TUW: The Outpost


Astarte keeps trying to use husbandry on Enri's horse to cause the animal to stand on its back legs and throw off the man. In the same time, she keeps firing to the villain.

Husbandry: Mind + Learning + Knowledge + Persona 10+10+10+10=40+79(d100)=119

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Gamer Extraordinaire
The hooves of his large warhorse cease to make sound as it draws alongside Taylar's hidden position.
Taylar intends to look at the ground where the horse hooves are to see if the animal is still making depressions in the dirt. He thinks Enri might have cast an illusion a few feet ahead. Whether or not he detects any illusion, he will manipulate waylines to increase his speed and will charge where he believes Enri to be, striking with one bludgeon and keeping the second at guard to defend against a counterstrike. Not wanting any of the Hand's allies to know his position, he will whisper his battle cry, "Du magst also zulfallige Gewalt!"
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Adisakti moves...
Astarte... Enri's horse...
Taylar intends to look...
Adisakti: 51(camouflage)
Astarte: 44(soullessness)
Raven Elk: 41(camouflage)
Taylar: 34(soullessness)
Vittero: 60(charisma)
Enri: 100(bend light, static)
Horse: 80(soullessness)
Adisakti: 42(readiness) + 36(speed) + 51(clarity) + 69(d100) = 198
Astarte: 46 + 42 + 32 + 79 = 199
Raven Elk: 42 + 35 + 41 + 50 = 168
Taylar: 62 + 51 + 27 + 151 = 291
Vittero: 217
Enri: 227
Horse: 217
As everyone begins to move, Taylar stares intently, for a second, at the horse's hooves, perplexed by their lack of sound. The hooves are, in fact, striking the ground and creating little clouds of dust as they should be, but no sound can be heard from them. Even the usual creak of a person in a saddle is no longer heard. Taylar also immediately realizes that not only does light bend around both rider and horse to obscure their presence, it is rather difficult to look directly at the horse.

A second arrow from Astarte is incinerated by an electrical spark as it nears Enri, just as it reaches the edge of the unnatural darkness that is formed around him.

As everyone who is to be moving is getting into position, Enri dismounts and steps to the front of his mount in a gracefully fluid motion that defies that of a normal being. The horse turns to face Astarte, seeming to know where she is. It looks intently as if observing her behavior toward it, though it is too late to force it to throw its now absent rider. The huge warhorse snorts. Before Taylar can reach him, before Adisakti or Astarte can reach the horse, before Vittero can speak, and far before Raven Elk can act, Enri says in a booming voice, "Bow before me!"

The voice carries paranormal weight an impetus. Everyone feels or almost feels compelled to obey the command until Vittero illuminates the end of his staff like the rising Daylight it illustrates and states firmly, "No one remaining here will bow to you this day or ever again!"

Realizing or guessing what Astarte is trying to accomplish, he yells back in Centrin, "Quod animal non est equus!," which is to say, "That creature is not a horse!"
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Intended actions have been prepared but not executed with the time constraint and may be adjusted. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Seeing that things are unfolding differently than he had anticipated, Adisakti, while augmenting his athletic skill, will flick out his right saber to hamstring the horse's back right leg. He thinks to himself, "So this thing is not a horse but looks like one. I will see if it can bleed."
OOC: 75, 83
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar intends to utilize a piece of slate to Thump at Enri and his odd mount. He is not hoping to harm his enemy, but use the resistance to locate his target. He still intends to charge Enri with his bludgeons. He will strike intending to harm Enri and knock him away from the creature.
75, 86


