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To War Against Felenga (FINAL UPDATE POSTED!)


Woohoo! Nothing like missing a few weeks' worth of updates in this thread! :D

Excellent, excellent story, as usual. I really only have one question - what's up with Malford going around proclaiming to be a god? Is that just a title of the leader of his country, was he once really a demi-god, or what?

Personally, I can't wait to see how Jezebel's character develops. :D

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the Jester

Malford is what you might term an aspiring god- he's got Boccob and the other gods from 'before' aiding him in attempting to ascend, and a part of the process is getting believers. Turdlin is a cleric of him; in my campaign, if there's enough faith in a god clerics can get spells, granted powers, etc.

If you haven't seen it before, I posted a first draft of an Epic-level Ascendant prestige class a while back that, over 20 levels, takes a character to godhood. It basically is a Savage Species-style breakdown of a DR 1 deity, using the 20 outsider HD as a guide. I'm working on revising it (though not til after I have fully digested the revision); it's still in the draft stage, but you gotta start somewhere.


First Post
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: In the Halls of the Unbound

the Jester said:

Actually, the guy who plays Malford (Paul) was signed in on the guy who plays Drelvin's account (Craig, or SeldomSeen). Malford's cohort is a lamassu.

How about a new who's who post then, it's been a while since the last one, before the last change in party members in fact.

the Jester

Sybele opens a bleary hungover eye. Wha...? she thinks, and then the knock comes again at her door. She grumbles her way to it, and there's Marius. "Good morning," the chronomancer says, his aspect grim, and soon the party is together over breakfast, listening to him make his pitch to them.

"It started with a false assumption on my part- that a simulacrum created as my equal or better would have the same desires, the same drives as I, and that it would remain under my control. Make no mistake- this is not true. A standard simulacrum is a reflection of its master, but a poor one, one that is only half or slightly more of what he is. Never delude yourself into thinking that its motivations are yours, or that you know what it will do if left to its own devices for too long. It has a portion of your personality, but only a portion. If you are noble and kind, it may be half as noble and kind. If you are wise, ambitious- it will be only partially as ambitious as you. It is fundamentally different. It is not a living thing- it is no more than a shadow of its creator. Its motivations are not human. It is not even a construct- it is merely a spell, merely a shadow. While it will remain under its master’s control, if undirected it will act as its nature dictates. If your simulacrum, Malford, were left uninstructed, it would possess a measure of your ambition, a portion of your nobility and goodness, a piece of your desires and loves. It might act on those if left uninstructed long enough; never allow a simulacrum time to decide for itself!

"When I first began empowering simulacra, I created several nearly as powerful as myself. I thought that the closer to myself they became, the more they would share my goals. But they did not. The closer I came to creating another ‘me’ the further their personalities were from me. The half of my wants they absorbed, amplified by the empowerment, became a less noble, somehow tarnished version of my desires. Where I might, for example, wish to achieve a Lawful society and peace throughout the oceans, a simulacrum near to being a duplicate of myself might desire a Lawful society only in an area under its control, but one stricter than I would want to inflict on its people. The half-feelings it felt were amplified, but were still only half-feelings. Without a touch of real humanity to temper them, the simulacra grew in arrogance and ambition. But as long as they were under my strict control, I had no way of knowing this. The first signs of trouble did not come until after I allowed several of them a measure of discretion in trying to stomp out Chaos in places where it has taken root, and by then it was too late.

"I came to believe that, if I were to double-empower a few simulacrum, they would be able to aid me in making great strides. With the Forinthian navy half-tied down around Pesh, the Chaos Fleet was scattering far and wide in small groups of ships. They had made great inroads in a number of places, and while Forinthia consolidated her position there was no force great enough to resist the Chaos forces. Well, I thought- foolishly- that if I could be in enough places at once, I could defeat them practically by myself.

"But I discovered an awful truth too late: a simulacrum made more powerful than the master will seek to supplant him. I could not control the simulacra that were made more than I through the double-empowering process. They burst free of my control once there were three of them- I believe the first two were waiting until they knew they could easily overcome me. Realizing my mistake, I narrowly escaped from the Citadel of Eternity and fled.

"I’ve given much thought to the tactics I can use against them, and though I might be able to defeat them myself, with the aid of a few powerful allies I believe that my odds of success are extremely heightened. If you will aid me...?"

