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Traipsing Across Khorvaire - High Adventure in Eberron


Some of the passengers seem to take your advice and begin gathering wood and collecting it in piles. Most of them seem too shaken up or wounded to do much of anything.

The pirates talk amongst themselves for awhile. They seem to be arguing.

When you start talking to Bran, he clutches your legs and begins crying even harder. You can barely understand anything he says. "I-I-I d-don't kn-kn-know where m-m-y..." he trails off into loud sobs.

As you are trying to deal with the boy, the dwarf pirate you dealt with before walks over. Behind him are two of his comrades, human, by the looks of them and large. The dwarf snickers at the sight of you and Bran. Then he looks you in the eye. He has a hard look about him and you get the feeling he means business about whatever he has to say. He just stares at you for a moment. Then he holds out a thick hand.

"I don't think we got a formal introduction before. I'm Hoabban." He pauses for a moment. "Now, I believe that we discussed compensation earlier and me and my boys here," he gestures, "are wantin' to know what we got comin'."

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Aalic will look at the dwarf's hand and then shake it. "Well met, Hoabban."

Aalic will kneel down to Bran and speak to him. "Bran, you see that man over there tell him I sent you over to look for your parents. Hoabban and I have some business to discuss. Now run along."

Aalic will turn to face Hoabban not looking to see what Bran does. "Well Hoabban you mentioned compensation. What are your terms?"


Bran quiets down, but he doesn't leave. He clutches your hand and holds tight to you.

Hoabban folds his arms across his chest and leans back ever so slightly. "Well, seein' as how we can't really be taking any o' the cargo out of here, I think it's only fair that we get all o' the gold the people there are carryin' about. That and we get to claim whatever we can take from the wreckage of the other ship. Give us that and we'll leave ye alone. Don't and..." He shrugs his shoulders and holds his hands up. The two big men behind him grin and crack their knuckles, stretching their arms out and not-so-casually displaying their thick muscles.
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"Hoabban I have thought of something that will make all parties happy, but it requires the Captain. He is the only one who can do I what I am thinking." Aalic will state.

"Hold off a little bit on the passengers. Because what I am thinking will get you ten times what these people have on them. Now if you don't mind I am going to go find the Captain and Bran's parents." Aalic states.

Aalic won't wait for a response, he will pick Bran up and start walking towards the wreckage.
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Aalic will pick up Bran and start walking over to one of the sailors.

"Have you seen the Captain or Bran's Parents - Davik or Thummina. If you find any of them tell them I am looking for them." Aalic will state.

Looking around Aalic will take a few minutes to try to figure out what is going on. Aalic will also look up to see how long until the sunsets.


You approach one of the sailors. His once immaculate uniform is in dirty and torn. His hair is unkempt and he has a several scratches and bruises on his face and around his body. The half-elf is digging through the mess of the ship half-heartedly. He seems distraught.

The sailor doesn't seem to notice you approach and even after you ask your question, he continues to stare at nothing while he pokes through the mound of broken wood and steel. Just before you are about to repeat your question, he looks up. "Wha...huh? Oh. We haven't found the captain, yet. I don't know what we're going to do if something happened to him. We need him. I don't know who those other people you mentioned are." He goes back to searching.

Looking around, some peole have started gathering up piles of wood. Others are trying to help the wounded. A few are helping the sailors search for survivors. The pirates continue to stand apart. They talk amongst themselves and watch the goings on with appraising eyes.

There is two to three hours left before the sun sets.


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Aalic will stand up and walk around with Bran. "Bran lets go find your parents."

As Aalic walks around to each group he will ask about the Captain and Bran's parents. At the same time he will start to look for a defensive postion for a large group of people.

He will also start to look over the crew. Trying to estimate who is in the best condition - both mentally and physically. If he finds someone who is in good shape he will talk to them.

If will also start to look over the debris. Looking for weapons, gear, items, and anything else that catches his eye.

As he continues to walk around, he will look to the wood - trying to estimate what his best position is right now.


Walking around, talking to people, you get a variety of responses.

