The Walking Dead


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To TWD's defense: in the comic they *do* learn from their mistakes, and are always thinking of ways to improve their situation.

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Remus Lupin

I can't be too hard on them. If all of this has taken place in an apparently very short period of time, it's hard to know how they would react. It's not like they've had months to develop a plan. I imagine that they had only been camped outside of Atlanta for a week, maybe two, after having arrived and found the place a wasteland. They're ordinary people, not zombie-fic loving geeks who have "The Zombie Survival Guide" on their bedstands.

Now, after last night's episode, they're beginning to develop more of a long-term plan. They I think I would have opted to make for Fort Benning myself. Though again, knowing my Z-lit, it would have turned out that the military had hunkered down to defend its turf and not allowed anyone in. As a result, the bodies, and the zombies, would be stacked like cord-wood around the perimeter, even worse than at the CDC.

Hand of Evil

Think we got your first time line, 63 days after the virus went global. Still, not a lot but figure 2.5 months after the lead was shot.

Think the virus was loose at the time he was shot but isolated, then started to spread and he woke up about two weeks after the panic and rush to Atlanta.

Remus Lupin

Actually, what bothers me most about the brevity of the time line is how quickly it means his wife jumped into bed with his buddy. Mourning period? What mourning period?

PS., And that old guy with the beard -- he knows what's going on.


First Post
At this point in the thread, it should come as no shock that I'm a big fan of the comic. I'm willing to look past most of the little things as long as the overall story is intact. Even the Atlanta stuff I wasn't pleased with, but willing to let slide. However, this episode was too much. As far as I'm concerned, this is no longer The Walking Dead. It's a zombie show, but not a comic adaptation any more, except in name only. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement, to say the least.

Otherwise, there were some nice character beats from almost everyone. I found it hard to care about Jim since he only showed up last episode, but still well acted.

The CDC plan is just stupid. Rick is dumb, but he's not that dumb. Going towards the city with a bunch of defenseless people is idiotic. If the CDC didn't pan out, they were stranded? Even worse. I don't see Shane going for that plan, no matter how shamed he is about Lori and aiming for Rick.

PS., And that old guy with the beard -- he knows what's going on.

That's because Dale is awesome, no matter what medium.


First Post
I've seen small mourning periods from people and that's without the stress of the world ending around them, so not that big of deal. Interesting to see what the CDC guy does next week.


First Post
LightPhoenix: I think you are going to struggle to like this show because of your personal investment in the comic. Ive never read an issue although Ive heard of it. I think its based on the comic but thats it.

I thoroughly loved this episode myself. From the Shane momentarily thinking about shooting down Rick to a certain sister coming back from the dead. The necklace scene was a lovely touch and when those eyes opened, I did have a tear... and then jumped when the screen went to Daryl swinging the pickaxe. Damn thats a nasty weapon.

Daryl is fast becoming one of my fave characters like Glen.

The group had to make a decision. I sided with Rick. The CDC was closer, the cars were in poor condition (note the overheat on the way). Rick breaking down was so going to happen but the sliding door opening up.. another level of awesome.

I was amused that that wasn't actually the CDC. Maybe it was a satellite installation elsewhere in Atlanta, or somewhere deeper in the facility that civilians like me aren't allowed, but the few times I've been in to get lunch with a friend who works there, it didn't look anything like that.

(Obviously, they weren't going to get access to film at the real CDC. I'm just a tad disappointed there haven't been more Atlanta landmarks.)


Just saw the last episode... :erm: So... I guess they are completely diverging from the comic. Ok, I can accept that- the comic is rather bleak (to put it mildly) and I have to admit I was really doubting that a direct translation would survive long. So I'll just accept the show as it's own thing and see how they incorporate the comic storyline while going in their own direction.

Looking at it from that point of view I'll probably be able to enjoy it more. Taking it as separate from the comic, the "drama for drama's sake" I've been harping on isn't so bad I guess. My main grief has been the divergence from the comic and its drama- but if they're just using the comic as a guideline, then what drama there has been has made sense for the show as it's set up. I'll still be annoyed if they take it too far, but I can be more accepting if I stop comparing it to the comic.

As far as being too too critical when it comes to the actions/decisions of the characters... maybe I'm being too harsh there also. But it just annoys me when characters do stupid things that you just can't imagine someone in that situation actually doing.:p When they don't really consider the weird circumstances they're in and act, if not accordingly, then at least intelligently. This was one of the main complaints people had about Heroes (although in that case it was mainly the writers giving the characters dramatic stupidity to advance the plot-of-the-week). They hardly ever did things appropriate to someone with those capabilities in that world setting, i.e. I have super powers and I'm in a world where super powers exist- I should consider those aspects when developing my plan.

But then again, normal folk don't sit back and consider how to act in extremely abnormal situations in the same way that gamers do. And who's to say that even as big a zombie-fic-geek as I am that come the zombipocalypse I wouldn't just completely lose my $*!% like everyone else and wind up zombie-chow too. But I just really would love a zombie flick that treated the subject right.

Ehh- It's still early in the show yet. Maybe a little of Darryl will rub off on everyone else. He may be a bit too quick to bury that pickaxe in someone's head, but he's obviously considered and adapted to the situation. ;)
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Hand of Evil

See, they are going to break another rule: Going to the Lab / haunted house / X. Nothing good ever comes from going to see Scientist in events like this.

Voidrunner's Codex

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