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The Xen'Drik Chronicles OOC


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I'm starting an Eberron campaign, centered around the search for a missing expedition from Morgrave University. The adventure will start at Morgrave University, and involve travel to Xen'Drik. I intend to start characters off around 4th level or so, but right now I'm interested in unstatted character concepts. Once I've selected the final character concepts, I'll detail the rules of character creation. Consider any WotC 3.5 material useable, and please involve some type of connection with morgrave University.

I do not choose my players on a first-come, first-served basis, so take some time and put some thought into your characters.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Se'ket was born amidst a raging snowstorm, in the depths of a lightless cave. This may have seemed inauspicious, but that was not even the worse of it. Her mother, heavily pregnant with her, had been the victim of a vicious bandit attack. It was her wish to give birth in her home village where her mother lived, and in haste and fear, she was willing to travel in a late fall caravan. Of Se'ket's father, her mother never had named him to anyone, for no one came forth later to claim the child.

The small caravan was laden with winter meat and other foods, along with the few people desperate enough to travel in such uncertain weather. Today, however, the gods were not with them. The caravan was set upon by brutal and lawless men as a terrible snowstorm began to blow, men more interesting in stealing their bread than earning it. The passengers were simply a means of amusement to the cruel bandits, and their dead or unconscious bodies were tossed in a deep cave afterward, thrown away like garbage.

There are several legends and tales of babes being adopted by wolves or lions or unicorns, raising them when their mothers meet with tragic ends in the wilderness. But for Se'ket's mother, no such magic was in the offing. In pain and fear, she gave birth to her daughter; then died of her wounds. In this cave, full of the bandits' discards, there were no friendly wolves, only the smallest of creatures, the insects. They were no tales of insects guarding human babes, at least until two days later.

In the depths of the cavern crept a druid, a man sent by those of his sect, the Children of Winter. They believed the world must be cleansed to make way for a new and brilliant spring, and by accepting and accelerating death, this could be brought about. Tugor had come to this cave to study the actions of the insects upon the dead; hoping to learn both more about the natural process and to gain insight into the shape of the world to come.

It was with astonishment that he found a healthy girl-child lying upon the breast of a decayed woman, the many insects around her paying her no mind. Seeing this as a sign from the forces of nature, Tugor brought the girl back to his home and told the others the tale. Though it seemed too far-fetched to be true, Tugor was not a man who lied. Therefore the girl had to have come as a sign from the Winter to Come.

She lived and was given the name of Se’ket, an imitation of a beetle’s chittering. Often she heard the story of her birth and rescue, and the elder Children would tell her what they believed it meant. Se’ket had no reason to doubt them. She could sit in the middle of a fire-ant hill and take no harm; she could gather honey from a hive without getting a single sting. It was clear that the creatures of the Winter to Come favored her, and she was instructed at a young age on how to channel their power.

Se’ket devoured her learning of the natural world, but began to long to see even more of it beyond the borders of her forest. She was very knowledgeable about all insects and other vermin, but wished to see and observe as many as she could in their own habitats. She felt that she could learn more of the Winter to Come by the movements and habits of the insect world. Perhaps not so strangely, she ended up in Sharn. Though crammed with people and not at all like anything she had seen before, she almost immediately felt at home.

This was a place where people lived like ants or termites, all together in a great hive. And down below, in the depths of UnderSharn, lived muckdwellers, carrion crawlers, and great swarms of unusual beetles, species she had never seen before! It was entirely by coincidence that a pair of students from Morgrave University came to her depths to study a rancid beetle swarm. While they remained at a safe distance, their jaws literally dropped as they watched a young woman walk in the middle of the swarm, almost seeming to become like a beetle herself.

Almost before she could turn around, Se’ket found herself hired as a “research assistant” to Regalt Turmin, Professor of Natural Sciences. He was a bustling man, bursting with energy about his chosen topics of natural behavior. Se’ket’s life story had him enthralled, and the fact that she understood insects and even wouldn’t take harm from small ones made her priceless to him. Though philosophically the two couldn’t be more different, Se’ket has been helping the Professor and his staff research various insect species. Recently, he has mentioned there might be a trip to Xen’Drik in the offing, something Se’ket can’t possibly pass up. Who knows what fascinating new friends she might meet there…

Se'ket would be a human druid Child of Winter, obviously. :)


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Se'ket is certainly an unorthodox choice for a Morgrave University associate, but I must say it's well done. Feel free to flesh it out with appearance, personality, allies/enemies you've made at Morgrave U or elsewhere, and anything else you would like to add.


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maybe wil come up with something soon.

I'm having total writers block and character block...

[EDIT - here's my submission]

History of Keldith Vair Keldith was brought up to be a warrior. His father was a soldier in the Brelish Army. A proud citizen of Breland his were-heritage didn’t affect him at all.

