• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Traipsing Across Khorvaire - High Adventure in Eberron


Jaken follows you to find Burghis. The sailor's jaw opens as you tell him that he's in charge. "I'm not sure I can do it, but if that's what needs to happen, I guess I'll have to."

He grabs a couple of sailors and gets them to work searching the area you pointed out. He puts Jaken and some of the other passengers to work gathering what food stuffs have been found.

Nuranal says, "We found Lairvith and Orichs all ready. Neither survived the crash." He looks around and counts on his fingers. "There's only eight of us left, Aalic. Most of us had a sword when we went down. I'll see what else I can find."

When you approach Vangelis, he gives you a snide, "You again?" [Intimidate roll= 5+2+2 (circumstance bonus)= 9] He splutters as you tell him exactly what you think. "Who are you to tell me what to do? You look to be a rank commoner. I may have lost much of my merchandise, but I still have much influence. I ought to have you arrested when we reach our destination. Do no bother me again." He turns his nose up at you and walks away.

The wizened mage eyes the pirates askance as you mention a fight. "Those bastards still want to cause trouble, eh? Well, I've used a good number of my spells already, but I still have a few left." Under his breath, "I wish I still had my spell book. Thank Aureon, I still have some scrolls." He slaps you on the back and chuckles. "I'll be with you if a fight breaks out. Don't you worry."

Bran wipes the snot from his nose and nods as you talk. He scampers off wordlessly.

Phira runs a dirty hand through her tosseled light brown hair and sighs. "Well, most people arent' too bad off. Cuts and bruises, mostly. There are about a dozen, though, who aren't going to be moving on their own. A few of them have broken legs, one has a broken back. Hurkin has been knocked in the head and won't wake up. Some aren't going to make it much longer without help from a Jorasco healer."

She takes you around and shows you the injured. She seems intelligent and capable. Under her direction, a few of the passengers have pulled all of the seriously wounded together and done what they could to care for their wounds. It is clean and organized.

Bran comes running up and tugs on your sleeve. He waves you down and when you lean over, he whispers into your ear, "Thirteen."

Before you can thank him, a cry goes up. Looking toward it, you see one of the sailors by the ship hollering, "We found the captain!"

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Aalic will immediately look up at the shouts. "Bran I need you to go watch the pirates for a couple more minutes. Come tell me if they start to do anything." Aalic will state to Bran.

Aalic will look at Phira and say. "I fear the Captain maybe injured can you walk over there with me?" Aalic will state as he starts move in the direction of the Captain.


Phira gives you a look. "Do you think it's wise to send him to spy on those pirates? What if something happens to him?"

Regardless of your reply, she follows you to check on the captain. As you get there, Burghis and another sailor are lifting the half-elf and laying him on patch of clear ground. A crowd is gathering around, but they make way for you.

Phira kneels down beside him and examines him, checking for breathing, a pulse, and wounds. You notice that he is quite pale and his clothes are soaked with blood in a few spots.

The lithe woman stands up and says, "Well, he's alive, but barely. I'm not sure what exactly is wrong. The best we can do is bandage his wounds and pray that he recovers."

A worried murmer goes through the crowd. After a moment, someone voices the question everyone is asking, "Who's in charge now?"

Everyone quiets down and looks around. Quite a few heads turn towards you.

Outside of the crowd, you see Hoabban look at you. He points meaningfully toward the setting sun.


First Post
"Burghis, find me Namfoodle. I need him now." Aalic will state as he is pulling Burghis to whisper in his ear. "Get Bran back over here. I sent him to watch the Pirates. Send someone who is discreet."

"Phira can you bandage the Captain. Do your best we need him to live." Aalic will state to Phira.

"Listen Up!! The Captain is hurt, not dead! I am in command, until he gets better. Burghis is First Mate. If you want to survive and get out of here we are all going to have to work together. I will listen and help you, but my final word stands. If anybody has a problem with this I suggest you start packing right now." Aalic will state to the growing crowd of passengers and sailors.

"Hoabben, as you saw the Captain is in pretty bad shape. I am telling you he can bring you a lot more gold than these people have on them. But he has to survive and get back to a city. Look most of these people lost everything when the ship's went down. So if you are so inclinded as to wait, you will be a rich man." Aalic will state to the dwarf.


