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The Retrievers – OOC - Full (Forgotten Realms Game)

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Storn Khondar, Male Shield Dwarf Brb1/Drd1; CR 2; Size M; HD 1d12+4 plus 1d8+4; hp 28 [32]; Init +2 (+2 Dex) [+1]; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex), flatfooted 10, touch 12 [11/10/11]; BAB +1; Atk +3 melee [+5 melee] [+2 melee] (dwarven waraxe, 1d10+3/x3 [1d10+6] [1d10+2]), +3 ranged [+2 ranged] (throwing axes, 1d6+2/x2/10 ft. [1d6+4] [1d6+1]); SA rage; SQ fast movement, darkvision 60 ft.; AL NG; SV Fort +8 (+2 Brb, +2 Drd, +4 Con) [+10 (+2 Brb, +2 Drd, +6 Con)], Ref +2 (+2 Dex), Will +4 (+2 Drd, +2 Wis) [+4 (+2 Drd, +2 Wis, +2 Rage]; Str 14 [18] [12], Dex 14 [12], Con 18 [22], Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Skills, Feats, Languages: Climb +5 (+2 Str, 4 ranks, -1 armor) [+4], Intimidate +3 (-1 Cha, 4 ranks), Handle Animal +4 (-1 Cha, 5 ranks), Knowledge/Nature +6 (+2 Wis, 2 ranks, +2 Drd), Survival +9 (+2 Wis, 5 ranks, +2 Drd); Track; Common, Dwarf.

Barbarian Abilities: Rage 1/day for 9 rounds (+6 Con) [Stats while raging in yellow, while fatigued, green], illiteracy [canceled out by Drd1], fast movement +10 ft.

Druid Abilities: Animal companion (Roryn the Badger), nature sense, wild empathy.

Dwarf Abilities: +2 Con/-2 Cha, Medium, base speed 20 ft., darkvision 60 ft., stonecunning, weapon familiarity (urgroshes, dwarven waraxe), stability (+4 to resist bullrushes, trips), +2 racial bonus to saves against poison, +2 racial bonus to saves against spells/spell-like abilities, +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus to AC against giants, +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks for stone/metal, +2 racial bonus to Craft checks for stone/metal items.

Spells Typically Prepared: 3/2, Save DCs 12/13
0-level: detect poison, know direction, purify food and drink
1st level: endure elements, produce flame

Equipment: studded leather armor (+3 AC, +5 Max Dex, -1 Armor check), dwarven waraxe (1d10/x3/slashing), 4 throwing axes (1d6/x2/10 ft./slashing), backpack [waterskin, 1 day trail rations, bedroll, sack, flint & steel), belt pouch (2 potions of cure light wounds).

Personality/Description: 52 years old, 4 ft. 0 in., 163 lbs, dark brown hair, blue eyes. Although friendly and extremely loyal, Storn is also completely incomprehensible. He tends to mutter and mumble unintelligible phrases in Dwarf more often than not. Young and rather lean for a dwarf, he dresses like Illuskan humans as opposed to wearing the typical dress of a shield dwarf from the Sword Coast. Despite his short temper and somewhat uncouth ways, he has a neat appearance and almost regal bearing.

Background: Coming soon.

Roryn the Badger: Coming soon.
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
I'm going to do equipment tomorrow (my day off); can druids use metal weapons? I know they couldn't in previous editions, but the PHB only prohibits them from using metal armor or shields. I'm assuming they can, given that daggers and scimitars are metal, but let me know what you think. I'd like Storn to wield a dwarven waraxe two handed and have a couple of throwing axes, but let me know.


Lobo Lurker

First Post
Magdalena the Silver, half-fey human, Sorceress 1/ECL 1 (of 2)

I changed my mind. Here's the character I decided on... offers me more roleplaying hooks than the other did.

