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The Saga Strikes Back

I'm currently running a game set about 500 years before the Clone Wars, giving me plenty of room to play around in, especially in regards to having the Sith around (after all, Yoda had to learn about the whole "always two there are" bit from someplace ;) ). And if Saga Edition is all that it's cracked up to be, then we will likely rebuild the characters under those rules and pick up right where we left off.

I also have a handful of con modules that would also need to be updated to Saga Edition as well.

Am kinda curious to see how my Jedi namesake turns out in Saga, as well as the NPC that a friend (not playing in the current game) has lovingly dubbed the "Sith Murder Machine" :]

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scourger said:
I envision it as most or all of the PCs being jedi. They will probably get a chance to save Alderaan from the Death Star. Once the Emperor learns of their powers, he will seek them out to turn them to the Dark Side. Of course, Prince Skywalker will not want to be supplanted. Princess Leia will be more ambiguous. The Rebellion will actually be the remnants of the Republic, so there will be better support for the heroes. The focus of the story is the conflict in the Force, except the heroes have to battle Luke & the Emperor.

That sounds like a great twist...



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kroh said:
Right now Legacy and KotOR are definitely favorites. I know a lot is being talked about with the "Dark Time" but the Universe is a big place and those eras allow people a lot to play with.


I'd really like to run an open-ended game where the players make the decisions, but as one of the great myths of our time, Star Wars is also kinda the ultimate railroad. I'd like to run something with a lot of background source material available, but the problem that stems from that is usually there are other characters who are the real fish, and no matter what my players might do, they could never be bigger fish than those other characters. (It's one of those things that always bugged me about FR).

Rethinking my original post, I think maybe I'll run a game in the Republic maybe 50-100 years before the Episode I. That era seems a lot more open-ended, but players still have access to some of those "big fish" if they so choose.


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scourger said:
If I run a game with it, I want to do an alternate version of the original trilogy. The PCs get to be the ones who go learn the ways of the Force, fight the Empire and maybe blow up the Death Stars. The changes I would probably make include Darth Vader is dead at Obi Wan's hands and the Skywalker twins are agents of the Emperor. The heroes will interact with other characters from the movies but will never be sure which side they are on. I think that's the cool story aspect. I'm thinking of Rebel Jedi as a campaign title.
You should check out Star Wars: Infinities... a comic series put out by Dark Horse... it has a very different Star Wars reality.

Thank you for your time,
William Holder


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I'm waiting on this to come out so that DH will pick up the solo game he was running for me again. :) Set right after Empire, iirc, my char's way on the other side of the galaxy, hanging out with the Jensaari (which she'll eventually become). She started out as a really low level Imperial agent. Closest she's come to the main characters is fetching coffee for Vader once. :) And that's the closest she'd like to be, thank-you-very-much. Heavy on the rp; the point of the campaign is partly to get me out of my hack n' slash mindset. Heavy on the skills as well; first few levels are scoundrel, with some extra skill points, etc to help her do everything. It was fun, and I look forward to picking it back up again.

A Dark Times game, where the players run characters that have worked for the galactic government for years, and are just now learning what it means to live in an empire, rather than a Republic. I may have one be a newly-appointed Moff, and at least one be a Sector Ranger (perhaps even a Special Enforcement Offiucer). At first they'll face the job of tracking down Separatist partisans, but soon the excesses of their own government has them working to save small pockets of the galaxy from Imperial evil.

I may work in the CSA somehow, and perhaps even a wounded Jedi on the run from Order 66, who obviously gets killed during game time. I also may make up-and-comming commander Thrawn a bad guy, until his fall from grace.


First Post
scourger said:
If I run a game with it, I want to do an alternate version of the original trilogy.

I'd probably do something similar. For a while I've wanted to run what I call Star Wars redux. After that, I'd do a prequels redux. I'm considering changing the "campaign title" to Star Wars Infinities, from the Dark Horse comic series.

Scribe Ineti

I have a game I'm planning to run, set about 10 years after Episode III, as Mon Mothma and Bail Antilles gather up the beginning threads of the Rebellion. I was going to run it a month or two ago, but decided to put it on hold until I had a chance to look at the new rules.


If I were to run a game (have been toying with various SciFi games for years now, haven't run one yet so this might be it) I would likely set the game as far from any established continuity that I could, either far in the future or far in the past of the 6 movies. Some relatively isolated sector of the galaxy with no Jedi Order nor Sith Lords, but people who use both Dark and Light sides of the Force. A game that focuses around a group of traders/mercenaries/pirates more along the lines of the Firefly crew who wind up in opposition to a dark force using Mob boss who alternately tries to recruit and then kill them, possibly with some end toward aquiring a priceless artifact of a long dead force wielding civilzation. Maybe at that point I might bring the Jedi Order in to investigate and possibly recruit a force using PC or to oppose the groups plans for taking control of thier own destiny.

Basically not a very "Star Wars" game, just using the system and the general setting simply for its familiarity to the players. If there was a Star Trek game with a system I liked I might do somethign similar, a game where no one was a member of Star Fleet.

Or I would go in the opposite direction and have all the PCs be either Jedi or somehow associated with the Jedi mission. Set it several hundred years before the clone wars and let the Jedi be Jedi. Maybe with a young Yoda as a class mate or contact.

Voidrunner's Codex

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