D&D Movie/TV There's A New Trailer For D&D: Honor Among Thieves

A brand new trailer for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie has just been released! The movie comes out March 31st. This trailer very much highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of the movie and is filled with one-liners. The trailer also gives us a good luck at the Red Wizards of Thay, along with the mimic, the owlbear, and other iconic D&D monsters.

A brand new trailer for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie has just been released! The movie comes out March 31st. This trailer very much highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of the movie and is filled with one-liners. The trailer also gives us a good luck at the Red Wizards of Thay, along with the mimic, the owlbear, and other iconic D&D monsters.


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So right. People in these forums who want to see the movie but who are boycotting due to the OGL fiasco are only punishing themselves. Their numbers are not nearly sufficient enough to make or break this movie. It will succeed or fail based on appeal to a general audience.

Honestly the D&D Beyond & TTRPG hardcovers boycotts are more then enough to get the point across, and although the hash tag #boycottD&Dmovie most likely makes WotC neverous, actually doing it is pointless and your absence won't even be noticed in practice.

But the ideal of it, even if in practice it's not a serious threat, and the bad publicity it generates tainting otherwise good publicity is extra pressure on WotC. You don't actually have to boycott the movie for real.

It was at that time. They turned them on later. Bot that I have any plans to dig I to that cesspool.

For what it's worth besides the occasional complaints about the OGL it's most folks going yep, that reminds me of my campaign and genuine positivity.

Anyways I don't have great eye sight so I was soooo happy to see the blown up photo of Szass Tam, who is my FAVOURITE Lich, Vecna can hold his beer.

Honestly the D&D Beyond & TTRPG hardcovers boycotts are more then enough to get the point across, and although the hash tag #boycottD&Dmovie most likely makes WotC neverous, actually doing it is pointless and your absence won't even be noticed in practice.
"Won't even be noticed" is a bit of an overstatement, but I think the basic point is sound. The patronage of people who are actively engaged with the actual D&D game enough to be invested in the controversy is not necessary to power this movie to success or to keep it from failing. It's a major motion picture with wider appeal than active D&D players, but also generally subject to the manifold market forces that cause many big movies to succeed or fail.

Of course, to throw some cold water on that philosophy, while I think the OGL-engraged are unlikely to be a determinate factor in the movie's overall success, it certainly seems plausible that WotC executives having gone through what I'm sure is a stressful time for themselves (which they doubtlessly consider completely unfair and in no way their own damned fault) will be so hyper-attuned to any hint of OGL-gate impact on their bottom-line that they will carefully look for any hint of fan backlash in the movie's numbers. But that seems to be imputing more competence and sense on the WotC executives than they've shown of late.

In any case the products principally marketed to actual D&D players are where the voices of the angry can most meaningfully be heard. The people upset about OGL-gate heavily overlap with the "whales" of D&D book-buying.

"Won't even be noticed" is a bit of an overstatement, but I think the basic point is sound. The patronage of people who are actively engaged with the actual D&D game enough to be invested in the controversy is not necessary to power this movie to success or to keep it from failing. It's a major motion picture with wider appeal than active D&D players, but also generally subject to the manifold market forces that cause many big movies to succeed or fail.

Of course, to throw some cold water on that philosophy, while I think the OGL-engraged are unlikely to be a determinate factor in the movie's overall success, it certainly seems plausible that WotC executives having gone through what I'm sure is a stressful time for themselves (which they doubtlessly consider completely unfair and in no way their own damned fault) will be so hyper-attuned to any hint of OGL-gate impact on their bottom-line that they will carefully look for any hint of fan backlash in the movie's numbers. But that seems to be imputing more competence and sense on the WotC executives than they've shown of late.

In any case the products principally marketed to actual D&D players are where the voices of the angry can most meaningfully be heard. The people upset about OGL-gate heavily overlap with the "whales" of D&D book-buying.
I believe the OGL situation will have zero impact on the movie. None whatsoever. Only a fraction of most RPG players are probably even aware which makes it near nil of the general population. Not to mention controversy such as negative comments may actually draw more attention. Even bad press is sometimes good.


Staff member
Mod Note:

If WotC’s OGL controversy is driving you to boycott the new film, that’s fine. Announcing it in a thread about the movie & its trailer is provocative, but not necessarily over the line. But all you’ve done in this thread since expressing your intent is stir the pot. THAT is a problem. Please, let it go.

Everyone else: don’t discuss using/not using your ignore feature against particular posters, even in a veiled way. Use it or don’t, but in-thread threats to use it are often just as problematic as the behaviors leading people to consider the option.


Yup. That’s the very real risk. Irritating other people who become more sympathetic to WoTC when it seems like things have just gone too far or on too long.

Those kind of people were only ever looking for an excuse to give Hasbro their money. It's the kind of behavior that deserves mockery. It's what Hasbro is hoping for. The mushy middle that finds conflict icky.


The High Aldwin
Well, that was very disappointing, and not at all surprising. I won't be going to see this (and it has nothing to do with the OGL crap...).

This just looks like a bad movie IMO. I guess it is what I get for hoping for better... :(

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