Brenden Yuldarius, male human Wiz (Evoker) 2; CR 2; Size M; HD 2d4+4; HP: 12; Init +1 (+1 dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC: 11 [15] (+1 Dex, [+4 mage armor]); flatfooted 10 [14], touch 11 [15]; BAB +1; Atk +1 melee, +2 ranged; SA Spells; SQ Familiar; AL TN; SV Fort +2 (+0 class, +2 Con), Refl +1 (+0 class, +1 Dex), Will +2 (+3 class, -1 Wis); Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 12

Skills, Feats, & Languages: Craft (alchemy) +8 (4 ranks, +4 mod), Concentration +10 (5 ranks, +2 mod, +3 feat), Spellcraft +9 (5 ranks, +4 mod), Knowledge: Arcana +9 (5 ranks, +4 mod), Knowledge: Local-Thay +8 (4 ranks, +4 mod), Knowledge: History +8 (4 ranks, +4 mod), Knowledge: Geography +7 (3 ranks, +4 mod), Knowledge: Nobility & Royalty +7 (3 ranks, +4 mod), Knowledge: The Planes +6 (2 ranks, +4 mod); Feats: Scribe Scroll, Tattoo Focus, School Focus: Evocation; Languages: Thayan, Draconic, Chessentan, Damaran, Tuigan

Wizard Abilities Cast Wizard Spells, Summon Familiar, +1 spell per level castable (evocation school only)

Human Abilites Medium size, Speed 30 ft., Extra skill point every level, Extra starting feat

Spell Book: Prohibited Schools: Illusion & Necromancy
[COLOR=DarkOrange][i]Dark Orange[/i][/COLOR] denotes Evocation spell (+2 Save DC)
  [b]0th Level[/b]: [i]Acid Spash, Arcane Mark, [COLOR=DarkOrange]Dancing Lights[/COLOR], Daze, Detect Magic, 
             Detect Poison, [COLOR=DarkOrange]Flare[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkOrange]Light[/COLOR], Mage Hand, Mending, Message, 
             Open/Close, Predigitation, [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ray of Frost[/COLOR], Read Magic, Resistance[/i]
  [b]1st Level[/b]: [i]Alarm, Animate Rope, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, 
             [COLOR=DarkOrange]Floating Disc[/COLOR], Hold Portal, Hypnotism, Identify, Mage Armor, 
             [COLOR=DarkOrange]Magic Missile[/COLOR], Magic Weapon, Shield, [COLOR=DarkOrange]Shocking Grasp[/COLOR], Sleep, 
             Summon Monster I[/i]

Spells Prepared:
 Tattoo Focus: +1 Spell Save DC & +1 Caster level checks vs. Spell Resistance 
   ([i][COLOR=DarkOrange]Evocation[/COLOR] spells only[/i]).
 [COLOR=DarkOrange][i]Dark Orange[/i][/COLOR] denotes Evocation spell (+2 Save DC)
  [b]0th[/b] (5+1) DC 14/[COLOR=DarkOrange]17[/COLOR]: [i]Detect Magic, [COLOR=DarkOrange]Flare[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkOrange]Light[/COLOR], Mage Hand, [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ray of Frost[/COLOR], 
                      [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ray of Frost[/COLOR][/i] 
  [b]1st[/b] (3+1) DC 15/[COLOR=DarkOrange]18[/COLOR]: [i]Mage Armor, [COLOR=DarkOrange]Magic Missile[/COLOR], Summon Monster I, 
                      Summon Monster I[/i]
  [b]2nd[/b] [COLOR=Sienna](-) DC 16/[COLOR=DarkOrange]19[/COLOR]: [i]none yet...[/i][/COLOR]
  [b]3rd[/b] [COLOR=Sienna](-) DC 17/[COLOR=DarkOrange]20[/COLOR]: [i]none yet...[/i][/COLOR]
  [b]4th[/b] [COLOR=Sienna](-) DC 18/[COLOR=DarkOrange]21[/COLOR]: [i]none yet...[/i][/COLOR]
  [b]5th[/b] [COLOR=Sienna](-) DC 19/[COLOR=DarkOrange]22[/COLOR]: [i]none yet...[/i][/COLOR]
  [b]6th[/b] [COLOR=Sienna](-) DC 20/[COLOR=DarkOrange]23[/COLOR]: [i]none yet...[/i][/COLOR]
  [b]7th[/b] [COLOR=Sienna](-) DC 21/[COLOR=DarkOrange]24[/COLOR]: [i]none yet...[/i][/COLOR]
  [b]8th[/b] [COLOR=Sienna](-) DC 22/[COLOR=DarkOrange]25[/COLOR]: [i]none yet...[/i][/COLOR]
  [b]9th[/b] [COLOR=Sienna](-) DC 23/[COLOR=DarkOrange]26[/COLOR]: [i]none yet...[/i][/COLOR]

