Level Up (A5E) Thoughts on A5E classes from your table(s)?

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Oh yeah I forgot…well then honestly not really sure what the issue is. It’s literally half the exertion of a 5-8th level fighters budget and it still requires a con save
well, technically less then half, since reserves.

EDIT: plus maneuver specialization brings it down to a third (or a fourth at level 8) if you pick it


IMHO the problem is not the cost at all, it is the amount of Stunning attacks you can make. If it were to cost 6 exertion, it is still OP to make 4-5 stunning attacks at a level as low as 5th. For those wondering, those attacks come from extra attack, + 2 attacks with a bonus attack if two weapon fighting and an eventual 5th attack with your reaction.

With 4-5 attempts to stun, you can reliably hope to stun 2 enemies per turn, even if your DC is not that high.

And let's not forget we can apply maneuver specialisation to this "combo" as well.

I think the solution would be either restrict the number of Stunning attacks (maybe half profficiency bonus?), or put a damage threshold similar to knockdown assault

I think the solution would be either restrict the number of Stunning attacks (maybe half profficiency bonus?), or put a damage threshold similar to knockdown assault
i liked the earlier proposition of forcing the save whenever you deal total damage equal to the target's con score that turn. it sounds both fairly balanced and very thematic. if i find stunning assault to be broken when i run, that's probably the first fix i'll try.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Ok, update to the Tempest Berserker experience:
They've hit level 10. The berserker player has come to me and said that it's clear his character is way outshining anything the other characters can do in combat.

The only thing we disagree on is which is the bigger problem: the core berserker, with its no-save 4-round blinding crits, or the Tempest archetype, which is far superior to any other berserker archetype.


It only costs the bard a reaction if he wants to activate a new hymn but if it is still active (or sustained) they can just declare a target whenever.

Regarding instrument specialties and hymns... May I suggest cards for them? The current hymn (with all the info on the card) on the table at the moment the hymn starts and once a target is declared the target gets the card.
For instruments either one laminated sheet where the current specialty (and possible "charges") can easily be marked or maybe a card per specialty with the names (and changed effects) for the affected spells.

Have the players realized how many exertion points they can get by using spells?

What's the problem with the player who doesn't like flexibility in his spell levels? He can always cast them at highest level. And while probably "wasting" some of the spell power he would most often still have more spells than an O5E warlock has (or have I overlooked something?)

As for me I'm currently playing an A5E Savant/Marshal in an O5E game where all the rest of the rules are O5E and in another game an Artificer/Savant (where I seriously need way more Bonus Actions)
yea i was an o5e paladin player, i was originally kind of disappointed with the changes. however when i finally got around to actually playing the class it seems to be stronger then it was in o5e. First of all, its far easier to gain an increased crit range as a herald in a5e than in o5e, which makes crit fishing more consistent. simply taking one level of fighter allows you to double up on stances once per sr, provides you a proper exertion pool, and get the fighters maneuver progression. with those available simply take devoted assault and furious barrage, activate both, make 6 attacks with advantage at crit range 18, each crit you can spend 1 exertion to activate striding swings and make an additional two attacks. If you want to get really spicy take 3 levels of warlock pact of the sword and take lifedrinker, that way you add your charisma bonus to damage twice.


Ok, update to the Tempest Berserker experience:
They've hit level 10. The berserker player has come to me and said that it's clear his character is way outshining anything the other characters can do in combat.

The only thing we disagree on is which is the bigger problem: the core berserker, with its no-save 4-round blinding crits, or the Tempest archetype, which is far superior to any other berserker archetype.
have you seen troll slayer?

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