D&D 5E The Rhyot Break (OOC) - Discussion


Ok seems easy enough, just {rollv}1d20+2{/roll} where brackets are replaced with square ones. [ ] . Nice.

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No problem.
Regarding the roller here, my problem with it is that often, the post is conditioned by the roll. And I really don't want to edit posts with rolls in them.


Should we post strictly following initiative, or go in groups (good guys, Korruds, good guys, etc.)?

Was about to ask you guys actually. I'm cool either way. Sticking strictly to initiative in the posting sequence is preferable (in case someone wanted to do something that might impact a team-mate). The down side is the slow down in pace as we wait for the posts to go down in order.

We could try both, and decide what we like :)

For this first one, let's stick to the initiative order maybe, because it's a bit of a tricky one (Rolin lurking around etc).

Steve Gorak

No problem.
Regarding the roller here, my problem with it is that often, the post is conditioned by the roll. And I really don't want to edit posts with rolls in them.

This is a good point. And if you factor in bonus actions and moves that depend on the first roll in a sequence, we're probably better with coyotecode.

Regarding initiative, my experience is that group initiative is better. This is especially true if we have folks that take more time to post, and delay combat (it can easily take 1 week per round of combat).
My 2 cents.



Regarding initiative, my experience is that group initiative is better. This is especially true if we have folks that take more time to post, and delay combat (it can easily take 1 week per round of combat).

Lets see how we go this round and take it from there. My main concern was Zemryn, who might want to maneuver and bit and get some range weapon shots in, before Gimlak gets into melee with the last Koz, leaving her and Faenala only a wolfie to pick on :)

From round 2 onwards we can probably loosen the initiative order up a bit, and move to group init. Sound alright?

Voidrunner's Codex

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