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The Xen'Drik Chronicles OOC


First Post
I've made my decision. The party will consist of:

1. Isida Kep'Tukari: Se'ket
2. Sidekick: Keldith Vair
3. Nalfeshnee: Joskar Waterholme
4.ByteRynn: Ethan d'Orien
5. Watus: Telan "Red" Talaraen Sivis
6. DEFCON 1: Pohl D’Velderan

To those who weren't chosen, I wish you luck in finding another game, and remember to check this thread ccasionally, as alts may be needed, and I'll hold your characters in reserve.

Character Creation
Ability Scores: 28-point buy method
Books Allowed:Any 3.5 WotC source is acceptable. Non-wotc sources may be considered, on a case-by-case basis. I reserve the right to veto certain things if I deem them to be unbalancing.
Level: Characters will begin at 4th level, with 7,500 XP
Wealth: Characters will begin with 5,400gp, no more than half of which may be spent on any particular item. Anyone using a double weapon may treat each end as a separate item for this purpose. Anyone crafting their own items may craft an item with a cost of up to 2,700gp

I'll leave it to each of you to determine how and if you know the other members of the group.

If you have any questions I failed to address here, feel free to ask.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Delightful! I hope to have her finished on Saturday night. And I hope our little band can find some connection, however tenuous, between our characters. This is going to be a lot of fun!


:) ok... now to make that character sheet. Is there going to be a rogues' gallery, or do we post the characters here?

Joskar will likely be acquainted with any professors at the university, if not actually being friends with them

Edit: hit points? and how will dice rolling be resolved?
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First Post
I knew I forgot something.

Go ahead and post your characters here. Once they're finalized, I'll create a Rogue's Gallery.

Dice rolls will be handled under Invisible Castle. I reserve the right as DM to make rolls for your character in certain situations.

Characters gain maximum hp for 1st level, and roll for additional hp at Invisible Castle.

Feel free to add NPCs into your background as appropriate, but I may ask you to change details about them. If 5 PCs know 5 different versions of the Head of Natural Sciences Department, I'll conglomerate him or her into a single NPC, and pass along the details.
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First Post
Also, if I haven't heard from Sidekick, ByteRynn, Watus, or DEFCON 1 by Monday when I wake up, they will forfeit their slot and one of the alts will be brought in.

I'm not asking for a full character by then, just confirmation that you're still around.


[Sblock=character sheet]Joskar Moreus Waterholme
Eyes grey/blue; Hair grey, thin; Skin pale
Height 6’; Weight 148 lb.; Age 31
Human, Wizard 4: Diviner specialist, transmutation prohibited (immediate magic variant from PHII pg.68)
LN; medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Aura /
Languages Common, celestial, elven, dwarven

AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 11
hp 9 (4d4)
Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +9
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk quarterstaff +3 (1d6)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +5 (1d8)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Attack +2; Grapple +2
Action Points 7
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds x5

Spells Known 1st level – Alarm, Cause Fear, Comprehend LanguagesD, IdentifyD, Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement; 2nd level – Blast of Force (Spell Compendium), Detect ThoughtsD, Invisibility, Locate ObjectD. D – Divination;
Spells Prepared level 0 – 4; 1st level – 4+1; 2nd level – 3+1.
Spell-like Abilities 3/day – glimpse peril (CL 2nd).
Caster Level/DC CL 4th; DC 13+ level

Abilities Str: 10; Dex: 14; Con: 10; Int: 16; Wis: 14; Cha: 12 (28 points buy, +1 Int from level-up)
Feats Scribe ScrollB, Diligent, Iron Will,
Skills Appraise 2 (+7), Concentration 7 (+7), Decipher Script 6 (+11), Knowledge (arcana) 7 (+10), Knowledge (history) 6 (+9), Search 2 (+5), Spellcraft 6 (+11).[/sblock]

[sblock=background]Joskar Waterholme grew up in Morgrave university. He never experienced the streets of Sharn in the same way other children did. He never jumped across bridges or explored dark buildings in the towers. Not that he cared. He was too interested in important things to take any notice. Outside the City, distant in his mnd, a war waged, a war he was confident would never reach his home. Instead of worrying about bloodhsed and battle, he emulate his parents; reading and studying. And therein his strength lies.

Both his parents were professors - his mother Iska, an accomplished anthropologist with many laued titles discussing the evolution of giant and human magic under her belt as well as a successful trip to Xen'drik. His father Gerald was a 'rich' collector of antiquities and somewhat of an adventurer, having explored many of the goblin ruins beneath the city of Sharn as well as ancient hobgoblin sites to the west. He was a benefactor of archeological expeditions, which is how his parents met during the War. Given their position in society the Waterholmes were nor required to serve directly in the War, though Iska's research into the nature of magic and Gerald's knowledge of artefacts (lostand recovered) both served their purpose in matters of intelligence. Despite the stigma of not fighting the war, they both served - and died - for their nation.

In the year 986 YR, Gerald made a startling discovery regarding magic. I na way this was what kept the family out of the war: Breland was not going to ignore such a boon during wartime. An expedition to the Lost Continent was arranged, and the Waterhlmes were to lead.

