Level Up (A5E) Thoughts on A5E classes from your table(s)?


I'm not sure how I feel about Shield Focus. In this case, the fighter used Shield Focus and used his metal shield to defend against lightning bolt to negate all damage from it. That feels like too much. I do see it's the rare lightning bolt spell that makes it conductive, so maybe. I don't like that it doesn't even put the broken condition on the shield! That could be done every time he has a reaction with no detrimental effects to the shield.
That makes me think this should all damage the shield as well. It just makes sense. Maybe if the shield negates, I don't know, 20 damage it becomes damaged, 40 and it becomes broken. Or something similar, I was just spitting numbers, those can be adjusted of course.

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That makes me think this should all damage the shield as well. It just makes sense. Maybe if the shield negates, I don't know, 20 damage it becomes damaged, 40 and it becomes broken. Or something similar, I was just spitting numbers, those can be adjusted of course.
this just heavily nerfs shield focus as opposed to evasion, which is already stronger then shield focus, i dont see the need for it honestly.


this just heavily nerfs shield focus as opposed to evasion, which is already stronger then shield focus, i dont see the need for it honestly.
Well, shield focus is a feat, while evasion is a 6th level feature of a specific class, an one that keeps you from getting other powerful features such as blindsense and uncanny dodge. So it makes sense imo that evasion would be stronger


Well, shield focus is a feat, while evasion is a 6th level feature of a specific class, a one that keeps you from getting other powerful features such as blindsense and uncanny dodge. So it makes sense imo that evasion would be stronger
Right, but evasion is already massively better then shield focus, having to use a reaction means that A) it can only be used once per round B) it cannot be used with any of the reactions based manuevers
Considering that action economy is one of the most important factors of balance, having the cost of a reaction is already a crippling balance piece.
Also berserkers and adepts also get evasions, it’s not only a rogue feature. And berserkers don’t really give up anything for it. While rogues will end up getting all but one of those defense features


Right, but evasion is already massively better then shield focus, having to use a reaction means that A) it can only be used once per round B) it cannot be used with any of the reactions based manuevers
Considering that action economy is one of the most important factors of balance, having the cost of a reaction is already a crippling balance piece.
Also berserkers and adepts also get evasions, it’s not only a rogue feature. And berserkers don’t really give up anything for it. While rogues will end up getting all but one of those defense features
I totally missed the berserk evasion, but I did look for and didn't find the adept evasion. Can you or someone point me to the feature that grants it please?


Ok, yea that’s my bad, they don’t have it in a5e.
No problem at all, just wanted to confirm.

In another note, it feels odd that adepts, of all classes, don't have evasion. In my opinion they deserve it a lot more than beserkers. To be honest, both rogues and beserkers should only get evasion through an archetype. Evasion is indeed pretty strong.

In another note, it feels odd that adepts, of all classes, don't have evasion. In my opinion they deserve it a lot more than beserkers. To be honest, both rogues and beserkers should only get evasion through an archetype. Evasion is indeed pretty strong.
i mean, i get why rogues get it, but berserkers getting it core (especially instead of adepts) is incredibly bizarre.

what i DON'T understand rogues getting is con proficiency. THAT boggles my mind. rogue is literally the only class that can get every major save in the game without feats (and they can do it at LEVEL SIX). THAT'S crazy.

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