Equipment: Scroll of Invisibility, Scroll of Rope Trick, 900GP
Backpack (2GP)
- Bedroll (1SP)
- Scroll Case (1GP)
- Scroll of Invisibility (Regional)
- Scroll of Rope Trick (Regional)
- Flint & Steel (1GP)
- 50' of Silk Rope (10GP)
- (2) Sack, Empty (2SP)
- Scroll Case (1GP)
- Paper (4SP)
- Ink (1GP)
Explorer's Outfit (10GP)
Travler's Outfit (1GP)
Spell Componant Pouch (10GP)
Signent Ring (5GP)

Purchased Spells: (150GP)
- Animate Rope, Endure Elements, Hypnotism, Sleep, Sheild, Hold Portal,

Cash on Hand: P 10, G 98, S 26, C 10
- Gems: (2) 300GP Ruby

Personality/Description: Personable and occasionally arrogant though somewhat of a pushover. He's charming in a juvenile sort of way and has a lot of growing up to do.

Brenden is a young boy (almost a man) of 15 years. He stands just under 5 feet tall and weighs around 134 pounds. His hair is kept short though an unruly cowlick refuses to bow down to anyone. His hair is mahoganey brown and his eyes are a sort of yellow-orange color. His perfect teeth and posture, as well as his knowledge of nobility and courtesy bely his upbringing as the son of an important courtly official (if only in name) in the land of Thay.

Geometric, multi-hued tattoos adorn his forearms and shoulders.

Background: Brenden's extreme intelligence quickly distanced him from just about all the other children in his area of Thay. About two years ago, his parents were enslaved and his sisters sold to a brothel on the whim of a pair of fueding Red Wizards. Brenden alone escaped.

Since then, he has dedicated himself to learning the mystic arts so that he will eventually have the power to take out the two Red Wizards and free his parents & sisters.

Familiar: none summoned as of yet
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Kajamba Lion said:
I'm going to do equipment tomorrow (my day off); can druids use metal weapons? I know they couldn't in previous editions, but the PHB only prohibits them from using metal armor or shields. I'm assuming they can, given that daggers and scimitars are metal, but let me know what you think. I'd like Storn to wield a dwarven waraxe two handed and have a couple of throwing axes, but let me know.


Druids can wield any weapon; they are only prohbited from Metal Armour and Shields

FR Druids who worship Melikki (NG Forest Goddess) can use all Light, Medium Armour and shields - including metal ones - without violating their oaths.


Lobo Lurker said:
If anyone has Complete Adventurer or Races of Destiny, can you fill me in on the specifics of the Practiced Spellcaster feat? Does anything like this exist for Rogue or Ranger abilities?

Practiced spell caster is in Complete Arcane. It allows you to add 4 to your caster level up to the limit of your hit dice. Thus, if you play an unusual race that gives you extra hit dice you can cast spells at a higher level. It works if you play for example a Fighter/Sorcerer. The example in the book is something like a Fighter 3/Sorcerer 5 who takes the feat has a caster level of 8. He only has 8 hit dice so he can't gain all four possible caster levels. If he were Fighter 4/Sorcerer 5 then he could have a caster level of 9. It doesn't add to the spells know, level of spells you can cast or number of spells per day--just caster level. It wont really be of much benefit until you get at least a couple of level of another class.

There is an optional rule on magic rating in Unearthed Arcana that does basically the same thing, only you don't get as much benefit from non-spell casting classes. I think fighter only increases your caster level by one for every four fighter or rogue levels.

Complete adventurer has several feats of this sort. As for rogue/ranger abilities--Ascetic Rogue and Ascetic Hunter allow your levels to stack for unarmed damage, favored enemy bonuses and sneak attack damage. Devoted tracker allows a paladin's special mount to be an animal companion and stack some levels as well. The most interesting combination to me is Devoted Inquistor which lets you use smite evil and sneak attack at the same time to stun.