The party requests a day to talk it over, and Marius offers them a number or rewards, including money and spells that he's developed personally, then gracefully acceeds to their request for time. "Sybele, of course, will be aiding me one way or another," he states.

Afterwards, Horbin the Holy casts a sending to Zeebo, who's happy in the Shining City, having been back less than a day from Swayzeville, his home town, of which he's just been re-elected Mayor. Horbin's sending warns the Mayor not to make any empowered simulacra- which gives Zeebo pause, considering recent events.*

Malford and Orbius spend some time giving their simulacra pep talks- after all, the last thing they want is to have enemies who know many of their secrets, tactics, etc.! They're trying to build bonds of friendship as well as mastery, but they both look at the shadows of themselves with a new perspective, given Marius' tale.

Afterwards, the two wizards discuss Zonzor. Malford suggests a permanent tongues be cast on him.

"I don't really think he has anything to say," Orbius replies disdainfully. "'Zonzor smash!' We don't need a tongues to understand that."

"Speaking of which," Malford muses, "where is he, anyway?"

*This, of course, is an allusion to the forthcoming Tirchond politics thread... ;)

Next Time: Zonzor gets himself into big trouble!

the Jester

At this point in the game, our heroes are:

Zonzor (CN barbarian 15)- From the low-magic world of Arba. Zonzor is played by the same fellow who played Alcar, Telemundo, and many other characters in my campaign at one point or another.

Horbin the Holy (CG cleric 16)- A liberal Dextrite cleric.

Drelvin the Archer (elf fighter 6/OotBI 7, CG)- An old 2e character with the Archer kit. Drelvin is Malford's Queen's bodyguard and Malford's friend from before he was a noble.

Sybele (large human fighter 8/egoist 7/warrior of Chaos 2, CN)- A psychic archer and the party slut, she's recently grown to Large size. This is Rob's pc (he played Clambake).

Lester "the L" (elementalist 14/warrior of chaos 4/paraelementalist 1)- another old skool pc from 2e, and another old buddy of Malford and Drelvin. He keeps threatening to post his stats here. :)

Angelfire (also frequently just called Angel; psychic warrior 14/cleric 4)- red-skinned and with the fire subtype, Angel used to be a human female but Chaos has worked its way on him in many ways. He's LE and a cleric of Coila, the goddess of Time, Relentlessness and Destruction.

God-King Malford the Magnificent (gnome rogue 7/illusionist 13, CG)- Malford is the only character in my campaign still around from game #1 (we're around 530 now). He began as a pirate, grew to be the protector of Dexter, the Jesus figure in Horbin's religion, went on the become a Baron, is now a King, and plans to become a God.

Turdlin the Smirv (svirfneblin cleric 5/rogue 6/prophet 1, CN)- Malford's first cleric and high priest, he's only recently started playing in my game again. He played Dexter, back in the day.

NPCs Habitually With the Party-
Thrush (fighter 18)
Jezebel (Sybele's half-dragon daughter)

the Jester

Zonzor Gets In Big Trouble

As the afternoon soon shows late afternoon, Zonzor- who is in Var, wandering about- is approached by a dirty potion seller, who, not recognizing Zonzor for a stranger who knows nothing of these things. Taking the man for a charlatan or poisoner, Zonzor roars at the man and grabs him up to take as a slave, throwing him over his shoulder after shaking him prodigiously. Well-satisfied, Zonzor takes him back to the castle (still over his mighty shoulder) and, naturally, runs into trouble at the gate. Once it becomes clear that Zonzor’s performing an act of random enslavement without any legal anything- not that slavery is legal in Var, anyhow, but still- things degenerate, and soon Zonzor is fleeing a storm of arrows and blood’s been spilt. The potion seller, on the other hand, is out of his hands.

When word comes to Malford, who’s speaking with Angelfire, his face grows grave.

“It’s probably a cultural misunderstanding,” Angelfire tries, but Malford is a King. He sighs and sets a bounty on Zonzor- 1000 gp alive, or 300 dead. That’s the size of the fine for his crime, after all.

Zonzor spends the night traveling. He flees for several days into the wilderness.

That evening, Telemundo bumps into Angelfire. “Hey, you were in that battle!” Angelfire declares, and the two drink together for a while. Eventually, Telemundo gets an invitation to breakfast, where Angelfire and the L introduce him to Malford and Drelvin.

