TUW: The Outpost


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar gives a grim nod. "Now we see who is hunter and who is prey." He will go outside and find an elevated vantage point to look over Refuge. He will attempt to predict the enemy movements by theorizing how he would attack the village. If he is able to form a strategy, he will inform the Outliers. He will also manipulate waylines and attempt to discern if there is anyone watching the village.

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"Anyone who can't fight should evacuate immediately. And all the people able to fight should get ready right now. Maka should position all the archers and slingers around the Refuge. Including me. In case they will surround us. Oh, and if it's possible to make, some people should wait near the palisade with boiled water to pour it at the enemies as the come close enough. And with heavy stones or other heavy, sharp objects. This curses Enri is a very powerful witch and his girls are too. Your people, Vittero must know about it now and if any of them fears for their life, then should also evacuate. We just can't afford panic to be spread. Nor any coward to decrease morale by surrender to the foe. Now you" Astarte looks at Vittero "should give some motivating speech to the defenders. And in case we .. fall" the last word can barely get out of her throat, "You need to send messengers to the Outpost and Westford, two to each place to warm them.

Sorry for bossing, but I will blame myself for any death here. It was my idea to spy on them, and I brought this calamity here."

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Adisakti asks how the Daughter of Dawn are going to station themselves. "I will relay this information to Maka, since I have no doubt that he will join the fight and make good use of his scouts. I will harangue whomever I can, since that is my style of fighting; but since Taylar and I are primarily melee soldiers, he and I may need to double-team Enri, if he comes in."
OOC: 83


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Taylar gives... look over Refuge...
... Astarte looks...
Adisakti asks...
Taylar is much more familiar with the town, now, than when it was burned by Cathedral Soldiers some 6 Cycles back. The road does not passes through the exact center of town, but it is close enough. Structures between the road and the river to the west are more for community activities, while housing is mostly on the east side of the road, spreading farthest into the forest where the scout post is located.

If two units of Daughters are coming, Taylar surmises that they will divide to flank the town, one unit moving along the river, one out in the forest. With this information the local Daughters will array themselves along the river, trusting to Maka and the other archers to handle the forest.

Wether he comes with a unit of soldiers or not. It is most likely that Enri, the Corrupt Hand, will come straight into town. Vittero comments on this. "I doubt that I can handle the Hand, alone. I have only recently discovered that he is a Bender. I suspect that he is still stronger than I am, but both of us are focused on the same talent. I can interfere with everything that he tries to do and I will ask Dawn for a blessing."

Vittero nods at Astarte, agreeing with her caution. He directs certain villagers to take canoes. He directs the unit of Kingdom Soldiers to escort others to Outpost. "Those soldiers are not ready to face opposition as dangers as Daughters of Dusk."

When it comes to melee, Taylar realizes that the burden will fall to the Outliers. No spies or enemies are, yet, noticed, but they could arrive within the hour. With the sense of urgency, Astarte realizes that there will not be enough time to build town defense, but perhaps a few traps could be constructed, especially with the help of Maka's scouts, whose skill in hunting will relate to this need.

Raven Elk thumbs his left ear, thinking about his upbringing in Outpost by a very benevolent adopted mother. He suddenly realizes that with his own attitude toward life and others that, he too, may be able to receive a blessing from Dawn. He inquires of Vittero as to the particulars of the ritual.
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Adisakti says, "I feel confident that I can hide in the forest, south of town, waiting on the enemy to pass me by. If I am noticed, I will retreat toward the scout post. If I am not, I will attack whomever is last to arrive."

Once conversation has ended, Adisakti will do just as he said and move into the forest, just south of the most southern building in town.
OOC: 75


Gamer Extraordinaire
I will blame myself for any death here . . .
Taylar replies, "The only ones to blame are the ones that come here to do harm, as they have done to other communities. This is why we fight them, and this battle was always going to happen. If the Hand, Enri, is the greatest threat, then I will face him head on. I will go out of Refuge and force him to keep his attention on me. Position yourselves as you will, friends. It is my intention to not let any of these villains set one foot in Refuge. May the morning find us alive and well."

