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LightPhoenix: I think you are going to struggle to like this show because of your personal investment in the comic. Ive never read an issue although Ive heard of it. I think its based on the comic but thats it.
Yeah, I'm fully aware of that. That's part of the reason why I've tried to lessen my talking about comic spoilers; I'm trying to divorce the two in my head. Still, with the name and set-up, I was expecting them to follow the comic a little bit more. I'm still going to watch it; despite my rather melodramatic post, I liked the episode up until the CDC (which I still think is an utterly stupid idea).
I think the comic is a great story, and I really encourage anyone who likes the show, zombie movies, and what not to read it. It's well worth the time.
Just saw the last episode...So... I guess they are completely diverging from the comic. Ok, I can accept that- the comic is rather bleak (to put it mildly) and I have to admit I was really doubting that a direct translation would survive long. So I'll just accept the show as it's own thing and see how they incorporate the comic storyline while going in their own direction.
Looking at it from that point of view I'll probably be able to enjoy it more. Taking it as separate from the comic, the "drama for drama's sake" I've been harping on isn't so bad I guess. My main grief has been the divergence from the comic and its drama- but if they're just using the comic as a guideline, then what drama there has been has made sense for the show as it's set up. I'll still be annoyed if they take it too far, but I can be more accepting if I stop comparing it to the comic.
That's pretty much where I'm at. I was always a little dubious as to how the show was going to work - for one thing, there's a lot of turnover with people dying. It doesn't really make for appealing work when you know your character will only last a season at best. I'm also willing to bet that someone along the line nixed the ending of the first arc. I'm hoping we still get some of the later characters though. It'd be great to see Tyrese and Michonne. I'm also hoping they preserve the nature of the infection; I think it's a neat little twist.