Marius arrives that morning to hear the party’s answer to his plea for help. They’ve discussed it; “We have things to do,” Sheva says.

“Like what?” he asks.

“Read the book,” Angelfire says.

“All of us,” adds Malford.

“I can manipulate time,” Marius states. “If you have nothing that can’t be done on my demiplane, you can take care of those things there quickly. I urge you to help me; it is in everyone’s interest.”

“Well, in a few days I can finally get my blade from that dwarven smith,” Sybele says eagerly. “We have to wait at least long enough for that... it’s probably only two or three more days!”

With the opportunity to cheat time in mind, the group finally agrees to aid the chronomancer. Gutsy, thinks Lester admiringly. Coming to us for help when we’ve been at odds in the past... He grins to himself.

The demiplane is pastoral but without a sun. There’s a neutral light in the place, permeating the washed-out sky and the grassy hills, but its pleasant and warm. There is weather, but it seems mild, and periods of lighter and darker alternate. The group studies the Book of Olaf one at a time, in a place somewhat removed from the cabin and outbuildings the rest stay at. Horbin stands guard over the reader, using his powerful healing magic to keep insanity at bay. Drelvin digs a deep hole. Months pass for our heroes- peaceful months.

Marius plans strategy with the party. “It’s plain that an antimagic field spells doom for the simulacra; they’ll be unable to cast spells within it. Additionally, I’ve developed a spell specifically for attacking them that I’ll teach you wizards. I’m willing to teach both this spell and antimagic field to you in the cause even before we attack the Citadel of Eternity. Also, I can access the Citadel of Eternity via gate, and I’m prepared to use this option to aid the group’s attack and to prepare a second gate for escape. If we don’t succeed, the false Marius that has seized the Citadel will be able to compress time and make many preparations before we can return and our task will be much more difficult.”

Marius pauses, then points out that simulacra are incapable of advancement or gaining power. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to stop them from making simulacra themselves- and worse, they can also empower them! Since the simulacra think a great deal like the real Marius and have tremendous intellects, they will no doubt foresee the most obvious tactics that their progenitor will come up with (such as antimagic shell) and have countertactics. Thus, even a good plan may be extremely difficult to implement.

Sybele finally gets her blade from Fandral, who’s a bit nonplussed to see her standing so large. He hands her a blade made with the coal steel that he’s christened Snakebite.*

Pleased, she declares herself ready.

“Then let’s go,” Marius says. The group assembles and the chronomancer casts gate.

Taking a collective deep breath, the party steps into the Citadel of Eternity to battle Marii.

*Greatsword +3, has the Throwing special quality; deals 1d6 hp of poison damage on a hit; while in hand, wielder gains 4 enhancement bonus to saves vs. poison; 1/day cast poison (Fort DC 18; caster level 10).

Next Time: The first battle in the Simulacrum War!


Originally posted by the Jester
Actually, the guy who plays Malford (Paul) was signed in on the guy who plays Drelvin's account (Craig, or SeldomSeen). Malford's cohort is a lamassu.


So was it him?

Eh, I didn't write down who it was so I don't rightly recall... but I'm sure the L will take the blame as always. It may have been Horbin or someone else, though- not sure.Who cares when Lester's there to take the fall!

Actually what I was trying to do was make a joke common to another board I frequent where one makes a statement and then tells the truth in a footnote. Malford touched the red glowing thing, but the blame was laid to rest on Lester's very deserving shoulders. Sorry about causing confusion.

Originally posted by the Jester
“Like what?” he asks.

“Read the book,” Angelfire says.

“All of us,” adds Malford.

You forgot an important part Jester. People will want to know exactly what the book gave to all of us who read it, and the other service it performs for us.

Originally posted by the Jester
Drelvin digs a deep hole.

Haha. I hope some later adventuring party stumbles across this pocket plane and wonders why the hell there is a 30ft sheltered hole in the ground. I almost wish Drelvin had enough time to dig all the way through.

the Jester

SeldomSeen said:

You forgot an important part Jester. People will want to know exactly what the book gave to all of us who read it, and the other service it performs for us.

Actually, I posted the book's stats elsewhere in the no-player lookee thread.


heh, no wonder I didn't see it. Last time I went to that thread, the sepia snake sigil almost got me. :cool:

I still think the narrative needs it though. Why was it so important to spend months reading that damn spooky book? :p

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