D&D Movie/TV There's A New Trailer For D&D: Honor Among Thieves

A brand new trailer for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie has just been released! The movie comes out March 31st. This trailer very much highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of the movie and is filled with one-liners. The trailer also gives us a good luck at the Red Wizards of Thay, along with the mimic, the owlbear, and other iconic D&D monsters.


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Well, that was very disappointing, and not at all surprising. I won't be going to see this (and it has nothing to do with the OGL crap...).

This just looks like a bad movie IMO. I guess it is what I get for hoping for better... :(
Interesting. I will reserve judgement (as I don't trust trailers anymore...been burned to many times both good and bad), but this looks better than I would have ever hoped based on the precedents. So that makes me curious, what were you hoping for?

I sent a couple of friends and fellow gamers the link, their immediate reply was - we gotta see this as a group. We all 3 live in different towns but within driving distance of each other. That’s our plan.

Same group went and saw the first D&D movie in theaters and first LoTR movie….I’m lucky to have life long friends that share similar hobbies!

I mean 1.2 is definitely more 🥪 and less 💩 than 1.1. And the movie... Unarguably has higher production values than the previous 3.
Wait... are you talking about OGL stuff? I thought you meant this movie was better than previous D&D movies... (which I don't agree with, personally).

So that makes me curious, what were you hoping for?
Not the silly, over the top, sort of thing we see here. I take my D&D games seriously, and prefer movies (loosely) based on D&D to do likewise. Comedy and more light-hearted is fine (such as Willow), of course, but I don't see this that way.

Wait... are you talking about OGL stuff? I thought you meant this movie was better than previous D&D movies... (which I don't agree with, personally).
I am not sure what you are responding too, but I can't really compare this movie to the previous ones as this one isn't out yet! However, the first D&D movie (Dungeons and Dragons) was terrible and not only that - it wasn't D&D! The 2nd (Dungeons and Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God) was better, it was D&D, but it was still B movie at best. I have not seen the third (Dungeons and Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness).
Not the silly, over the top, sort of thing we see here. I take my D&D games seriously, and prefer movies (loosely) based on D&D to do likewise. Comedy and more light-hearted is fine (such as Willow), of course, but I don't see this that way.
That is what I guessed, but good to hear from the horses mouth. I mean the first two movies took it "seriously" and were terrible, so I'm fine sailing a different ship this time.

Also, being a light-hearted and maybe even silly movie doesn't make it "bad" as you said. IMO, it is just different than your taste / desire for a more serious film. So while I agree it may not be as serious as you wanted, I don't think that it is fair to call that bad.

Personally, we have had many "serious" fantasy movies, so I am curious to see this take. I have definitely played some "silly" D&D over that last 35+ years!
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