Between this and Fildrigar's review (not to mention the AL preview), I'm eagerly awaiting this adventure. My home group is coming up to the finish of LMoP, so I should be able to move them straight into PotA pretty much straight away. Any chance you could spill the beans on the new monsters contained in chapter 7? No stats or anything, just a list of new beasties and such. Pretty please?

Between this and [MENTION=67925]Fildrigar[/MENTION]'s review (not to mention the AL preview), I'm eagerly awaiting this adventure. My home group is coming up to the finish of LMoP, so I should be able to move them straight into PotA pretty much straight away.

Any chance you could spill the beans on the new monsters contained in chapter 7? No stats or anything, just a list of new beasties and such. Pretty please?

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First Post
that's pretty cool, actually. wish my dad had done that. honestly though, if you are doing this on a regular basis, you probably need to invest in the 3 main books. they are a wealth of knowledge and are very nicely compiled and illustrated. if you are a veteran gamer, you could probably just get the MM and use the basic freebie rules for the rest. that said, the DMG has a lot of nice magic items and is worth it just for those ;)

Yeah if the kids are content with the basic class and race choices I would highly recommend buying the MM. The DMG is a great book and ha a lot of cool stuff in it but I don't see it as a must have item for a veteran DM. I agree I wish my dad or my older brother had done this with me. All I had was the ADnD starter box that game with an audio cd and very skimmed down rules. Learning ADnD 2e on your own is a challenge to say the least.


I'm pleased to hear there is actually some guidance for converting the adventure to other settings. I'm particularly interested in how the story fits into Eberron and Dark Sun. Any chance we can hear how long/detailed the conversion section is? Hopefully more than a paragraph or two.

Brian Michaluk

First Post
I'm pleased to hear there is actually some guidance for converting the adventure to other settings. I'm particularly interested in how the story fits into Eberron and Dark Sun. Any chance we can hear how long/detailed the conversion section is? Hopefully more than a paragraph or two.

Well the darksun section is 2 1/4 pages long. talks about the setting, background options, athasian cult changes for the elemental eye cult and how it interacts with the elemental priesthoods. Factions on athas fills out the rest. Its really well done actually. I ran a darksun game once for 2 years real time so I am pretty familiar with the old stuff and this all makes sense for the setting

Dragonlance gets a page and a half mostly on background and factions.

Greyhawk gets 2 pages Setting, background factions as well as an "other elements" area that talks about changes to worshipers for the npc's

Eberron gets 2 pages as well, the setting section is bigger than the others got. It offers multiple locations to set this module in and its other elements is also very inclusive with a lot of suggestions.

FYI awesome tidbit. 2 of the most awesome artworks in the book are OBVIOUSLY darksun


Well the darksun section is 2 1/4 pages long. talks about the setting, background options, athasian cult changes for the elemental eye cult and how it interacts with the elemental priesthoods. Factions on athas fills out the rest. Its really well done actually. I ran a darksun game once for 2 years real time so I am pretty familiar with the old stuff and this all makes sense for the setting

Dragonlance gets a page and a half mostly on background and factions.

Greyhawk gets 2 pages Setting, background factions as well as an "other elements" area that talks about changes to worshipers for the npc's

Eberron gets 2 pages as well, the setting section is bigger than the others got. It offers multiple locations to set this module in and its other elements is also very inclusive with a lot of suggestions.

FYI awesome tidbit. 2 of the most awesome artworks in the book are OBVIOUSLY darksun

Awesome! Thanks for the info. Looking forward to the book.

I think you mean "art" not "adventure". Thanks to sections of 5E books being half art we have common rules missing like no lava in the unusual terrain section or 8 sample traps compared to 4E's 23 sample traps.

Rule repetition by putting in monster stats is space filler, much like repeating the rules for extra attack 8 times in the PHB, but so is an over abundance of art, but the art is less useful.

You're not even right about the Lava.

Page 249 of the DMG beings up lava in improvising damage. Wading through lava and being submerged in lava are given as examples for 10d10 damage, and 18d10 damage respectfully.

Also who have 23 sample traps is not that important. They got all the ones needed with the 8.
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