Turtle defeats Jackal


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reeling from the blow, turtle suddenly becomes peaceful and serene. Suddenly, she leaps toward Jackal with a flying kick...

The lotus blossum falls on top of the hells; guards against the tempest of the ember!

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"The Ancient Masters are impressed with the Lotus Blossum that can fall over the hells."

Point Turtle, One Orb Turtle, One Orb Neutral

The orb floats over to Turtle again, following closely behind her.


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Jackal starts to hop like a rabbit to attempt to confuse his foe. As his opponent lowers her guard Jackal attacks her knocking her off guard.

The rabbit slashes across the fountain; scatters the onslaught of the air before it cruelly absorbs the touch of the river!


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As turtle lands from her flying kick she quickly ducks down and makes a swinging kick up toward jackal's abdomen.

The spear kicks from the caves; protects against the gaze of the scythe!


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OOC: this is the quickest fight that I have been in.:) Usually I have to wait 30 min for my opponent to post a move. Good Job people! Keep it up.


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Before the Wraiths can speak, the orb tailing Turtle begins to hop back to the center. The Wraith's eyes come alive with a fire red glow. The hopping orb seems to dim a little as it zips back to center.

Point Jackal, Two Orbs Neutral


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OOC: In all the time I've been in this forum and an active judge - I think that this is the first active fight I've had at this time. And yes - its moving along nicely...


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Turtle's eyes flash from anger... "Hwaaaaaaaa!" she yells as she rapidly strikes with her left arm followed by her right. Quickly, she falls into a defensive position and steps close to Jackal, in an attempt to dodge his tremendous counterattack

The roaring panther shreds the ruins; quells the onslaught of the moon and rides close to the rising of the willow!


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Seeing that his opponent is letting her emotions take over he leaps over the assualt of his foe and attacks her from the back.

The monkey eliminates the coast; leaps over the efforts of the foul!

Voidrunner's Codex

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