"The gnome?" Burghis asks, puzzled. His mouth opens to say something else, but he closes it and moves off.

Without looking up, Phira says, "Don't worry about that. I'll do everything I can for him."

[Diplomacy roll= 15+7= 22] Most people nod and seem to approve as you announce your decision to take command. Some shake their heads, unsure. You hear a loud disapproving sniff from off to your side. Turning, you find Vangelis looking pointedly elsewhere with his nose buried in one of his scented handkerchiefs.

Hoabban crosses his arms across his chest. He looks...angry. "As it is, I am not so inclined to wait. Ye've got until the sun sets. After that, I take what I want." He stalks off. Many of the passengers exchange nervous glances and whisper amongst themselves about the pirates.

Burghis comes back after a few minutes, Namfoodle and Bran in tow. The gnome is muttering under his breath and not really paying attention to anything going on. The new First Mate leans in and says, "It might have been helpful if you had told me I was looking for a boy."


First Post
"Sorry Burghis." Aalic will sincerely state. "I need to know some information. How many fighting men do we have? How are they for weapons? And is there a defensible positon nearby? And do any of your men have wilderness skills?" Aalic will state to the new First Mate.

"Namfoodle, earlier you mentioned something about a healing potion. I need one for the Captain?" Aalic will ask the gnome.

"Bran you were very brave to to watch over the pirates!" Aalic will state as he squezees the boys shoulder "Can you go and help Phira, she is going to need your help."


"Well, there are eight of us left from the Cloud Dancer, I think. We're all capable of handling ourselves in a fight, but we're not great warriors, if that's what you're asking.

"None of us are trackers or anything. We're sailors." He gestures around in a circle. The land is rolling hills. North and northeast the Blackcaps rise up sharply. "If you want a defensible position, pick a hll."

The gnome looks at you quizzically for a moment. "Oh, yes. Well, if I had laboratory equipment, I could probably do it. Do you have an alchemist's lab?" He gets an excited look.

Bran nods and quietly says, "I can help her."


First Post
Aalic will pull Burghis off to the side so no one can here the conversation. Aalic will also keep his voice low. "Burghis, I am not going to lie to you. The pirates are going to come at sunset and take whatever they want. I believe we have a responsibility to protect the passengers. I wouldn't worry if I thought they would only take gold and valuables, but I'm think they will take women and children as slaves. I also fear one of the passengers may resist and get killed in the process. I tried stalling for as long as possible, but it's not going to work any more. I figure we get everyone together and defend them. The only problem is we have a lot of wounded. I am open to any options or opinions?"

"No Namfoodle I don't have a lab. Is there nothing you can do?" Aalic will state as plainly as possible to the gnome.


Burghis stands there quietly for a moment, thinking. "Do you think the pirates will actually do something or are they just bluffing. There are only a few of us left from the Dancer and there's you. It's not many, but look--" he gestures to the passengers "--there's a lot of them. If even half of them stand with us, I think those curs will think twice before trying anything. Pirates aren't noted for their bravery.

"If that doesn't work..." he shrugs. "I guess we'll have to fight."

The gnome is distracted when you talk to him and he doesn't respond right away. "Oh, oh, yes, umm..well, no, there's really nothing I can do to help then."


First Post
"Burghis you may have a point. Start getting the people rounded up and together. We will make our stand together. I suggest we form up around the wounded. The pirates may pick on them the most. They are the easiet targets. Start getting defensive postions and debris to limit the pirates advance. And start handing out weapons to all. Protect the women, children and wounded. I need a couple daggers. And keep it quiet, I don't want the pirates figuring out what is going on. Have people start bringing the fire wood over here." Aalic will state.

"Namfoodle thanks for the help. You might want to head over to the wounded they need your help." Aalic will state to the unobservant gnome.

After getting the daggers from Burghis, Aalic will start to help with the defensive preperations. Aalic will wait to see how things progress, but when the sun is just about to go down he will make an announcement to the passengers and pirates.

Voidrunner's Codex

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