Accompanied by the few guards and mercenariess that could be spared durng the war, the Waterhilmes set off for the Lost Continent. They never returned. Perhaps it was Droaam corsairs or a far-ranging enemy fleet, but the expedition lost contact with the university only five days after leaving Sharn - well before it would have even reached the continent.

Joskar, left at home with the Waterholmes' friend and associate Illidraen (an elf scholar), was shattered by the news of his parents' death, and it almost destroyed his studies in the university, where he was continuing his parents fascination of history with the study of magic (after all, the two were inextricably linked). But, urged by his tutor and new guardian, he persevered and emerged from his studies with a thirst for knowledge, with a passion for the unknown secrets of the world... and with a dark shadow looming over his every thought.

He has never stopped mourning his parents' death and some colleagues at the university whisper that his obsession with Xen'drik and the study of giant magic and artefacts stems fromhis parents' loss and no true devotion. Also, the stigma of coming from a family that did not serve in the war has worked to his disadantage, as members of noble families look down on him for not having defended his country during its time of need.

He ignores the whispers and continues to study, restlessly delving into hidden libraries in the university's vaults, researching what remains of his mother's papers and encoded diaries on giant and human culture in Xen'drik.. and praying for his dean to allow him the chance to visit the continent, just once. In light of this, he's been studying more than just magic and history under the watchful eyes of his elven guardian - if one wants to go to Xen'drik, one must be prepared in more ways than one. It is useless being sound of mind if the body is neglected; for the continent is a harsh place to travel.

Joskar is very insular, confiding in his books and his rave familiar more often than with true sentient creatures. The few people who know him know him more through his background and the tale of of his parents' death than through interaction with him and many of those regard him in a dubious light. This has earned him many nicknames at the university, both from students and fellow professors and scholars. He does little to discourage this, and cares little for the taunts.

Most of his acquantances are childhood friends, who've stood by him through all these years, though were it not for their efforts to keep in touch with him he'd have forgetten about them long ago. Not that he is ungrateful for their love, but his passion just takes so much of his time and life that he forgets that there is more to living than research and brooding over a past that cant be changed.

Illidraen, the man who became Joskar's guardian upon his parents' death so long ago, has changed little since those times - and he truly cares for Joskar as though he were his own. Joskar in turn regards the man with an affection that is otherwise absent from his life. He knows that were it not for the elf, he mst likely would not be alive now.

Joskar is tall, gifted of the mind rather than the body, and he was often sick when young (one of the primary reasons his parents did not take him with them to Xen'drik). His hands are slender and nimble, all the better to help him manipulate the strands of magic. His clothes smell of mouldy paper and dust, and judging by the amount of time he spends surrounded by tomes and ancient tablets, it is likely that he too now smells of dust. Jis hair is thin and prematurely grey, without much shape and form. His eyes, weak like his body, are augmented by half-moon spectacles that seem to hang preternaturally on the edge of his nose. His usual apparel is a shcolars robe, old and somewhat worn around the edges.

He is awkward around other humanoids, though seems to come into his element when lecturing or discussing his theories and his mothers' discoveries that he has expanded upon, though once he begins talking he looses sight of bystanders and tends to go on and on...

Despite his physical weakness, he is pushing himself to learn the ways of combat. His mind, if somewhat twisted by the events in his past that would have had a lesser effect on most other people, is strong and determined, and he wants to be prepared for when he goes to Xen'drik... and he will go to Xen'drik.[/sblock]

Mwk quarterstaff 300 gp
Mwk light crossbow 335 gp
50 bolts 5 gp
5 cure light wounds potions 250 gp
Amulet of Natural Armour +1 2000 gp
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000 gp
1 or every scroll known (crafted through scribe scroll) CL 4th 1500 gp
rope, adventurers vestments, scroll case, trial rations (if needed), chalk, ink, parchment, backpack, bedroll, soap, waterskin, bullseye lantern C. 100 GP[/sblock]

hit points here
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First Post
2 items:

1. You listed 32 point buy for your ability generation. We're using 28 point buy, but I suspect that was a type, since you only spent 26 points. Your Intelligence should probably be 17 (16 base +1 level)

2. "1 or every scroll known (crafted through scribe scroll) CL 4th 1500 gp" Again, justa minor clarification, but I take that to mean you've scribed 1 copy of each spell you have in your spellbook?


that was wierd... i listed 32, when it should have been 28 and it was actually 26... confusing. i did change it, all should be in order now

and regarding the scrolls yes - i have one of each which I scribed myself, ill amend the character sheet as I scribe more/use up those ones. Ill be aiming (IG time permitting) to keep an inventory of one of each)


First Post
This looks exciting!

I was wondering if you would consider throwing me (or anyone else for that matter) some small extra perk if they took an NPC class at first leveel (such as Noble or Warrior) rather than a full fledged-PC class? I am considering taking Lvl 1 Noble for back-ground purposes, but don't want to stunt my in-game power-level. Would that be worth a level 1 bonus feat? Extra point-buy? Extra money?

If not, that's cool too, I can make a perfectly well-written background and stats character with PC classes as-is.

-looking foward to it.


First Post
I'll have to think about it.

On a side note, isn't there a PC-friendly Noble class somewhere?

EDIT: Nevermind. It's a Star Wars class
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