Lurker (sort of)
Ok I have edited the first post once more to show who made it to being players and who the alternates are. I would love to have all 12 of you play at once but I don't think that is possible at the moment. Depending in how things go I will probably have a 2nd PbP up and running in the next couple of months. I need to see just how much of my time this is going to eat up and then I will go from there.

I do like the idea of two groups working for the same person possibly working on the same problems or one goes there while the other one is over there kind of thing. I have somewhat a vague idea of the campaign direction and two groups would fit into that very nicely.

If and when I decide to get a second group going I will personally contact the alternates and let them know and see if they are interested. But by all means keep on stopping by to see if you like the way I DM and see if you want to join me or even continue gaming with me.

I will get a cast thread up and running shortly and have you post there once everyone posts their character concepts and everything is approved. I will be going over the players characters today and let you know if anything needs to be changed but I really don’t see any problems with any of them at first glance.

I also found a pretty good mapping program that should work but need to test it out some more before I decide.

Happy Hunting...


Sounds, good. I should have my human scout, Mindal Delamber, up today. I'm just sorting out the details of skills and gear. He's mostly finished and I've got a history written. Do we have a name for our employer yet?


Sten Temperlan
Male Human Cleric of Grumbar 2: HD 2d8+2; hp 18; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init.); Spd 30ft.; AC 17 (+4 armor, +2 dex, +1 shield) touch 12, flat-footed 15; Bab/Grapple: +1/+4; Atk +5 melee (1d8+3, x3, gnome hooked hammer) or +3 ranged (1d6, x3, 60ft, shortbow); Full Atk +3/+3 melee (1d8+3/1d6+1, x3/x4, gnome hooked hammer); AL N; SV Fort +4 (+1 Con), Ref +2 (+2 Dex), Will +5 (+2 Wis); Str 16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10. Height 5ft. 10in., Weight 166 lbs., 20 years old. Steel grey hair, brown eyes. XP 1000

Skills/Feats: Concentration +4, Knowledge(religion) +3, Spellcraft +3, Heal +5, Craft (blacksmith) +3, Speak Language (Common), Spot +2, Listen +2. Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Defence.

Class/Race Features: simple weapons proficiency, turn undead. bonus feat, bonus skill point/level. Region: Waterdeep.

Spells: 3/2+1, Domains: Metal (Exotic Weapon Proficiency (gnome hooked hammer), Weapon Focus (gnome hooked hammer)), Time (Improved Initiative);
0th - detect magic, light, resistance
1st – bless, protection from evil, magic weapon

Possessions: Chain shirt, Gnome Hooked Hammer, Shortbow, 20 arrows, backpack, bedroll, winter blanket, flint & steel, 5 torches, 5 trail rations, waterskin, 50' hemp rope, holy symbol. Encumbrance: 70 lbs (light=76, medium=153)
Coins: 340gp 8sp 5cp

Description: Sten is strong young man whose most striking attribute is his hair, turned grey at an early age. He has deep brown eyes and strong block facial features. He can usually be seen wearing his chain shirt prominently and his hooked hammer hanging from his belt. His shortbow strung over his shoulder near his backpack is well used. The small embosed silver hammer and anvil that hangs on an intricate chain around his neck is the little known symbol for a cult of Grumbar, the earth lord.

History: Sten has had a relatively simple life, that was until he turned 18. As a young man in his small community just outside the walls of Waterdeep, he followed the tradition of the community apprenticing in a trade, in his case as a blacksmith. One day he hoped to move into the city bringing fame to the poor area beyond the walls. As part of his coming of age ceremony 2 years ago he departed the small village to seek adventure and the first place he went was straight into the city. He marveled at the sights previously hidden by the walls and high buildings.

He took quickly to the adventuring life, joining a group of mercenaries on guard duty for caravans bound north to Silverymoon. Only 1 week after leaving his little community TO BE CONTINUED
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So we have:

Lobo - 1/2 Fey Sorceress
Erekrose - Human Cleric
Scotley - Human Scout
Kajamba - Dwarf Bbn/Druid
Wilphe - Rogue/Fighter
Durunn - Earth Genasi Fighter

Interesting combo. At least I won't have to tank...

Voidrunner's Codex

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