Between this and Fildrigar's review (not to mention the AL preview), I'm eagerly awaiting this adventure. My home group is coming up to the finish of LMoP, so I should be able to move them straight into PotA pretty much straight away. Any chance you could spill the beans on the new monsters contained in chapter 7? No stats or anything, just a list of new beasties and such. Pretty please?

Between this and [MENTION=67925]Fildrigar[/MENTION]'s review (not to mention the AL preview), I'm eagerly awaiting this adventure. My home group is coming up to the finish of LMoP, so I should be able to move them straight into PotA pretty much straight away.

Any chance you could spill the beans on the new monsters contained in chapter 7? No stats or anything, just a list of new beasties and such. Pretty please?


Any mention of a web supplement for users of Basic?

Or jury duty if lack thereof?

That is not what JeffB is talking about, he is asking if there is any word on a supplement so that groups that only use the basic rules set can run the adventure. These supplements include any spells necessary that are not in the basic rules, as well as magic items and monsters.

Hoard of the Dragonqueen

Rise of Tiamat

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Brian Michaluk

First Post
Doing a quick scan through the book looking for monsters not in the basic package.

Scout - MM only
Veteran - MM only
Ankheg - MM only
Merrow - MM only
Jackelware - MM only

that's 3 pages looked over and found 5 monsters already so yes MM is needed

Brian Michaluk

First Post
That is not what JeffB is talking about, he is asking if there is any word on a supplement so that groups that only use the basic rules set can run the adventure. These supplements include any spells necessary that are not in the basic rules, as well as magic items and monsters.

Hoard of the Dragonqueen

Rise of Tiamat

Ahh yeah its possible they will put out a supplement with all the monsters in it but that would be a heck of a lot of freebies if they do. From the look of this module it uses a heck of a lot of the MM.

I never worried about it as I buy all the books. Honestly I would find it a little odd if a group would shell out 50$ for an adventure module and not own at least one of each of the 3 main books.
Last edited by a moderator:


Im odd , then ;)

I run a game for group of 15-16 year olds. My son and some of his friends. Been doing it for 4 years. They have absolutely no interest or desire buying rulebook or learning the rules in depth. They just want to play and have fun, no work desired , just like popping on the Xbox or what have you.

As mentioned elsewhere, I have not invested in the 5e books partly because of the group and their desire not to be bothered with details,but mainly because I am not happy with what WOTC is not producing for 5e as regards to advnture material, and with my work and family obligations, my little prep time is better spent reviewing than converting. Sessions suffer when I spend more time on stats than getting to know the material. It's easier and adds up to better play experiences to run Pathfinder BB with PF adventures, OD&D/OSR adventures with S&W, or even come up with a couple of ideas and improv with Dungeon World.

I. have pre ordered POTA because of positive banter, but if WOTC is not planning a web supplement like they did with Tyranny, then I will cancel my pre-order and just move on. I have come to realize I am no longer in the target market and this rollout/business model of 5e isn't going to work for me like every previous edition . If I didn't enjoy 5e gameplay as much as I do I wouldn't care that much, but thems the breaks ;)

Brian Michaluk

First Post
I am sure they will have a web supplement as they did say there would be one for each module set but even if not or its late a person could always just use the stats of something else of the same CR and just SAY its a whatever.


I respect your decision to minimize expenditures and pre-game prep time, but I feel like the Monster Manual would be tremendously useful to your play style and worth the money. In particular, if you don't want to spend time constructing stat blocks, it seems like a giant book of stat blocks would be right up your alley.

5e monsters are relatively straightforward to run with little prep. Many of the monsters are basically mini-adventures unto themselves, and the variety can keep the group interested for a long time. So if you need a side-quest, then *bam* the MacGuffin is in the lair of a medusa, or the mayor's son is kidnapped by grimlocks, or somebody in the village is a lycanthrope of unknown sort.

I think it would be more fun to play in a group that had Basic rules + MM than a group that had a PHB + free online adventure supplements, so if a group only buys one core book, it should be the Monster Manual.


5ever, or until 2024
I respect your decision to minimize expenditures and pre-game prep time, but I feel like the Monster Manual would be tremendously useful to your play style and worth the money. In particular, if you don't want to spend time constructing stat blocks, it seems like a giant book of stat blocks would be right up your alley.

5e monsters are relatively straightforward to run with little prep. Many of the monsters are basically mini-adventures unto themselves, and the variety can keep the group interested for a long time. So if you need a side-quest, then *bam* the MacGuffin is in the lair of a medusa, or the mayor's son is kidnapped by grimlocks, or somebody in the village is a lycanthrope of unknown sort.

I think it would be more fun to play in a group that had Basic rules + MM than a group that had a PHB + free online adventure supplements, so if a group only buys one core book, it should be the Monster Manual.

To each his own...but also second this. (And its a great book).


I respect your decision to minimize expenditures and pre-game prep time, but I feel like the Monster Manual would be tremendously useful to your play style and worth the money. In particular, if you don't want to spend time constructing stat blocks, it seems like a giant book of stat blocks would be right up your alley.

5e monsters are relatively straightforward to run with little prep. Many of the monsters are basically mini-adventures unto themselves, and the variety can keep the group interested for a long time. So if you need a side-quest, then *bam* the MacGuffin is in the lair of a medusa, or the mayor's son is kidnapped by grimlocks, or somebody in the village is a lycanthrope of unknown sort.

I think it would be more fun to play in a group that had Basic rules + MM than a group that had a PHB + free online adventure supplements, so if a group only buys one core book, it should be the Monster Manual.

This idea of just getting the MM is on my mind. I've no issue buying the core books if wizards actually starts supporting the game with more varied and additional adventure material...dungeon mag coming back, more small sandboxy LMOP type products, that type of thing. . But until that time I am unwilling to invest 100 bucks plus into rulebooks. I have shelves of games and adventures, but my days of collecting are long over. Expenditures have to provide in- game utility.

I think the quality of POTA will likely be the determining factor. If it's easily cannibalized in part, I probably will spring for the MM. The kids are fine and dandy with the core four basic classes, and have been in several variations/editions. If on the odd occasion one of them wants something a little different for a character it's generally something I look at other rules sets for.For example, I tweaked the basic 5e fighter to make a PF Gunslinger type for the last one shot we did. Took me about 10 min. Not worth grabbing the PHB for that.


We also run a "low expenditure" group, but we are switching to 5E once our 3.5 current campaign is done. We have purchased 2 5E PHs and a MM and DMG so far. Im considering the POA as well.


Brian Michaluk

First Post
Just finished a full read of chapters 1 and 2. Chapter 2, The Dessarin Valley, Is awesome. Really excellent detail, plenty of npc notes location notes towns inn's etc etc I have a feeling that I will be referring back to this module for years and running adventures in this area well beyond whats published in this adventure. This module will be sitting in the forgotten realms reference shelf in my library for good I think.

For reference this module is set in 1491 DR - The year of the Scarlet Witch

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