TUW: The Outpost

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Having no new definitive information from which to make any decision, the Outliers, at this point, have n other option than to wait and see if the unit of Daughters of Dawn who answer directly to Vittero are able to acquire anything. This is expected to take a few days.

Adisakti, who is agreeable to waiting but not to standing still, decides to take the time and help the locals check the fish traps, during the day. In the evening he will visit with Maka and help prepare any game. He knows that none of this is important, but there is nothing more to do at the time.
GM: During the unavoidable wait, characters may do any trivial action to cover the time.

Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Taylar intends... visit...
Astarte asks...
Being used to Adisakti wandering off, the rest of the party thinks little of his quiet departure. Everyone knows he will not take himself away for too long. He happened to be working with Maka, cleaning some game, when Taylar and Astarte arrive.

Since Taylar is Maldrog and that is his native language, Astarte goes along with him to see about town defenses. Maldrog sounds very different but it is not too structurally different from her native language of Centrin. Taylar makes simple observations and teaches various words and phrases to Astarte, as they look about town.

There is a unit of Kingdom soldiers assigned to protect the residents, not a unit of Cathedral soldiers. The unit is small, only 10 members, and does not look well experienced in the ways of battle, but the individual soldiers all seem to take their duty seriously. Not knowing Taylar or Astarte but knowing that they are friends of Vittero, they differ to the two as figures of authority. They listen and take instruction, well. Taylar suspects that if real hostilities were to arise, these men would be far less than competent but would likely die quickly. Any 2 of the Outliers could probably take all 10, walking away with only scratches. The real defense of the town is the scout unit headed by Maka.

Maka has become an accomplished archer during his stay in Refuge. Most of the scouts under his command are also Rheini, like him. They are fiercely loyal to Maka, just has he is to Vittero. Taylar figures that these scouts could go toe to toe with an equal enemy unit of Daughters of Dawn.

Thinking of Daughters of Dawn, the benevolent unit under the command of Vittero, returns after three days, though only those who are very perceptive would even notice. They do not stay out in the open within the town very long, and they move in a very quiet and competent manner. They have their own residence, together, on the eastern outskirts. The young girl, whom the Outliers had rescued from across the bay, leads the unit, and only she goes into the temple to speak with Vittero. She nods at Taylar, Adisakti, and Raven Elk, when each notices her. She does not know Astarte to know to acknowledge her.
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Astarte improves in Maldrog by 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.


Inpatient to finally get to know if something malignant is going on withing The Ministry of Light, Astarte quickly step toward the girl whom she recognizes as a Vittero's daughter of Dawn (or she guesses so). Without a second thought that it would be polite to for example introduce herself, the woman abruptly asks: "And what did you find out?"


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Astarte.. steps... abruptly asks...
Taylar goes...
Adisakti cleans... heads...
The girl had just reached Vittero, greeted him, and begun to speak when Astarte entered the room. She immediately stopped speaking and stepped aside facing the approach of the unknown woman. Seeing the other three Outliers, the girls relaxes a bit. Vittero calms the girl and introduces Astarte as a friend, explaining some of the commonality between the two females and then beckons her to convey what she had learned.

The girl shakes her head. She does not have good news. She explains that a unit of Daughters of Dusk, she has no qualms about naming them for who they are, discovered their presence. "We were discreet, as always, but some question provoke reactions. Inquiring about the Hand most certainly did. It seems that a Hand named Enri is responsible for corrupting the Daughters and the symbols. This was all we could learn before we were attacked by the rival unit. We lost one of ours and killed one of theirs, but we needed to leave, because we knew of a second unit in the area."

"I am sorry but trouble is sure to be following us. I suspect that two units of Dusk assassins are on their way here, as we speak. Possibly the corrupt Hand, as well. Bishop, you must say if we fight or run. This situation is unrecoverable."

Vittero places his hand on top of the girls head as he looks over at the four others. "My friends, I hope we are ready. It is time we make our stand!"
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Astarte improves in Markidian by 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

Voidrunner's Codex

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