The Walking Dead

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This is my theory

He Stole the car. Zombies from the city/outlying areas followed the car as he drove towards camp. He stopped not far from Camp, knowing about the string can defense systems he cut them, got back in the van and drove off to parts unklnown. He got a sort of revenge because he knew he couldnt take out the survivors by himself.

Yeah - I am thinking he must have had something to do with it to get that many zombies close to the campsite.


First Post
Well they also did have the car alarm going for a while that may have also helped attract the zombies. Remember in the books where they explain about a gunshot acting like a net to attract them... a car alarm blaring constantly for the whole time from Atlanta to their camp would be far worse (despite RIck's comment about the sound echoing around the area's hills)


Well they also did have the car alarm going for a while that may have also helped attract the zombies. Remember in the books where they explain about a gunshot acting like a net to attract them... a car alarm blaring constantly for the whole time from Atlanta to their camp would be far worse (despite RIck's comment about the sound echoing around the area's hills)

True! I had forgotten about the car alarm, though when Glenn pulled blazing into camp with it still going I had thoughts that might attract more zombies to camp. It had just slipped my mind.

Hand of Evil

again, I will say it, they have not proven to be smarter than the zombies. :erm: being outside is not a good idea, period. They would have been better to be out in a field with clear view than where they were.


First Post
again, I will say it, they have not proven to be smarter than the zombies. :erm: being outside is not a good idea, period. They would have been better to be out in a field with clear view than where they were.
Yep. And doing some earthworks (trenches, spikes drivne into the ground) to make zombie approach harder. If the zombies are in greater number, they have to negate that advantage by having a single means of approach (q.v. Thermopylae). The quarry guarding one side is a good start.


again, I will say it, they have not proven to be smarter than the zombies. :erm: being outside is not a good idea, period. They would have been better to be out in a field with clear view than where they were.

Yes, this is the main thing that ultimately bugs me about most zombie stuff (movies/shows/whatever). I can suspend my disbelief enough to accept that most of these things are setup in worlds that don't have zombie movies. I.e.- before the outbreak happens nobody has ever thought of or, obviously, dealt with zombies before. So there's no 'zombie survival guide' in these scenarios, and certainly no zombie fans (like us) who have contemplated, or even roleplayed, how to deal with a zombie outbreak. I can accept that this unrealistic idea is necessary for the complete unrealism of actual zombies to work as a story.

But, despite this lack of foreknowledge or planning, most survivors in these flicks never LEARN how to deal with the situation they're in! In TWD these people have had weeks to get over their shellshock, accept the situation, and make meaningful effective plans and counter-measures. Or at least attempt to do so. But they don't. As pointed out- they're out in the open with just a line of noisemakers (right at the edge of camp no less) and a SINGLE lookout for warning. And they've blocked most of their visibility so that lookout is barely effective. As Klaus mentioned, they've got the quarry on one side BUT they're so far away from it that it's actually just another front to watch. And...

Well, I'm sure I (we) could pick the show apart this way in typical "nerd-rage" fashion ad nauseum, but I don't want to do that. I really LIKE the show and I'll be tuning in every week (well, DVRing every week) for as long as it last. BUT- I'd enjoy it (or ANY zombie flick) so much more if they could just deal with the situation :realistically: using characters that actually think about what they're doing and plan intelligently based on the capabilities of the enemy (zombies)- AND do all this WITHOUT injecting unnecessary drama for drama's sake! The situation will provide all the drama a show could need without inventing more AND without giving your characters dramatic-stupidity just to ratchet up the tension. The comic managed to do this (in it's own way), but every week the show seems to veer slightly more away from this ideal.


Staff member
On survivors not learning: look around you very carefully and you'll find that you're living in a world full of people who don't understand what it takes to survive...and never will.

There was a reality show a few years ago featuring kids surviving on their own. One of the kids lived on a farm, so he caught, killed and cleaned a chicken: animal rights groups and parents were outraged! Nevermind this happens every day on farms throughout the world, and the kids needed food.

Or to put it a different way, the things we gamers see as obvious...aren't. Most people don't understand about LoS and making a position defensible. Those people thought about getting away, and that isolation and concealment were their best defenses (and they may still be right about that, despite recent results).

They kept fires low. They had a (shoddy) alarm system. They kept a sentry on duty with a high vantage point. They thought about ammo & firearms. They have a few axes.

They only seem to have one shovel, though- making trench digging tough.

What they need is a clearing, yes, but one that is still concealed, with a patrolled perimeter. Not that they have enough people for that...


First Post
But, despite this lack of foreknowledge or planning, most survivors in these flicks never LEARN how to deal with the situation they're in!

Many people that are shell shocked takes years to get over it if they ever do. And look around, many people do not learn from their own mistakes. They convinced themselves they were safe. People crack under stress and this is real stress, survival, not the little stresses that people fail to deal with in the real world. Even if there are zombie movies and zombie survival guides, it is not like they are mandatory reading or that many people know about them. They might be making bad choices but that is realistic as looking around I see people make bad choices, the sames ones some times, all the time.

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