Taylar will go outside the gate and find a good position to wait for his enemy. He will not stand out in the open, knowing that their opponents will have powerful ranged attacks, but no one will be able to enter by the main entrance unless they pass by him. He will manipulate waylines to improve his hiding spot.
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this battle was always going to happen.
"Yes it was, but I hoped it would be in a more neutral place, where the homes and property of innocent wouldn't be in danger.:("
Astarte positions herself by the palisade in the place everyone suspect Enri will be approaching. She will make sure that there'll be as much as possible arrows, bolts and stones standing or lying near the archers and slingers. The same with hot water and other objects to trow on the heads of the foes. She will inform the people near to her that she's gonna try to use the blessing from The Lord of the Day to become invisible to take the main enemy by surprise. She will attempt to do this before she will spot Enri, and then she'll shoot at his head as soon as he's within the range of her bow, and keep firing at him as long as she can see him. Then she'll shoot at his people, starting from the most powerful than those who came the closest. When all the enemies are finally incapacitated/dead/taken prisoners, she'll grab her quiver and as many arrows as she can carry and run to the place she saw Enri for the last time to personally make sure he's really dead. To do this, she will start shooting at him as soon as she's close enough and until she runs out of ammo. Then she'll draw her sword to defend herself with it and only when he seems unconscious or dead she'll plunge her sword through his throat pinning him to the ground, then fall next to him, exhausted.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
GM: This information was posted far enough back that I am re-stating it for clarity.

Refuge, which is built upon the ashes of the former Pelimonra village, is an open array town with structures on both sides of the roadway, which passes almost through the center of the community, from north to south. Just as with all other towns in the region, there is no wall. The perimeter is guarded by roving scouts. Refuge has no signage to recognize its existence.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Adisakti says... will do...
Taylar replies... will go...
... Astarte positions herself...
Having no way of knowing when enemies will arrive, but being absolutely certain that they are coming, everyone who is going to fight makes preparation. Everyone else leaves.

On the south end of town, at a small, wallless shelter where a few Kingdom Guards would normally be stationed, Astarte takes her position. The natural undergrowth of the forest has only been cleared away inside the town proper, providing ample cover anywhere outside. Near, but across the road from Astarte, Taylar finds a suitable location to position himself. Adisakti hides in the foliage on the same side of the road as Astarte, but several more strides south so that he can come up behind the enemy that enters.

The local Daughters of Dawn move along the river, positioning themselves at various points near structures, there. The Scouts mimic such behavior on the eastern side of the village, being able to cover more ground because there are more of them. Vittero stand outside of the Homage to Dawn, in the middle of the street, holding his official ceremonial rod, adorned with the symbol for Dawn at its top end. Raven Elk stands near Vittero.

It is the sound of horse hooves that triggers the attention of everyone that intends to mystically augment himself, which in addition to the party, includes Vittero, all the Daughters, Maka, and several of his scouts. More than could have been expected.

Enri, in the official, full leather armor of a Hand of Justice, complete with a hood, slowly rides into town, right down the middle of the road. He is alone. Once reaching short range and as yet not in town, Astarte fires her readied arrow. The shot is sure. She could not miss from that range, but electricity sparks and crackles in the air, a stride before the missile would have struck his face. The arrow is destroyed. Enri laughs and continues to walk his mount into town. The hooves of his large warhorse cease to make sound as it draws alongside Taylar's hidden position.
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll. Previously stated enhancements will be shown in next post.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Once the rider is far enough passed him, Adisakti moves out of hiding, draws his weapons, and walks directly in the wake of the horse, so as to still be out of sight of the rider. His image is still camouflaged, even though he is obvious to direct observation.
OOC: 69

Voidrunner's Codex

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