Bhurgis, a sailor on the Cloud Dancer, says, "Bran was one of the passengers who helped fight the pirates, right? I haven't seen him. We haven't been able to find the Captain, either." His voice takes a nervous tone. "I don't know what we're going to do without him. Can you help us?"

Vangelis, the elven merchant, is standing apart from most of the passengers. His eyes are red and he is shaking. "I don't care about some stupid boy's parents or the Captain. I had a lot of valuable cargo on that ship. Now, I'm ruined! House Lyrander owes me for this. They should have better defenses on their ships. Those pirates are just dirty low-born scum. I've half a mind to..." You walk away at this point. Vangelis continues to rant and rave to no one in particular.

Phira, a pretty young woman, is helping tend some of the wounded. She smiles and says, "I saw you fight Thorn. You were very brave. I don't know where the boy's parents are, but I'll watch him for you. I'm sure you have more important things to do."

Walking past a pile of bodies that have been collected, you notice the First Mate of the Cloud Dancer. His head rests at a strange angle to the rest of his body.

The spellcaster, Yothcare, is in a strangely jovial mood. "Aalic, isn't it? You were sure all over the place when we were fighting those pirates. The deaths are a tragedy, but"--he leans in to you and lowers his voice--"I haven't had this much fun in years!" He laughs for a moment, then serious again, "I haven't seen Davik or his wife. Damn shame if anything happened to either of them. They were good people."

Nuranal, another half-elf sailor from the Cloud Dancer, says, "Hey, you're the guy that saved us up there, aren't you? What's your name? I don't know what we're going to do if something happened to the captain. The First Mate is dead. We're stuck in the middle of nowhere. What do we do?"

As you are walking around, you catch the glint of light on metal. You shift some rubble and see a fine dagger. The Lyrander Kraken is beautifully inlaid on the pommel. The blade curves slightly and is quite sharp. It is definitely of masterwork quality. You remember Captain Kravith carrying carrying one just like it.

Jaken, a dwarf, says, "We've gathered up some wood for fires. What else do you think we should do?"


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Aalic will pick up the dagger and place in his belt. Seeing that no one is really in charge, Aalic will start to take command.

Jake come with me. First, Aalic will find Burghis. "Burghis, the First Mate is dead, you are the new First Mate, until you are dead or I replace you. I need two or three men. I have an area of debris I need searched. (Pointing to the area where Aalic found the Kraken Dagger.) Get a couple of men and have them meet me over there! Jake and these people need some stuff to do, I am sure you can get him something to do. When you are done find me over by the debris pile I mentioned." In typical fashion he won't wait for a response and move off.

Next, Aalic will find Nuranal. "Nuranal, I need to know where the two Kraken Gurads are located? I haven't seen them lately. If you cannot find them, then start gathering up all the weapons you can find. I also need to know how many sailors are available." Aalic will move off, talking to someone else.

Next, Aalic will find Vangelis. "Listen here you snot-nosed whining pig! You see those pirates over there (pointing to the pirates). All they are waiting for is one reason to come over here and attack all of us! Now shut up! No one wants to listen to your whining about some cargo. You see that boy over there. (Pointing to Bran) He lost both is parents. You are here whining about some cargo, he has lost two parents. If you want to be useful, go find Burghis. He is one of the sailors. He will direct you what to do." Aalic state as directly as possible.

Next, Aalic will find Yothcare. "Yothcare, a fight is going to happen soon. I need you to start preparing for it. Do what ever you can." Aalic will state, trying not to figure out the gnome.

Next, Aalic will walk over to the injured, Bran, and Phira. Aalic will get down next to Bran. "Bran I need you to do me something. I have some of the sailors looking for you mom and dad. While they are doing that, they cannot keep an eye on the Pirates. I bet you are as smart as your Mom and as brave as you Dad. Can you go over and count the number of Pirates. Be sneaky."

Lastly, Aalic will talk to Phira. "Phira, thanks for watching over Bran. I know a lot of these people are injured, are any of them able to move?" Looking at the number of people Aalic will ask as sincerely as possible "How many are injured?" Aalic will ask sincerely. This time Aalic will wait for an answer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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