D&D 5E The Rhyot Break (OOC) - Discussion


Thanks for letting us know dain! Have a good one whatever you are up to out in the real world :)

I think Rolin is next, then I'll do a post to cover Korrud response and Bria.

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Steve Gorak

Hey [MENTION=6799460]97mg[/MENTION],

Just to make sure, Gimlak has proficiency in land vehicles from the folk hero background.
Would he also be able to drive a sled?
Thanks and cheers,



Hey @97mg, Just to make sure, Gimlak has proficiency in land vehicles from the folk hero background. Would he also be able to drive a sled?

Totally! I expect he'd find it quite easy. If the group can gain some trust or find a way to get the engines to play nice, you could be sliding along the snow in no time :)

Steve Gorak

FYI guys, in lieu of the long sword, Gimlak would be better off for the moment to fight with two light weapons, because of the +2 damage/attack from rage. I imagine Zemryn would also be better off with two light weapons, until we have access to shields and Gimlak's holy grail: Heavy Weapons! ;-)
Can't wait to have access to more gear!

BTW, I'm loving this game and love the ambiance!



Thanks for the kind and encouraging words Steve :) I'm really happy too, things are going well!

Have just contacted McD because his sneak attack can actually do an extra D6 damage... potentially enough to drop the last Koz

Steve Gorak

Can our characters hear/see the coming Korunds? If so, how far away are they/how much time do they have?

In case it is required: perception [roll0], and a second roll for advantage/disadvantage, if applicable [roll1]


You can hear them for sure, but they aren't within darkvision range yet. Actually, Bria can light a torch for Gimlak if you like. Might help with the decoy plan too :)

As for how much time you have...mmm... a few minutes perhaps?

Voidrunner's Codex

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