioned the illithid! Dang!"

He starts pacing in a small circle, mumbling to himself.

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