D&D Movie/TV There's A New Trailer For D&D: Honor Among Thieves

A brand new trailer for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie has just been released! The movie comes out March 31st. This trailer very much highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of the movie and is filled with one-liners. The trailer also gives us a good luck at the Red Wizards of Thay, along with the mimic, the owlbear, and other iconic D&D monsters.


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I mean you do you but uh... Imagine having this attitude about, say, racial equality or worker's rights. 😬

"This doesn't affect me directly so I don't care" is how the bad guys win.
Mod Note:

No need to inject political stuff into this convo. Or most others on this website.

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It is truly spectacular. I especially liked the bit where our hero takes a vow of chastity, just like his father and grandfather before him.

No, seriously.
Vow of chastity, or vow of celibacy? Big difference, since chastity as traditionally understood is compatible with breeding like a rabbit, marriage vows being vows of chastity after all.

I mean 1.2 is definitely more 🥪 and less 💩 than 1.1. And the movie... Unarguably has higher production values than the previous 3.

The next version will likely be a lot better then 1.1, heck at least in some ways it might be better then 1.0a if they give enough concessions. Everybody is obsessed with 1.0a, which I've seen enough good legal arguments to believe will fail to be revoked, and not enough on the opportunities before us to squeeze as much value from OGL 1.2 revisions as possible. That should be the main focus now, keep telling revoking OGL 1.0a is unacceptable by all means, but otherwise let Paizo's lawyers handle it, focus on your Christmas list for OGL 1.2.

The next version will likely be a lot better then 1.1, heck at least in some ways it might be better then 1.0a if they give enough concessions. Everybody is obsessed with 1.0a, which I've seen enough good legal arguments to believe will fail to be revoked, and not enough on the opportunities before us to squeeze as much value from OGL 1.2 revisions as possible. That should be the main focus now, keep telling revoking OGL 1.0a is unacceptable by all means, but otherwise let Paizo's lawyers handle it, focus on your Christmas list for OGL 1.2.
Dear Santa,

I want a shiny 4e released under a Creative Commons license, and a Nentir Vale setting under OGL 1.3. I've been a good little boy all year (except that one thing).

I’ll admit that my excitement for the movie took a hit in light of recent events, but I’ll be damned if this trailer didn’t get me all excited again. It’s just…everything I wanted in a D&D movie. A solid cast, faithfulness to the game, stakes, action, and irreverence. It actually somewhat pains me to hear people say, “They’re just trying to copy Guardians of the Galaxy,” because when I saw Guardians, the first thing I thought was, “This would have been a great D&D movie.”

I’ll admit that my excitement for the movie took a hit in light of recent events, but I’ll be damned if this trailer didn’t get me all excited again. It’s just…everything I wanted in a D&D movie. A solid cast, faithfulness to the game, stakes, action, and irreverence. It actually somewhat pains me to hear people say, “They’re just trying to copy Guardians of the Galaxy,” because when I saw Guardians, the first thing I thought was, “This would have been a great D&D movie.”
Just pretend GotG is a slightly unorthodox Spelljammer campaign!

The number of people who are aware of what's going on is far beyond what I would have thought. I've seen it crop in a number of places and when someone makes a comment indicating they don't understand the short explanation that usually follows invariably makes Hasbro look terrible.

I think that is the bubble we are in hanging out on sites like this where we overestimate awareness about things like this.
I would have agreed with this, and still mostly do, but this has reached the Washington Post. That's pretty darned mainstream and a pretty big audience, even if only a fraction of the WP readers see this article.

I would have agreed with this, and still mostly do, but this has reached the Washington Post. That's pretty darned mainstream and a pretty big audience, even if only a fraction of the WP readers see this article.
I believe the Post featured it across their social media. I don't think it was unread by any means. And, more importantly, it's also an article that every Post article on the movie will be linking back to and referring to in the text. It's going to have legs.

There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t act a little childish sometimes
- The Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who)
The fact you are quoting Doctor Who means I must disagree with you on principle alone. :rolleyes:

So would you also say a D&D game, played by a group of adults, that is silly is... "bad"?
Yep. Comedy has it's place, certainly, but silliness does not. I've walked away from games like that and asked players like that to leave as they would most likely be happier playing in a game of a different style.

That's probably the aesthetic difference at the root. My D&D games are all fairly silly and light-hearted, so I'm glad to see a movie approach D&D the way it's normally played at our tables.
I agree, it is just my preference. But I also see it as unfortunate because it will promote a style of play in newer players which does not align with my own... 🤷‍♂️ It also detracts from the game (as I knew it) growing up and well into my adulthood. Sigh...

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