TUW: Out of the Maelstrom


Gamer Extraordinaire
We can take you, now, and march on to victory! Come on soldiers!

At these aggressive words Sannit intends to take a defensive stance with his spear and Bolo intends to nock an arrow to her bow and point it at the archer that spoke. If the group makes any threatening moves she will release.

Sannit says, "We wouldn't come out here if we were afraid of losing this fight. Your deaths won't bother us in the least, but we decided to give you the choice for life."

Sannit: Negotiate roll: 50, Bolo: Action roll: 83

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Vadin readies to defend from an attack. He adds, "I have been with this group for a little bit now, and we have easily handled greater challenges than what you have here. Further, we could have attacked already and have not. I urge you not to make the mistake many of our past enemies have made and attack. We have given you a chance, I suggest you take it."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sensing San-Bolo's anxiousness, Tor tenses slightly. Still, he does not intend to attack unless the other side attacks first. If that happens, his target will be the archer who instigated the whole thing.

OOC: Just in case: Tor's Base reaction roll: 79, Tor's Base attack roll: 70

Merin is ready, also. He plans to use a Sonic Way attack to create a shockwave that will stun nearby opponents without physically harming them.

OOC: Just in case: Merin's Base reaction roll: 78, Merin's Way Manipulation roll: 62
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y: 2, Day: 95, A Display of Force

OOC: GM NOTE: All characters and companions receive 10 DP.

One of the archers interjects, loudly, "You have destroyed our water and our food. You will have us wander this burning sand until we die, horribly. We are 10 hoplites and 10 archers. You are a rag-tag bunch with 7 members. You could not survive 10 archers while defending against 10 spears. We can take you, now, and march on to victory! Come on soldiers!"
Tor laughs amiably at the archer, "We can just as easily..."
At these aggressive words Sannit intends to take a defensive stance with his spear and Bolo intends to nock an arrow to her bow and point it at the archer that spoke. If the group makes any threatening moves she will release...
OOC: Sannit: Negotiate roll: 50, Bolo: Action roll: 83
Vadin readies to defend from an attack...
Sensing San-Bolo's anxiousness, Tor tenses slightly...
OOC: Tor's Base reaction roll: 79, Tor's Base attack roll: 70

Merin is ready, also. He plans to use a Sonic Way attack to create a shockwave that will stun nearby opponents without physically harming them.
OOC: Merin's Base reaction roll: 78, Merin's Way Manipulation roll: 62
The archer starts to draw her bow when she begins the statement with, "We can take you..." In a surprising display of speed, Indigo, who was standing closest to the archer, moves into action before Tor speaks his first five words. She grabs the arrow and the bow with her left hand as she slits the archer's throat with an underhanded draw, using her right.

The archer gurgles and dies as Indigo continues to hold onto her bow. Torvald finishes speaking, followed by Sannit's words, then Vadin's. All of the other soldiers stare in a dumbfounded fashion, several with their jaws agape. No further action is initiated by the soldiers and no further action is required by the Seekers.

After an awkward silence of about 5 seconds, Sheldon says one word. "Kneel."

All of the soldiers kneel. Some may have done so of their own volition, but none was given the option. None of them, even the two commanders have the ability to resist the talent that Sheldon has to command their minds.

"Stand." He ceases to manipulate mystic way lines that control the function of their minds.

"You are far out of your depth. You are not even a risk to us. We do not even need to kill you. You could be to wander the desert aimlessly until you dehydrate and you would not even realize that you had died."

The 17 remaining soldiers lay down their spears and bows. The two commanders allay theirs to rest. All are visibly afraid. The male commander asks, "What will you have us do?"

[sblock=The Ansylin Army]The first formation is comprised of 100 hoplites, armed with lances and shields. The second formation is comprised of 100 archers. The supply wagons, pulled by teams of donkeys, bring up the rear. For 200 soldiers plus 4 centurions, there needs be quite a bit of supplies. The wagons contain food stores, water, extra arrows, and cooking supplies. There are 20 cooks riding on the wagons.[/sblock]

[sblock=Character Statistics]
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
Torvald: full health
Surcoat: 70 - 12 = 58
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 80 - 6 = 74
Indigo: full health
Vest: 30 - 4 = 26
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 60 - 24 = 36
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
Tunic: 60 - 6 = 54[/sblock]
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 23 clams
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
40 Dublins: (gold coin, 800 clams)
42 Rupees: (silver coin, 420 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin replies, "Your options are three-fold: fight us, which would be the same as suicide, join us and see the truth of what we have promised, that is to say that your life will be your own, and you will be free to live as you see fit in a way that promotes your own happiness and prosperity; lastly, you could simply leave and go somewhere else."

