D&D 5E Trying out Star Wars 5E -- Any Advice?


If you want crunch, you can update the saga edition, or get the fan edition. If you want lore, the fandom wiki is enough.

Maybe you should ask your players whant they want or may dislike. Maybe you should mix both continuities, the new saga and the "legends", and the timeline being rewritten, for example the Yuuzhan Vong arrival in several wave for different ages of galaxy.

We pretty much just use legends.

1. All the rpg material we ave is legends

2. The players chose legends.

The only viable Disney one was a Mandalorian inspired game as legends material could be used in that timeline (Eg E-Wings, EU capital ships etc).

You coukd maybe use some legends material and resting it for say TFA timeline but combination of indifference/not worth the effort required killed it.

You could also do a canon Rebels era game I suppose.

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Stop using the standard DM techniques; use the unorthodox!

Watch thy central plot line!

To break a character's focus, go faster, faster.

Do not hold your game too tighty, nor too lightly.


@CleverNickName I recall looking over the early SW5e site a few years back, though ultimately kept my Star Wars Saga stuff & tried some FFG Star Wars.

I think it's a really nice re-skin that doesn't require too much new rules knowledge – you'll have some maneuvers (like LevelUp 5e) to figure out, some new conditions to learn, more involved starship rules, and of course the "not spells" for force-wielders and techs. My biggest objection is that the player-facing content (new classes) are really stripped of flavor – for an example of what I mean you can read the Monk Vows which literally just jump right into the features – so it's really dependent on the players to take the mechanical tools and run with the story side of things.

And having just checked out the site, holy heck have they done a lot of work and even have an online character creator. Really impressive fan effort!


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It's a fan based thing. I checked ot out its a bit to 5E for me I kinda wanted an updated SWSE using 5E mechanics.

There's also a fan based D6 version we used that with the revised SWRPG D6 book earlier in the year.

The 5E one looks alright has some pros and cons ymmv.
Same. I want SWSE with less all over the place talent and feat trees, a little more front loading of characters (less wait for PrCs especially, bounded accuracy, adv/disad, maybe a few other thingns. I don’t want 5e with some SWSE inspiration.

At that point, I can just…play 5e in the Star Wars galaxy, use the SWSE equipment and vehicles, and make sure the group understand we aren’t playing wizards, Jedi don’t cast fireball, etc.

Besides which, I didn’t like how they did vehicles in SW5E. That’s a part of the game I actually would rather not streamline.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
@CleverNickName I recall looking over the early SW5e site a few years back, though ultimately kept my Star Wars Saga stuff & tried some FFG Star Wars.

I think it's a really nice re-skin that doesn't require too much new rules knowledge – you'll have some maneuvers (like LevelUp 5e) to figure out, some new conditions to learn, more involved starship rules, and of course the "not spells" for force-wielders and techs. My biggest objection is that the player-facing content (new classes) are really stripped of flavor – for an example of what I mean you can read the Monk Vows which literally just jump right into the features – so it's really dependent on the players to take the mechanical tools and run with the story side of things.

And having just checked out the site, holy heck have they done a lot of work and even have an online character creator. Really impressive fan effort!
Oh man I forgot about tech casting. That was actually what made me close the webpage and say, “I’d rather do the work myself”.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Oh man I forgot about tech casting. That was actually what made me close the webpage and say, “I’d rather do the work myself”.
I'm actually intrigued by the Tech Casting. It's what I wanted from the artificer all along.

I kinda want to steal it and backwards-convert it into my next Eberron game, whenever that might be.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I'm actually intrigued by the Tech Casting. It's what I wanted from the artificer all along.

I kinda want to steal it and backwards-convert it into my next Eberron game, whenever that might be.
Ah, see, I'd rather have the artificer lose spellcasting (and tech casting is just spellcasting) as such and turn spell storing item into a pillar class feature for them, and give them more infusions and the ability to make consumables easily like bombs and potions.

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