Keldith’s mother was a dedicated priest of the Sovereign Host and the local pastor in their small community.

On his 5th birthday he started his instruction. The path of a swordbrother, dedicated to Dol Dorn was his to walk. He left the family home and his town at the age of 7 and started his martial instruction with his Brothers.

Years passed, his skills with blade and fist progressed. As a teen his ability to toughen his hide presented itself. Whenever he went home (once every year or two) his mother would teach him about his duties as a warrior of the Sovereign Host, while also educating him into their culture. He came to understand what it means to be a Shifter as well as a warrior of the host. He enjoyed his time in the Monastery, but something was missing. He felt this something everytime he visited his mother, or sat meditating outside. The world around him sang, every bit as much as his sword did.

As soon as he was old enough he joined the Brelish army, keen to serve his country and God. He fought in line companies at first, but then his skill marked him out for as a scout. Lightly armed and the keen senses of a Shifter he was the perfect forward scout.

There he learnt to hide, to hunt and how to track. This life made sense to him, tracking came to him quickly. He embraced this role and that part of his life. Steadily his training as a monk seemed less and less important. Yes he could defend himself from harm, but so could armour. He and his scout buddy Trente became close friends – saving eachothers lives numerous times.

He started to abandon the way of the Sword master of Dol Dorn. Instead embarking up on the path of a true shifter warrior.

Deadly with sword, fist, claw, foot. Fast, cunning, quiet. He became all of these.

And then the war ended. Keldith was at a loss, he tried to stay on. Get transferred to a unit that wasn’t de-mobbing. But it was all in vain.

He returned home, but the young boy that had left was now a trained, seasoned killer. His fluidity of movement and grace was now the stance and flow of a predator. Village life held nothing for him anymore, he could never go back.

So he moved to the big city – Sharn. He moved in with Trente and lived the batchelor life – Krazahk games, drinking then a visit to Firelight if there was money left…

In 2 years he worked for House Tharashk as a bounty hunter and guard. He eventually found work for Morgrave University, escorting their academics and student dig groups to exotic locations. Keldith’s best friend, Trente is also a guard for Morgrave and one of the missing. He has volunteered because not only does he want to go to Xend’rix again, but because his best mate needs him. If there’s one thing a Brelish Scout never does – its leave a man behind.

[sblock=Appearance]Keldith is roughly 5’8” tall, and weighs in at roughly 75kgs. He has long, braided black hair that he keeps in a traditional shifter style, his eyes are green. Keldith has a number of shifter tattoo’s and sports a ‘Chakotay’ (Voyager) style tattoo above his left eye.

When not on a job he typically wears a loose, vest or jerkin, and plain trousers. When armed and ready for combat he’ll have his loose, natural coloured clothing, a longcoat with chain shirt underneath, his scimitar belted to his left hip and generally have his longbow out, arrow half nocked, ready for any trouble.[/sblock]
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First Post
Looks good, looks good.

Nice touch with your missing friend. Players giving me plot hooks saves me the trouble of having to think of them myself :D


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Yeah that’s what I figured. If only my players in my TT did the same, all the time. I’m also open to be aligned with one of the other PCs (probably not a child of winter ;) ). I could be there as body-guard to an arcanist or the team leader.

I had to tie in some way and figured that a old soldier/comrade would motivate Kel pretty darn quick.

I was wondering, how many players are you looking for and is this going to be a one shot-adventure or will there be the possibility of a more long-term campaign option?


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I'm looking at roughly 4-6 players, depending on circumstances. If you and Isida are the only two to submit character concepts that aren't "OMG Bob is teh uberfighter!!!!1111!!!!! He's gots a +11 mercurial balanced fullblade roxors," then we'll have 2 players, and several NPCs to round out the cast. On the other hand, if I get 12 really amazing character concepts that just blow my mind like an illithid *****, we'll have 12 players. Seeing as neither scenario is likely, I think 4-6 is a nice, safe, figure.

I plan on this going on as long as everyone is interested. I'll break it up into chapters, and there will likely be a week or two of "vacation" between chapters, but the only guaranteed end wil be 20th level or a TPK.


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What character level were you planning on starting at?

I realize that you're only looking for concepts here, but the concept for a 1st level character is going to be significantly different than that for a 10th level character.


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My vote wold be for 3rd or 4th. Any higher and I find it a bit artificial to create a person.

Hmm 4-6 players aye? Excellent, heopfuly that means I won't be stuck doing the tanking. Kel is more of a front-line fighter when he has someone to be beside. If he's the only guy at the front then things could get a bit messy rather fast.

I like Eberron, a chapter based campaign would kick some!

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