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The Rerisen Tower(DM: Iron Sky, Judge: ScorpiusRisk)


First Post
Die, foul abomination! Kaz shouts running swiftly up to the undead creature. With a great swing of his giant axe, he slices the monster in two.

Minor= Oath on Hulk H9
Move= H 10
Standard: Bond of Pursuit Hulk H 9. Crit: 28 vs AC. It's dead and won't come back. (18 damage, I believe it has 1 HP so I won't roll crit).


Battlemap updated.

[sblock=stat block]
Kaz Male Elf Avenger 1
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Low Light
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:14, Will:15
HP:20/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:7/9
Action Points: 1
Basic Attack Executioner's Axe +3 vs AC, 1d12+1 damage (+1d12 on crit)

Bond of Pursuit

Angelic Alacrity
Oath of Enmity
Abjure Undead/Divine Guidance
Second Wind
Elven Accuracy

Aspect of Might

Non-elf allys within 5 square get +1 to perception.
+5 to athletics, +2 speed, +2 melee damage (Aspect of Might)
If oath target moves away willingly, +6 damage. (Censure of Pursuit)

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First Post
[sblock="Iron Sky"]I'm assuming the "enemy actions" for swarms 2 and 3 are from last round, and don't apply this time?[/sblock]

Yimayngurr launches his magical spear at the rerisen swarm of ravens with a shrill, bubbling cry... "Dbbrrr!!!," the spear smashes through the cloud of dead birds with such force that it causes the swarm to burst apart in an explosion of bones, feathers, and stench. The half-orc then paces back to a more secure position between his allies as he catches the returning spear.

[sblock="Yimayngurr actions and stats"]Minor: Quarry the swarm at K4

Standard: :ranged:Fading Strike vs. swarm at K4, shifting to M9 = hit, critical! (roll). I'm assuming it's dead, so won't roll extra crit damage for Hungry Longspear.

[sblock=statblock]Yimayngurr Male Half-Orc Hunter Ranger 2
PC:Yimayngurr (pacdidj) - L4W Wiki
Initiative: +7, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light Vision
AC:18, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:13
HP:25/32, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:6/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
:bmelee:Hungry Longspear +1: +8 vs AC 1d10+5 dmg
:branged:Throw Hungry Longspear +1: +8 vs AC 1d10+7 dmg
Powers: Fading Strike, Marauder's Rush, Precise Assault, Furious Assault, Sure Shot, Begin the Hunt, Hungry Longspear


Eithal is enraged at being shoved so rudely, "Donchew gow pushin' me 'roud deady thingy!" The axe swings up from the ground slicing the foul thing cleanly in half. Realizing that it may be able to knit itself back together, she decides to put some space between it and herself, "Nayow deadyman! Tayell ole' Eithal hayow thayat feeyals!" [sblock=Actions]Move: Shift to G7
Free: Mark RRD at G8
Standard: Strength of Stone
Target: RRD at G8
Attack: 1d20+9+1(FOTRP) = 25 vs. AC for 1d12+6 = 18 damage I believe this cat still has one more life. No?
Minor: Warden's Tempest
Effect: Slide RRD from G8 to H9 if possible; to G9 if not.[/sblock]


First Post
Seeing one foe left, Corvus gestures to the target as its getting up and Livia's arrows sings into its neck, finishing the creature.

Move: n/a
Minor: n/a
Standard: Direct the strike - Livia attacks last bad guy - direct the strike with Livia as my friend :) (1d20+9=14, 1d12+7=12) just hits. That's it? [/sblock]

[sblock=Bravura Presence]
Bravura Presence
Appears in Martial Power
When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn [/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]Corvus Raine Male Human Warlord 1
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 10, Senses: Normal
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:14, Will:15
HP:18/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/10
Action Points: 1
Direct the Strike
Brash Assault
Intuitive Strike
Inspiring Word [1.2]
Vengeance is Mine
Battlefront Shift
Second Wind

Lamb to the Slaughter


Full sheet: Corvus[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
[sblock=Combat over!]The fight is over. Go ahead and take and surge+d6 (or flat surge+3 if you don't feel like rolling them) heals from Corvus to top yourselves off. I don't have time to post now, but I will tomorrow some time.[/sblock]


First Post
Yimayngurr squats down and picks up a wing bone from one of the re-re-deceased ravns. He pulls a small needle out of his dilly bag, as well as a hempen necklace that bears two large fangs, and what looks like the beak of a large squid. As he bores a hole through the raven bone and threads it onto the string he says, "Tell ya what mates, I never seen behavior like that in ravens before. Rising from the dead and what not. And the smell of them buggers! Crikey! Must be some sort of natural defense mechanism, eh? Keep the predators off, like. Not that I know of anything that'd want ta eat a bunch of smelly dead crows..."

His trophy collected, Yimayngurr takes a short breather, then scans the battlefield, particularly the corpses of the villagers, for anything that might prove useful or informative.

[sblock=ooc]Perception (1d20+8=25), to search the battlefield

Yimayngurr spends one surge +3 to top off.

[sblock=statblock]Yimayngurr Male Half-Orc Hunter Ranger 2
PC:Yimayngurr (pacdidj) - L4W Wiki
Initiative: +7, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light Vision
AC:18, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:13
HP:32/32, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:5/6
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: unused
:bmelee:Hungry Longspear +1: +8 vs AC 1d10+5 dmg
:branged:Throw Hungry Longspear +1: +8 vs AC 1d10+7 dmg
Powers: Fading Strike, Marauder's Rush, Precise Assault, Furious Assault, Sure Shot, Begin the Hunt, Hungry Longspear


First Post
Bad tidings this is.... Oro? Where is Master Mason? Kaz looks around, he did not see her during the battle.

[sblock=stat block]
Kaz Male Elf Avenger 1
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Low Light
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:14, Will:15
HP:28/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/9
Action Points: 1
Basic Attack Executioner's Axe +3 vs AC, 1d12+1 damage (+1d12 on crit)

Bond of Pursuit

Angelic Alacrity
Oath of Enmity
Abjure Undead/Divine Guidance
Second Wind
Elven Accuracy

Aspect of Might

Non-elf allys within 5 square get +1 to perception.
+5 to athletics, +2 speed, +2 melee damage (Aspect of Might)
If oath target moves away willingly, +6 damage. (Censure of Pursuit)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Master Mason steps forward out of the trees she hid in at the beginning of the fight, looking around at the carnage with horror. "I never could have imagined something like this... what was... how..."

She stops and takes a deep breath. "Ok, it happened, that's all we know. Now we need to figure out what to do next. After this, I'd be temped to turn back, but what if the militia are still alive at the tower? They could be holed up in there, running out of food and unable to get help because of these things!"

She looks amongst the party. "You are obviously an extremely capable band, no offense, but I wouldn't have guessed so by your appearance when I hired you. Anyway, I vote that we patch up the bridge and press on to the tower. I'm willing to face the danger... but I'd understand if any of you want to turn back now. What say you all?"

[sblock=Perception 15]It's obvious that these bodies were looted of anything valuable, now they are just hacked and mutilated meat.[/sblock]


First Post
This ones agrees, we must help the people in need at the tower. How long will the bridge repair take?

Kaz walks over to the now dead bodies. Disgusting, they profaned the bodies by looting and mutilating them. Whoever did this has no respect for the living nor dead.


Voidrunner's Codex

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