The Walking Dead


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LightPhoenix: I think you are going to struggle to like this show because of your personal investment in the comic. Ive never read an issue although Ive heard of it. I think its based on the comic but thats it.

Yeah, I'm fully aware of that. That's part of the reason why I've tried to lessen my talking about comic spoilers; I'm trying to divorce the two in my head. Still, with the name and set-up, I was expecting them to follow the comic a little bit more. I'm still going to watch it; despite my rather melodramatic post, I liked the episode up until the CDC (which I still think is an utterly stupid idea).

I think the comic is a great story, and I really encourage anyone who likes the show, zombie movies, and what not to read it. It's well worth the time.

Just saw the last episode... :erm: So... I guess they are completely diverging from the comic. Ok, I can accept that- the comic is rather bleak (to put it mildly) and I have to admit I was really doubting that a direct translation would survive long. So I'll just accept the show as it's own thing and see how they incorporate the comic storyline while going in their own direction.

Looking at it from that point of view I'll probably be able to enjoy it more. Taking it as separate from the comic, the "drama for drama's sake" I've been harping on isn't so bad I guess. My main grief has been the divergence from the comic and its drama- but if they're just using the comic as a guideline, then what drama there has been has made sense for the show as it's set up. I'll still be annoyed if they take it too far, but I can be more accepting if I stop comparing it to the comic.

That's pretty much where I'm at. I was always a little dubious as to how the show was going to work - for one thing, there's a lot of turnover with people dying. It doesn't really make for appealing work when you know your character will only last a season at best. I'm also willing to bet that someone along the line nixed the ending of the first arc. I'm hoping we still get some of the later characters though. It'd be great to see Tyrese and Michonne. I'm also hoping they preserve the nature of the infection; I think it's a neat little twist.

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Remus Lupin

See, they are going to break another rule: Going to the Lab / haunted house / X. Nothing good ever comes from going to see Scientist in events like this.

"Here, let me just inject you with this Zombie juice. I promise you'll be fine."


io9 kind of had it right. The show is suffering from Lost syndrome; demented scientist trapped alone underground? Uhhh...


First Post
I liked the episode up until the CDC (which I still think is an utterly stupid idea).

Why is it a "utterly stupid idea" ? I like that they argued about it and listed the reasons for making the choice as well as offering up other ideas. It seems to be that they have no good idea on where to go so might as well try for a place you know. Travel anywhere for them is a risk and a gamble.

Sir Brennen

For those ranting about divergence from the comic - the author Robert Kirkman (also an executive producer on the show) has said in an interview ( 'Walking Dead' writer Robert Kirkman talks about last night's episode ) that, in general, the series will stick to the path of the comic. There may be detours and side treks along the way, but overall they will follow the story-arc he originally wrote.

The CDC thing was something I personally wondered about when reading the comic. Kirkman admitted in the same interview that he didn't know it was in Atlanta when he wrote the series. Frank Darabont (producer) pointed out that it would be a logical thing to do since they were in the area.


The CDC thing was something I personally wondered about when reading the comic. Kirkman admitted in the same interview that he didn't know it was in Atlanta when he wrote the series. Frank Darabont (producer) pointed out that it would be a logical thing to do since they were in the area.

Well that's good to know (Kirkman and the CDC) because I seriously wondered why they didn't run by there in the comic as well. This is also why I decided I was being a little too harsh on the show. From the character's POV this is some kind of crazy disease/viral outbreak. If you're right next to the main place that should have answers or offer hope for dealing with it then (sorry LightPhoenix) you would HAVE to go. Now- taking the whole clan into zombie-central was epically boneheaded BUT after their last scooby-doo fiasco there was no way they were gonna split the party again.


First Post
Right...but every time they move, they risk EVERYONE'S life.

Every time they stay in one place they are at risk, too. The CDC building seems like the first truly impenetrable place we have seen in the show so far. The show did a good job of establishing that every choice they make has risk involved.

Voidrunner's Codex

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