Between this and Fildrigar's review (not to mention the AL preview), I'm eagerly awaiting this adventure. My home group is coming up to the finish of LMoP, so I should be able to move them straight into PotA pretty much straight away. Any chance you could spill the beans on the new monsters contained in chapter 7? No stats or anything, just a list of new beasties and such. Pretty please?

Between this and [MENTION=67925]Fildrigar[/MENTION]'s review (not to mention the AL preview), I'm eagerly awaiting this adventure. My home group is coming up to the finish of LMoP, so I should be able to move them straight into PotA pretty much straight away.

Any chance you could spill the beans on the new monsters contained in chapter 7? No stats or anything, just a list of new beasties and such. Pretty please?

Brian Michaluk

First Post
EN World member Brian Michaluk is the second person out of the gate with a review of Princes of the Apolocalyse, the upcoing D&D 5th Edition hardback adventure. He says it's much better than the previous three adventures (by which he means Lost Mine of Phandelver, which I thought was rather good, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat). His review follows Fildrigar's last week.

The full review is below. Brian also answers questions in the comments, indicating there are 40 new monsters (including Howling Hatred Initiate CR 1/8, Eternal Flame GuardianCR 2, Razerblast CR 5, Olhydra CR 18, Ogremoch CR 20)

Wrote up a review on the new module. Honestly its miles better than the last three.

At first glance this module is of far higher quality than the first 3 that were published. It even includes a section on adapting for other worlds including Darksun, Dragonlance, Greyhawk and Eberron. From a skim through of the meat of the adventure it seems well designed and could easily keep a group busy for a long while. There are creatures with Challenge up to 20th level included as well as a printing of the free materials that wizards put out for players.

The modules real starting point assumes 3rd level characters but it does include a mini adventure in chapter 6 for running pure 1st level characters up to 3rd.

Set in the Dessarin Valley this module is close enough to waterdeep, neverwinter and balders gate to offer a familiar launching point. The included map has more detail for the area than I have ever seen before in previous products. The town of Red Larch gets more use in this adventure than I think it has in the past.

Good old day / night Random encounter charts make a real comeback in this adventure and will definitely add a good element of tension every time the party comes to a rest.

At the adventure start it seems to be assumed that the GM will be using the faction system but it does allow for a nonfaction start as well. The adventure is quite non linear in approach with included side quests and adventure locations that dont have to be done in order though it could be dangerous taking 3rd level pc's into the 6th level site for example.

By chapter 4 the party should have advanced to level 6 and by chapter 5 10th level. The adventure seems to finish around 15th or 16th level so truly this is a full campaign in a book.

The standard monster manual will get heavy use through the running of this module and will be required for play.

Artwork is top notch I was quite impressed. Well detailed NPC's very cool magic items and fun new monsters including the reappearance of some favorites of older elemental evil products.

Overall the module reminds me of the crammed in wealth of info from old 2nd edition products and the well written approach of 4th edition.


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Between this and [MENTION=67925]Fildrigar[/MENTION]'s review (not to mention the AL preview), I'm eagerly awaiting this adventure. My home group is coming up to the finish of LMoP, so I should be able to move them straight into PotA pretty much straight away.

Any chance you could spill the beans on the new monsters contained in chapter 7? No stats or anything, just a list of new beasties and such. Pretty please?

Would love this as well.

Also if possible I would like to know the CR's of each of the Elemental Princes.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Princes of the Apocalypse review

We have a review section for this.
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Brian Michaluk

First Post
Yes monster Manual required for play no stats in the book leaving more room for meat and potatoes

40 new monsters including:

Howling Hatred Initiate cr 1/8
Eternal Flame Guardian cr 2
razerblast cr 5
Olhydra cr 18
Ogremoch cr 20


I'm not sure if the MM is needed, as I didn't want to page back and forth through the adventure, looking to see if every monster listed is in the Basic packet. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they are, though.

Brian Michaluk

First Post
Even just the random encounter chart requires the MM let alone individual detailed areas that uses monsters from the MM not included in the book. Not sure if the free basic supplement has all the monsters or not though.

Page 17 has a reference stating that if a monster is not statted in chapter 7 you should check the monster manual but no reference to the basic rules
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