D&D Movie/TV There's A New Trailer For D&D: Honor Among Thieves

A brand new trailer for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie has just been released! The movie comes out March 31st. This trailer very much highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of the movie and is filled with one-liners. The trailer also gives us a good luck at the Red Wizards of Thay, along with the mimic, the owlbear, and other iconic D&D monsters.


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Also, being a light-hearted and maybe even silly movie doesn't make it "bad" as you said. IMO, it is just different than your taste / desire for a more serious film. So while I agree it may not be as serious as you wanted, I don't think that it is fair to call that bad.
It makes it "bad" to me, which was my opinion. So, if I don't like a movie or it doesn't appeal to me, I will call it "bad".

I have definitely played some "silly" D&D over that last 35+ years!
Yeah, maybe when I was a kid, but I'm not a kid anymore. 🤷‍♂️

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This looks like it would be fun to play, but not something I think I care to watch. The lines are of the type that are hilarious when they're ad-libbed between friends, but feel very stiff and pro-forma on the screen to me.

Maybe I'm just a tired bore, but meh.

It's won't tank the movie, it's a bee sting, not a dragons bite, but it still hurts like a son of Lich.
It will probably affect the movie about as much as boycotts of "woke" media do, i.e. not enough to turn a success into a failure. The movie will live or die on people who want to see a fun fantasy action movie. If it doesn't do well, it won't be because of a boycott, it will be because there was never a market for it in the first place.

Not the silly, over the top, sort of thing we see here. I take my D&D games seriously, and prefer movies (loosely) based on D&D to do likewise. Comedy and more light-hearted is fine (such as Willow), of course, but I don't see this that way.
That's probably the aesthetic difference at the root. My D&D games are all fairly silly and light-hearted, so I'm glad to see a movie approach D&D the way it's normally played at our tables.

Those kind of people were only ever looking for an excuse to give Hasbro their money. It's the kind of behavior that deserves mockery. It's what Hasbro is hoping for. The mushy middle that finds conflict icky.

Mod Note:
It would be outstandingly great if folks didn't make generalized attacks on persons they have never met. Maybe you didn't notice, but you are at this moment making the conflict icky - most folks don't want to be on the side of a conflict in which people treat each other like dirt.

Also, mocking people right now is a good way to get yourself removed from discussions. Rule #1 is Keep it civil. So, we expect you to do so.

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