That creature is not a horse!
Astarte asks him in Markidian:"Then what is it? And what are you? For sure, not an Aedaman; not even a Yahdram. Then what creatures are you and your pet?!"
Right after Enri finishes answering her, Astarte resumes shooting at him again.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Adisakti... to hamstring...
Taylar... slate to Thump... bludgeons...
Astarte... resumes shooting...
Adisakti: 51(camouflage & athletics)
Astarte: 44(soullessness)
Raven Elk: 41(camouflage)
Taylar: 34(soullessness)
Vittero: 60(charisma)
Enri: 100(bend light, static)
Horse: 80(soullessness)
Adisakti: 200(augmentation) - 198 = 2
Astarte: 270(bow) - 199 = 71
Raven Elk: 200(bending) - 168 = 32
Taylar: 100(bending) - 291 = ~0
Vittero: 300(bending) - 217 = 83
Enri: 100(bending) - 227 = ~0
Horse: 100(bending) - 217 = ~0
Raven Elk: 57(bending) + 42(toxicity) + 50(d100) = 149
Taylar: 61 + 37(thump) x 2(slate) + 75 = 210
Vittero: 180
Enri: 230
Horse: 180

Adisakti: 41(conditioning) + 43(fury) + 75(d100) = 159
230 - 159 = 71% * 12 = 8
Astarte: 56 + 46 + 50 = 152
230 - 152 = 78% * 12 = 9
Raven Elk: 43 + 42 + 50 = 135
230 - 135 = 95% * 12 = 12
Taylar: 43 + 37 + 75 = 155
230 - 155 = 75% * 12 = 9
Vittero: 200 resisted
Enri: 250 resisted
Horse: 200
230 - 200 = 30% fail
Adisakti: 42(finesse) + 36(accuracy) + 51(clarity) + 83(d100) = 212 + 51(athletics) = 263 + 100(flank) = 363
Taylar: 68(aggression) + 51 + 37(fury) + 86 = 242

Enri: 327
Taylar, Enri, and his mount, all act almost simultaneously. Enri categorically ignores Astarte and yells back at Vittero. "Fine! Die!" Though wielding a rather large, fat-bladed, double-edged sword in his right hand and having a metal guard upon his left forearm, the leader of the Hand does not attempt to swing the sword as he half-turns to face Taylar; instead, he twirls it in the air. A ring of electricity pulses outward from around him and his mount, continuing to expand outward until everyone is hit with it.

Though he is nearly incapacitated as his body convulses with the electrical shock, a loud gonging sound accompanies the movement of Taylar's right hammer as it arcs toward the left thigh of Enri in an effort to knock him down. Just at the instant the hammer should have collided with his body, Enri manages to block it with his armored bracer, causing the gong sound to reverberate until it dissipated.

Like Taylar, Adisakti is significantly effected by the electrical shock but manages to keep his wits about him, recovering from the falter to slice into the hind quarter of the strange mound, impeding its desire to turn around. The hooves of the horse ignite in flame and smoke flares from its nostrils, as it faces down the Shimadow who hurt it.

Raven Elk shakes far too hard. His body vibrates backward as he falls to the ground, still shaking from the electrical shock. Astarte is shaken to the bone by the powerful jolt, causing he third arrow to go awry, but she is still standing. The visible ring of lightning fades to nothingness as it reaches Vittero. Electricity would have very little chance of affecting him.

As the creature resembling a horse snorts its smoke and hobbles toward Adisakti, it vanishes with an audible pop, like a stone hitting water. A mirage ripples vertically in the air, looking exactly like the horizontal ripples on a pool of water, where the creature had stood. Vittero taunts, "I sent your mount back to the Six Hells where you got him!"

Unbeknownst to those engaged in combat on the road, the scouts under the command of Maka and the local Daughters of Dawn under Rachel, have both been engaged with units of Daughters of Dusk. Casualties begin to fall on both sides.
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.
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"I knew that your little monster and you are nothing more than an ugly, hateful and pathetic demons!" Astarte spits in contempt and disgust. "Show a little courage and reveal your true, crapy form, you abominated heretic, before we send you after your pet where you belong!"
While taunting Enri, Astarte tries to recognize his emotions, as well what kind of being he is and what's his greatest weakness and fear. If she successes, she'll attack his weak point. Else, she'll keep offending him and aiming at him with her bow, but this time she won't waste arrows; not until she'll annoy him enough to catch him for a second out of guard. But if he attacks anyone, she'll fire at him immediately or strike with her sword if he'll move close enough. In this case, she'll also won't stop insulting him to decrease his concentration.
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