TUW: Out of the Maelstrom

Merin ponders for a moment, "Converting some of these soldiers is still a FANTASTIC idea, but once the army is closer to Southroad, and we are still dealing with the remaining loyal elements, I wonder if we could approach the soldiers' camp at night, and cause all of their wooden weaponry to become dry and brittle, without them realizing it? Having a bowstring snap, or a spearhead fall off, during a crucial moment in the battle would be a great advantage for us. Do you think it's possible? Can we affect that many weapons? Or perhaps, affect all the weapons within a certain area?"

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Tor adds, "We should concentrate our harassment / conversion efforts on the water search parties. Also, is there any way to taint the water in the same manner that we did with the food?"

Tor adds, "We should concentrate our harassment / conversion efforts on the water search parties. Also, is there any way to taint the water in the same manner that we did with the food?"

Indigo gives a sharp look at Torvald. "What!? If we poison a natural water supply, we effect everything that uses the water, plants, animals, everything, not just the soldiers."

Sheldon lays a hand on her shoulder. "I do not think that is what he meant. Rather than continue to harm these soldiers, it is my understanding that the plan is to convert their loyalty. My question was how do we go about this."
OOC: @Tellerian Hawke If you are proposing that the collected water supplies be effected, his understanding of the talent to manipulate Way lines would prevent him from making an area of effect proposal.

Tor replies. "I certainly did NOT mean the water source. I was talking about the waterskins. Nor was I suggesting poison; I simply meant fouling the water enough to make it non-palatable. The idea that I am advancing is to lower morale, without doing physical harm, in order to make the soldiers more succeptible to persuasion."
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Sannit says, "We know which way the water searchers went. We track them and get as close as we can. At an opportune time I, and whoever else wishes to speak with them, will reveal and attempt to determine their loyalty to the Magisters. Whoever chooses to go with us will be allowed to live, and the others will die. Either way that group will vanish and not return to the army. That will shake the armies morale even further to have their searchers disappear."

Y: 2, Days: 88 - 95, A Parlay

OOC: All characters and companions receive 10 developmental points.

Tor replies. "I certainly did NOT mean the water source. I was talking about the waterskins. Nor was I suggesting poison; I simply meant fouling the water enough to make it non-palatable. The idea that I am advancing is to lower morale, without doing physical harm, in order to make the soldiers more succeptible to persuasion."
Indigo makes a gesture of being appeased and shifts it to one of diversion, then responds to Tor in her usual calm manner and rich alto voice. "You are basically splitting hairs. Whether the water is altered enough to kill or sicken, it is still being poisoned. Not only is there some variance in the toxicity we can cause, there will be some difference in the result based on the natural health of each person who drinks it... But this is all just vocabulary. Anyway, I can only effect one skin at a time and I would have to be close to get it done. Bolo is more proficient than I, but this is not an accomplishable task at this time. We will have to try something else. Sorry."
Sannit says, "We know which way the water searchers went. We track them and get as close as we can. At an opportune time I, and whoever else wishes to speak with them, will reveal and attempt to determine their loyalty to the Magisters. Whoever chooses to go with us will be allowed to live, and the others will die. Either way that group will vanish and not return to the army..."
Sheldon nods, then reaches up with his left hand and pulls his hair out of his face. "Do or die. The option seems a bit hard, but this is war. At least we are giving the soldiers a chance."

The loss of food and water delays to progress of the army 7 additional days. The groups searching for water separate and fan out, searching methodically. It takes some time to decide upon a group isolated enough to approach.

The selected group moves out of sight of other members of the party, at a considerable distance to the west of the road. The Seekers all decide to reveal themselves as harmonious unit. The squad of 10 archers and 10 hoplites reflexively prepares for battle, but the two squad leaders quickly realize they are far outmatched even with the greater numbers and are relieved that their foes seem interested in parlay.

The parlay continues for several minutes giving the soldiers time to think, respond, and ask questions. The squad leader for the hoplites is a man. The one for the archers is a woman. The two discuss with one another, then the man speaks directly to the Seekers. "Obviously, we will allow each one under our charge to decide for himself. You are basically asking us to abandon our charge and commit treason. I will assume that our other option will be death. If we abandon the cause of the Magistry, we cannot return to Asylim. What exactly are you offering us? It would be better to be killed at your hand than to suffer the distinct possibility of starving or being eaten by a sand lizard."

[sblock=The Ansylin Army]The first formation is comprised of 100 hoplites, armed with lances and shields. The second formation is comprised of 100 archers. The supply wagons, pulled by teams of donkeys, bring up the rear. For 200 soldiers plus 4 centurions, there needs be quite a bit of supplies. The wagons contain food stores, water, extra arrows, and cooking supplies. There are 20 cooks riding on the wagons.[/sblock]

[sblock=Character Statistics]
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
Torvald: full health
Surcoat: 70 - 12 = 58
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 80 - 6 = 74
Indigo: full health
Vest: 30 - 4 = 26
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 60 - 24 = 36
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
Tunic: 60 - 6 = 54[/sblock]
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 23 clams
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
40 Dublins: (gold coin, 800 clams)
42 Rupees: (silver coin, 420 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island

Merin smiles warmly and says, "We are not criminals, deceivers, manipulators, or opportunists; I understand your concern. Were we any of these things, then your natural course of thought would be that if you become traitor to Asylim, that we would not trust your loyalty, and decide to do away with you at a later time, after you've out-lived your usefulness. Let me assure you that THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Listen carefully..."