"The third option would be tough, because you would be on your own, without the support of a community, but it is an option, nevertheless. Personally, I think that if you could convince the rest of your army to simply join us, that would be your best option. Remember this, a man fighting to defend his home is worth 5 hired mercenaries. If you continue to serve the Magisters, you will surely die. To them, you are nothing more than an expendable tool."
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Gamer Extraordinaire
"What will you have us do?"

Sannit relaxes his stance and replies, "The first thing you must do is submit to our authority and abandon whatever oaths you have sworn before. We will not ask you to fight against your former comrades, as we do not need your assistance, but we cannot allow you to return to your army. If you decide to go with us we will share our food and water with you and then tell you what we will do from there. We will give the same choice to the other groups that we find out here."

After Indigo dispatches the dissenter, Bolo steps back and gets a better position in case she has to shoot next time.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y: 2, Day: 105, A Day Away

Merin replies, "Your options are three-fold..."
The soldiers listen to the Amiradthan but no response or affirmation seems warranted.

Sannit relaxes his stance and replies, "The first thing you must do is submit to our authority and abandon whatever oaths you have sworn before."
The hoplite commander seems somewhat confused. "We have sworn no oaths. We chose to be soldiers because the privileges and pay are better than those of the pickers or construction workers, although the danger is greater. Each soldier must weigh the option of his own aptitude. Those who fail to do this, die quickly."
Kwargrow said:
"We will not ask you to fight against your former comrades..."
Kwargrow said:
After Indigo dispatches the dissenter, Bolo steps back and gets a better position in case she has to shoot next time.
The Seekers chaperone the converted soldiers and move northward to the next pre-placed water station. Turtle comes from hiding to meet everyone, causing even more stir of amazement with the fledgling Ansylins. The Windrunners are sent to return to Southroad Fair with a written note attached to one of the harnesses conveying information of the Seekers' well-being and progress.

Over the next ten days the Seekers realize and reject several ideas concerning the Ansylin army. It is finally decided that some battle should result from the impending intention of conflict. Before the army arrives within a day of Southroad Fair, its number has been decimated by half, with 1/4 of that number alive and well under the guardianship of the Southroad Seekers.

Rather than watch the soldiers die of dehydration, since they are merely pawns in the scheme of others, water and game are provided to them. Death by sword seems much less cruel. The charity is treated with the utmost superstition, but a body's natural instinct for survival will not allow the charity to be rejected. This plays heavily upon the collective psyche of the army.

The remaining Ansylin army now camps within a day of Southroad Fair. The Seekers are to the south of the army to negate any realistic chance of notice of the soldiers they have poached.

[sblock=The Ansylin Army]The first formation is comprised of 100 hoplites, armed with lances and shields. The second formation is comprised of 100 archers. The supply wagons, pulled by teams of donkeys, bring up the rear. For 200 soldiers plus 4 centurions, there needs be quite a bit of supplies. The wagons contain food stores, water, extra arrows, and cooking supplies. There are 20 cooks riding on the wagons.[/sblock]

[sblock=Character Statistics]
Sheldon: full health
Tunic: 60 - 2 = 58
Torvald: full health
Surcoat: 70 - 12 = 58
Merindell: full health
Surcoat: 80 - 6 = 74
Indigo: full health
Vest: 30 - 4 = 26
Sannit: full health
Stone Bolts: 10
Tunic: 60 - 24 = 36
Bolo: full health
Turtle: full health
Vadin: full health
Tunic: 60 - 6 = 54[/sblock]
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 23 clams
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
40 Dublins: (gold coin, 800 clams)
42 Rupees: (silver coin, 420 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
2 decorative saddles (San-Bolo)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
10 Iron Bricks
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Spider Fangs: 5 pair: (+ Cohesion){-Mind / -Will x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 10 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 1 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 5 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • nothing here at this time
  • Slate: 5 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 1 (Heat x2)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 3 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit says, "Who will go with me to address the rest of this army? The rest of the Seekers will be hiding nearby, as usual. We will offer one last time for them to surrender unconditionally or we should destroy them. We are sending a message to Asylim, after all, and I don't desire prisoners. Anyone who refuses we will give them an honorable death of combat against us."

Turtle will help keep an eye on the new recruits, but will only do 'bear' things around them, no tricks or playing games.
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