Merin pauses for effect, before continuing, "We in Southroad Fair are simple folk; we desire only our freedom, and the ability of each person to pursue the things in life that matter most to each. Asylim's Magisters have declared war on US. They want to subjugate, and dare I say, enslave us. We shall resist. We MUST resist. But we realize that although Asylim's governance is corrupt and vile, that the majority of its citizens are not. Thus, here we are, giving you the chance to not only switch sides, but to make a better life for yourself in Southroad, once this conflict is ended. We have NO WISH to kill good folk, whose only "crime" was following a corrupt leader simply because there was no other choice. But what we're telling you is, THERE IS now a choice; and that choice is to join us. If you choose to betray Asylim, it will not be simply to take your chances in the wilderness. You will be welcomed in Southroad Fair. But the downside of this is, if you do choose to side with us, you will likely face some of your friends who disagreed with you on the battlefield. It is a choice that must be carefully weighed."

After that, Merin pauses again, waiting for other Seekers to chime in, or perhaps for the soldiers to reply.
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What exactly are you offering us?

Sannit says, "We are offering what we want for ourselves, lives without tyranny. My brother Seeker has told you of Southroad Fair as an option, but there are other places to settle if you wish. Beyond Southroad Fair is Boga City and we are establishing a trade route between our town and a friendly Mhytre city on the shores of a vast mountain lake with other communities. Also we are building a port for our town on the sea shore. There are many opportunities that we offer for a better life, to work and perhaps raise a family without anyone forcing you into submission. These are your choices, for as you said if you return to Asylim you will die, and we are telling you that if you attack Southroad Fair, you will die."
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Y: 2, Day: 95, Water Searchers

Merin smiles warmly and says, "... Listen carefully... We in Southroad Fair are simple folk... You will be welcomed in Southroad Fair. But the downside of this is, if you do choose to side with us, you will likely face some of your friends who disagreed with you on the battlefield. It is a choice that must be carefully weighed."
Sannit says, "We are offering what we want for ourselves, lives without tyranny. My brother Seeker has told you of Southroad Fair as an option, but there are other places to settle if you wish. Beyond Southroad Fair is Boga City... a friendly Mhytre city... a port for our town on the sea shore... These are your choices, for as you said if you return to Asylim you will die, and we are telling you that if you attack Southroad Fair, you will die."
The two squad commanders speak with each other quietly for a few seconds, then the man addresses the party. "'Brother Seeker' as in the Southroad Seekers? Did we hear you correctly?"

Sheldon pulls his left hand through his hair, pulling it back from his face and answers calmly. "Yes, we are the Southroad Seekers, standing here before you. Yes, we were captured by your Magisters and sent to our deaths out in the Maelstrom."

"We are not so easily sacrificed. We commandeered the prison ship, liberated its other, unjustly incarcerated crew members, and have returned in time to still save our city from this army."

"Of course this army never had a chance. Southroad Fair has acquired 100 mounted calvary from Boga City and a squad of heavily, metal armored, Maldrog axemen from Bergbaulager. Do you understand the difference between a Bender and a Blighter? I will simply tell you. Your vile, manipulative Magister sent you to your death. They are expecting we will kill you all. We are not such people. We want commerce to flourish among the cities of the land. We want you to be able to live peaceably and raise your families without living in fear. We are not your enemy. We are your liberators. Magister Shafemarron is your true enemy."

The female commander replies. "What you all say sounds fair and good, but we are halfway between Asylim and Southroad Fair. We have no water and no food..."

One of the archers interjects, loudly, "You have destroyed our water and our food. You will have us wander this burning sand until we die, horribly. We are 10 hoplites and 10 archers. You are a rag-tag bunch with 7 members. You could not survive 10 archers while defending against 10 spears. We can take you, now, and march on to victory! Come on soldiers!"

[sblock=The Ansylin Army]The first formation is comprised of 100 hoplites, armed with lances and shields. The second formation is comprised of 100 archers. The supply wagons, pulled by teams of donkeys, bring up the rear. For 200 soldiers plus 4 centurions, there needs be quite a bit of supplies. The wagons contain food stores, water, extra arrows, and cooking supplies. There are 20 cooks riding on the wagons.[/sblock]

[sblock=Character Statistics]
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
Torvald: full health
Surcoat: 70 - 12 = 58
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 80 - 6 = 74
Indigo: full health
Vest: 30 - 4 = 26
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 60 - 24 = 36
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
Tunic: 60 - 6 = 54[/sblock]
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 23 clams
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
40 Dublins: (gold coin, 800 clams)
42 Rupees: (silver coin, 420 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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Tor laughs amiably at the archer, "We can just as easily re-supply you with food and water, if you so desire it. I'll repeat what the other Seekers have said; we are not your enemy. Had we wished, we could have simply killed you, instead of granting you a parlay. The food and water shortage was simply a tactic to slow your army down. Don't you see that we're holding back? Don't you know mercy when it's being shown to you? I will tell you this, archer. Attacking us will be the last mistake you will ever make, and killing you will bring us no joy. It will be a tragedy. Don't throw your life away over a misunderstanding and a little inconvenience."
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